[ENGLISH] Living at Peace


Are you aware that peace is a frequency that we can tune into in order to make more peaceful decisions in our existence?

This is a course focused on learning to consciously tune into our inner peace in the present, in order to be able to flow, express ourselves and relate peacefully in our existence.

This is an easy and quick course to do, since it directly brings us exercises to identify our peace and allow all the mental and emotional models that we carry to flow, in order to live an experience in which we know that we are already part of everything and that by making each decision from peace in the present we contribute so that everything flows at peace.

This course includes a Peace Coaching session with me (30 minutes), which you can schedule at any time. This session is to answer questions about the matter or to assist you through your process, if you feel I can contribute. To schedule write to angel.peace.coach@gmail.com.

This course is designed so that we are aware of the responsibility that we can assume, to live the experience in peace that corresponds to us since we were born and that it is only possible to manifest when we are consciously, from the present, making each decision aligned to the frequency of Peace.

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