Bot Poster Pro


Automatiza tu trafico organico en los grupos de Facebook con una herramienta facil de usar, no necesitas integrarla con ninguna Api ni mucho menos compartir tus datos de accesos, nuestra herramienta se sincroniza con tu perfil de facebook, en el puedes postear desde simples textos hasta una galeria de fotografias para hacer crecer mas rapido tu comunidad.

Si eres de los que no tiene un gran presupuesto, esta es tu herramienta que te ahorra tiempo y dinero a la hora de trabajar tu trafico organico, no necesitas pertenecer a todas las comunidades que hablen de tu negocio, simplemente con un complemento de extración podras tener bases de datos de grupos relacionados con tu nicho de mercado asi mismo amplias tu audiencia y obtienes un considerable alcance que te costaria dinero pagando anuncios publicitarios.


Bot Poster Pro

Extractor de grupos de Facebook

Filtro de grupos de Facebook para subir masivamente

Garantia de 7 dias con reembolso del 100% de tu dinero

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  • Benefits
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Ahorre dinero de publicidad

Escale su marketing con trafico organico automatico

obtenga datos de su interes de las comunidades que hablan de su producto, negocio o servicio

Licencia de Por vida

Learn more about the content creator
Angel Garcmart
5 Hotmarter Years

Soy un emprendedor digital que le gusta la tecnologia, Ingeniero industrial de profesion y apasionado por la construccion de proyectos, mi producto el robot autoposter es mi herramienta que me pone delante de mi competencia, muy pronto mas herramientas automatizadas de Facebook para llegar a mas personas y aumentar las ventas, nacido en venezuela y orgullosamente venezolano.

Los productos digitales son el futuro de la educacion y nos aportan grandes descubrimiento a traves de la comunidades, algo que no veremos en ningun lugar llamado universidad, Apuesta al futuro y acertaras

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who rated Bot Poster Pro?

Every rating shown on this page was made by real people who purchased the product and gave their opinion about the product. When a person buys a product through Hotmart, they are invited to rate the content. The rating shown on this page is the average of these ratings by the buyers, and is from 1 to 5 stars.

How does the “Guarantee Period” work?

The Guarantee Period is the time you have to request the total refund of what you paid for your purchase if you are not satisfied. As soon as it is requested, your refund is processed automatically by the platform in up to 5 days. For payments via bank payment slip, it is necessary to provide bank account information for the refund to be made. After the information has been provided and the processing period of 5 days, the amount will be credited to your account in up to 7 business days. As for refunds on your credit card statement, it varies according to the payment method and may appear in this month's or next month's statement.

What benefits do the products offer?

Hotmart products have benefits that change according to the type of product and availability. For example, products in the category "Online courses" may or may not offer a digital certificate of completion. If the certificate is available, students can issue it within the course Members Area or by contacting the Author. Certificates can be shared on social networks like LinkedIn and included in the student's CV. The guarantee is also a benefit of our products and can vary from 7, 15, or 30 days, according to what is set by the Author. To see the benefits available for this product, just check the Advantages section.

How can I access my product?

You'll receive access to Bot Poster Pro by email. It may be an online course, an eBook, a series of video lessons, a service, an event, etc. This content will be accessed or downloaded through a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or any other digital device. You can also access the product you purchased on this page:

01 - Log in by clicking on Log in
02 - Access the side menu, click My Account
03 - Click o My purchases
In "My purchases" you'll find all the products you've bought!

I’m interested in this product, how can I buy it?

A product available for purchase shows the price of the product, along with the payment methods. To order this product, click “Buy” on the top of this page. Keep in mind that not all products will always be available to be purchased. A creator may be preparing a new lesson and registration for the course may be temporarily unavailable.

How can I become an Affiliate?

If you wish to become an Affiliate, we recommend that you read the guides that we provide on all Hotmart channels. A great way to get more information is by visiting our blog. The product on this page is only available for purchase, to view affiliation products, go to the Affiliate Market.

Can I report a product that has inappropriate information?

We have an exclusive channel to receive reports on products that do not comply with the guidelines of the Hotmart platform.

I still have some questions, who can answer them?

Access our Help Center where we explain, in detail, every question you may have before, during, or after purchasing a digital product through Hotmart.

The content of this product does not represent the official opinion or policy of Hotmart. If you see improper information, report it here
7-day guarantee