Beauty Market United Kingdom Report


This report is designed to provide an objective and detailed view of the UK beauty and cosmetics market. A market with unique characteristics, very interesting and very strong in the segment. The report covers qualitative and quantitative market data, characteristics of consumption behavior, sales channels and the main impacts of the pandemic.

1. European Market

* Definition of Cosmetics

* Regions of Europe

* European Union

* Main Markets

2. UK Market

* England, Great Britain and United Kingdom

* Brexit

* General data

* Population

* Market size

* Main segments

* Socio-economic impacts

* Export and import

Natural, organic cosmetics and sustainability

* Natural and Organic

* Sustainability

Consumption behavior

* Overview

* Female Consumption

* Male Consumption

* USA vs. UK Market

Sales Channels

* Overview

* B2B, B2C and D2C

* Online vs. Offline

* E-commerce

* Supermarkets

* Pharmacies

* Department store

* Beauty Salon, Spa and Barbershop

Impacts of the pandemic

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