LEED Green Associate V4 | 500 Questions | 5 Practice Tests (1st Edition)


The LEED® Green Associate™ V4 Practice Tests contains 5 updated complete exams, separated by difficulty levels. Just as in the actual exam, each exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and must be completed within 2 hours.

The questions are the key for evaluating the contents studied for the exam. You can review and retake the exams as many times as you want.

Taking practice tests is the most effective way to pass the LEED Green Associate (GA) accreditation exam. By solving the questions, in addition to absorbing the content in a simple way, you will be able to measure your knowledge and have control of how the actual exam will occur.

“The practice of tests was the key element for me to pass the exam the first time with a score of 195/200.” - Rafael Coutinho - LEED GA, Architect - Author

The Practice Tests have five levels to test your knowledge:

• Practice Test 1: Beginner

• Practice Test 2: Easy

• Practice Test 3: Intermediate

• Practice Test 4: Hard (Actual LEED Green Associate exam level)

• Practice Test 5: Very Hard

Total of questions per Practice Test: 100 questions

Total Practice Tests: 5

Language: English


• LEED Process (16 Questions)

• Integrative Strategies (8 Questions)

• Location and Transportation (7 Questions)

• Sustainable Sites (7 Questions)

• Water Efficiency (9 Questions)

• Energy and Atmosphere (10 Questions)

• Materials and Resources (9 Questions)

• Indoor Environmental Quality (8 Questions)

• Project Surroundings and Public Outreach (11 Questions)

• Additional Questions (15 questions): The actual exam contains 15 unscored questions. In the Practice Tests these questions are distributed proportionally among the 9 areas of knowledge domains

According to the LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, the LEED credentialing exams assess a candidate’s abilities at three cognitive levels: Recall, Application, and Analysis.

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  • Benefits
  • Details


• Build confidence to pass the exam the first time

• Have a full understanding of how the exam is formatted

• Assess your knowledge level before taking the real exam

• Assess your strengths and areas for improvement: You can check the knowledge domain of each question in the answers section

• Be secure and comfortable about the format of the actual exam

• Have control over the time to solve the questions

• Create exam strategies based on experience from the practice tests

• Effectively complement the study of knowledge domains of the LEED Green Associate


• LEED students preparing for the LEED Green Associate exam

• LEED Green Associate professionals looking for updates

• Professionals related to the sustainability area, such as architects and urban planners, engineers, landscape designers, builders, real estate developers, etc.

• People interested in learning about sustainability practices

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Green Studies
3 Hotmarter Years

A GREEN STUDIES é uma provedora de educação de construção verde que oferece educação em todo o mundo. Temos o compromisso de criar um futuro sustentável por meio da educação online para estudantes e profissionais interessados em práticas sustentáveis, focados em expandir sua visão sobre sustentabilidade com uma mentalidade global, agindo de forma responsável e consciente.

Com a Green Studies você leva seus estudos de construção verde para o próximo nível.


GREEN STUDIES is a green building education provider providing educations all over the world. We are committed to creating a sustainable future through online education for students and professionals interested in sustainable practices, focused on expanding their vision about sustainability with a global mindset, acting responsibly and consciously.

With Green Studies you take your green building studies to the next level.


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