EBOOK // Sustainable Revival - Eduardo Nunes
Despite many discussions about revival, most people do not fully understand its meaning or importance. In essence, this reduces revival to being just a feeling or experience. But the truth is that revival is the literal invasion of Gods Kingdom to the Earth. The Kingdom that dispels darkness and transforms nations. That is precisely why revival is not an option, but a necessity.
Through biblical revelations, personal testimonies, and historical accounts of past revivals, these pages are intended to awaken a generation to seek the face of God and establish His Kingdom in the various spheres of society through sustainable Revival. The time has come for the Church to be empowered and take her place, “because the fields are already white for the harvest".
About the Author
Part of the Dunamis Movement leadership and travels nationally and internationally preaching, lives in São Paulo, Brazil, with his wife, Kristin Nunes and his first son, Joshua Brave.