1:1 ClearSight Method Coaching Package
1 on 1 coaching session packages.
For individualized, personalized, specialized attention.
You get to chose between 1, 5 or 10 sessions to correspond best to your needs.
Neither ClearSight Method nor Ainhoa de Federico perform diagnoses or prescribe treatments, lenses or operations that are reserved for the medical profession. Natural vision practices do not replace the advice of the ophthalmologist or optician, being a complementary option. The opinions and practices expressed here have shown positive results in a large number of cases, proving to be a useful and effective visual improvement option, although under no circumstances do they imply a guarantee of results. The practice and application are under the responsibility of the participants. This product is not a substitute for a professional medical advice. Always consult a physician for health-related issues. This product does not guarantee results. Any reference to the performance of a strategy should not be interpreted as a guarantee of results.