Embracing the Shadow: Encounters that host and illuminate the spiritual childhood


"I dare say that, not only at the end of this book ... but also at the end of each text, you will also feel inspired, enriched and, often times, healed." - Rossandro Klinjey

In this book, Daniela Migliari surprises by bringing the understanding that our shadow is not the opposite of our light. Its is part of all of us! An open proposal for you to treat yourself with kindness, without focusing on mistakes and failures - generators of deep feelings of guilt and discomfort.

Lightly and lovingly, the book presents a new way of learning to deal with our defenses, their uncomfortable aspects and potential.

Daniela clarifies the real identity of our shadow and develops an understanding of spiritual childhood - a psychic state requiring self-acceptance to mature.

The book opens to the reader the possibility of getting in touch with the richness of our inner universe and, who knows, finding our own way to evolve with more generosity and self-love.

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Who is this product designed for?

People interested in getting to know themselves in a light and kind way

Learn more about the content creator
Daniela Guimarães Teixeira Migliari
4 Hotmarter Years

Daniela Migliari é jornalista e escritora, nascida em Brasília, onde reside. Na busca do autoconhecimento, encontrou no ofício de escrever uma forma amorosa de entrar em contato consigo mesma, com toda a riqueza e complexidade que encerra a experiência humana. Na escrita, consegue organizar sentimentos por meio de diálogos leves e amplos.

É atuante no meio espírita, embora seja aberta a todas as manifestações espirituais. Desde 2016, estuda as Constelações Familiares como pós-graduanda da Hellingerschule.

Em suas páginas no Facebook e Youtube – Daniela Migliari Escritora – compartilha algumas dessas conversas interiores, encontrando grande ressonância nos corações de seus leitores, vindos de muitos lugares do Brasil e do mundo.

É casada e mãe de três filhos.

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