Data Science: Covid-19 Data Visualization using Plotly Express (45 Graphs)


Data Visualization is the most demanded skill of the 21st century. And This skill can be yours just for the price of lunch. This is a Practical Hands-on Course hence for the best learning experience we recommend you to type the codes in your own notebook following the lessons carefully.

We will complete the following tasks in this hands-on project :

Task 1: Importing Libraries

Task 2: Importing Datasets

Task 3: Data Cleaning

Task 4: Bar graphs- Comparisons between COVID infected countries in terms of total cases, total deaths, total recovered, total tests

Task 5: Data Visualization through Bubble Charts-Continent Wise

Task 6: Data Visualization through Bubble Charts-Country Wise

Task 7: Visualizing relationship between Total cases, Total deaths and Total tests

Task 8: Advanced Data Visualization- Bar graphs for All top infected Countries

Task 9: Advanced Data Visualization- Countries Specific Data Visualization: United States

Task 10: Advanced Data Visualization- Countries Specific Data Visualization: India

Task 11: Geographical Data Visualization - Choropleth maps Animation- Equi-rectangular projection

Task 12: Geographical Data Visualization - Choropleth maps Animation- Orthographic and Natural Earth projection

Task 13: Bar animation- Cases growth through Continent

Task 14: Text Visualization using WordCloud- Specific reasons for COVID related deaths

Task 15: Text Visualization using WordCloud- Generic reasons for COVID related deaths

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