Scales and Arpeggios for Chromatic Harmonica


As the title ``Scales and Arpeggios for Chromatic and Diatonic Harmonica`` says, this is a method is dedicated strictly to the understanding and memorization of these elements in both kind of harmonicas. If you want to become a fluent improviser you need to master them and my book will help you learn each scale and arpeggio in all 12 keys in a fun way with a bunch of scale diagrams, staff notation, exercises and original compositions.

Como diz o título "Escalas e Arpejos para gaita Cromática e Diatônica", este livro é dedicado estritamente à compreensão e memorização desses fundamentos musicais no instrumento. A gente precisa dominar esses elementos musicais para facilitar a execução de um bom improviso.

Como dice el título ´´Escalas y Arpegios para la Armónica Cromática y Diatónica´´, este libro se dedica estrictamente al entendimiento y memorización de estos fundamentos musicales en estos dos instrumentos. Si quieres aprender a improvisar profesionalmente debes dominar este conocimiento y mi libro te ofrece una forma didáctica para lograr esta meta.

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  • Content
  • Benefits
  • Details
  • The Easiest Pentatonics I
  • The Easiest Pentatonics II
Scales and Arpeggios for Chromatic
  • Complete Chromatic Harmonica E-Book
  • Major Scales (Part I)
  • Major Scales (Part II)
  • Melodic Minor Scales (Part I)
  • Melodic Minor Scales (Part II)
  • Harmonic Minor Scales (Part I)
  • Harmonic Minor Scales (Part II)
  • Major Scale Arpeggios (Part I)
  • Major Scale Arpeggios (Part II)
  • Minor Scale Arpeggios
  • Diminished Scales
  • Melodic Exercises (Part I)
  • Melodic Exercises (Part II)
  • Melodic Exercises (Part III)
  • Melodic Exercises (Part IV)
  • Melodic Exercises (Part V)
  • Songs from my Friends
  • Closing Words
Learn more about the content creator
Marcos Cabrera
5 Hotmarter Years

Marcos is a Venezuelan harmonica player who learned to play this wonderful instrument through YouTube video tutorials from Adam Gussow and Jason Ricci. Then started a spiritual journey with no limits playing Blues, Funk and Jazz music with the harmonica.

He started doing local gigs with some popular bands around the city of Maracay. Local bands such a

´´Resistencia Roots´´ where he played reggae music, ´´UPEL Jazz´´ playing jazz standards and ´´Harrison Blues´´ playing nothing else but the blues. After all these experiences, Marcos met El Folking Trio, which is currently a modern funky bluesy jazz band formed by Guitarist Rafael Larez, Bassist Jose Antonio Serven and Drummer Makeizo Mendez Jr. All of them got involved on Marcos´ solo project, started hanging out together playing the music they all loved and finally came up with their first album called ´´ Funky Feeling ´´.

At the same time Marcos was devoloping as a new artist, he was studying education to be a musical instructor at the ´´Universidad de Carabobo´´ in January 2010 and finished his studies on December 2016. Finally moved to Brasilia, which is the federal district of Brazil, in 2017 to study chromatic harmonica with the Brazilian master Pablo Fagundes. After gaining a lot of valuable knowledge from this new culture introduced to him decided to do online musical lessons as a living.

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Format: Online Courses and Subscription Services Category: Music & Arts
Marcos Cabrera
5 Hotmarter Years
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