Piano Lessons for BEGINNERS


Learn piano in 15 minutes a day with the unique method and valuable tips from the world's largest piano channel.

For those who want to start from scratch, in an objective way, without the fuss of traditional lessons, in order to accelerate their learning, focusing on the essentials to become a great pianist.

OBJECTIVE LESSONS Straight to the point, no fuss

BONUS LESSONS Regularly updated

EXCLUSIVE MATERIALS Print and follow the step-by-step of your learning!

EXERCISES Targeted for your success in studying

NEW! UNPRECEDENTED QUIZ Test your knowledge after each lesson!

100% ONLINE CONTENT Access anytime and anywhere!

COMPLETION CERTIFICATE Unique with the seal of the World's Largest Piano Channel School

Lord Vinheteiro shows the techniques that led him to create the World's Largest Piano Channel!

Carefully selected content by Lord, the exercises and songs have been customized to simplify the study of keyboard instruments as much as possible.

In the Piano Lessons for Beginners by Lord Vinheteiro, you learn to play the piano by imitation, without reading sheet music, and also with the accompaniment of sheet music.

You also gain exclusive advantages and benefits as a member of the Lord's Club.

At LMA, you learn the secrets of the instrument to play in the most dynamic way possible, and you also study with someone who understands the subject and is a worldwide reference in piano.


See you in class,

Lord Vinheteiro


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Lord Vinheteiro | Lord Music Academy
9 Hotmarter Years

Fabricio Di Paolo, conhecido mundialmente como Lord Vinheteiro, é criador do Maior Canal de Piano do Mundo. Soma +11 milhões de inscritos em seus canais e +1 bilhão de views em seus vídeos.

Lord Vinheteiro fundou a Lord Music Academy em 2010, escola de música onde ensina suas próprias técnicas de teclado e piano, as mesmas que o levaram a atingir o êxito em sua carreira.

De modo objetivo, os cursos da LMA vão direto ao ponto, sem enrolação, para você aprender de uma vez por todas, e ainda, de forma prazerosa e bem-humorada.

Com material super didático e intuitivo, apostilas exclusivas, planners inéditos, quiz, exercícios, aulas bônus e muito mais, a LMA não para de crescer e tem alunos fiéis pelo mundo todo.

Agora, só falta você juntar-se a nós e fazer parte da nossa comunidade!

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Who rated Piano Lessons for BEGINNERS?

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What is a Digital Completion Certificate, and how does it work?

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What benefits do the products offer?

Hotmart products have benefits that change according to the type of product and availability. For example, products in the category "Online courses" may or may not offer a digital certificate of completion. If the certificate is available, students can issue it within the course Members Area or by contacting the Author. Certificates can be shared on social networks like LinkedIn and included in the student's CV. The guarantee is also a benefit of our products and can vary from 7, 15, or 30 days, according to what is set by the Author. To see the benefits available for this product, just check the Advantages section.

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