Life after Dubai


How would you feel if after escaping from the ‘Golden cage' of Dubai, you didn’t know where home was, anymore?

‘Life after Dubai’ is a funny and touching memoir about a twenty-something girl who pushed by the desire of living an international experience away from home, together with the unfortunate news of her father passing, decided to move to the lavish and futuristic city of Dubai, after being offered a dream job as a Flight Attendant for one of the world’s best airlines.

However, the hidden reality of this "glamorous" Flight Attendant lifestyle was, that it wasn’t so glamorous after all. After eight years of non-stop travelling in conjunction with the downsides of living in a Muslim country, Carmen was forced to put an end to it. But what she didn’t know was that the strict Shariah rules, the jet lag and her feelings of loneliness due to the travelling, were not the most challenging things that she would have to overcome, as the real nightmare was yet to begin.

In this story, the author takes you on an incredible journey where you will be able to find out throughout the eyes of a Western girl what it’s really like living inside the ‘Golden Cage of Dubai’ and how travelling and living a luxury lifestyle, will not necessarily lead you to happiness.

In this book, the author speaks about the non-recognized and not understood phenomenon of why expatriates returning home can suffer from reverse culture shock, and how she coped with this traveler's new syndrome, according to her experience.

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