Subconscious Brainwashing
Subconscious Brainwashing is a spirituality course based on sound frequencies, it is fully thought and designed for people who want to use the law of attraction to improve their lives.
This product is marketed with the support of Hotmart. The platform does not carry out prior editorial control of the products sold, nor does it value the technical skills and experience of the authors. The existence of a product and its acquisition on the platform cannot be considered as a guarantee of quality of content and result, in any case. By purchasing it, the buyer declares that he is aware of this information. Hotmart's Terms and Policies can be accessed here, even before completing the purchase.
Bem-vindo ao nosso universo inspirador! Somos apaixonados por ajudar pessoas a desbloquearem seu potencial máximo e alcançarem uma vida plena e gratificante.
Nossos cursos são cuidadosamente elaborados por especialistas renomados na área da autoajuda e desenvolvimento pessoal. Combinando conhecimentos profundos sobre a Lei da Atração com abordagens práticas e exercícios transformadores, oferecemos um caminho claro para que você possa manifestar seus desejos e criar a realidade que sempre sonhou.
Ao ingressar em nossos cursos online, você terá acesso a uma jornada de aprendizado envolvente, repleta de insights e ferramentas práticas para aprimorar sua mentalidade, desfazer crenças limitantes e fortalecer sua capacidade de atrair sucesso, abundância e felicidade em todas as áreas da sua vida.
Nossa abordagem é holística e abrange diversos tópicos essenciais, incluindo visualização criativa, afirmações poderosas, práticas de gratidão, meditação guiada e muito mais. Cada curso é estruturado de forma clara e progressiva, permitindo que você avance no seu próprio ritmo, absorvendo e aplicando os princípios da Lei da Atração em sua vida cotidiana.
Além disso, nossa comunidade acolhedora e motivadora está sempre à disposição para oferecer apoio e compartilhar experiências. Acreditamos no poder da conexão e no crescimento conjunto, e encorajamos a interação entre nossos alunos, para que todos possam se beneficiar do apoio mútuo e da inspiração contínua.
Não importa em que estágio da sua jornada você esteja, estamos aqui para capacitá-lo a elevar sua vibração, transformar sua mentalidade e criar uma vida extraordinária. Está pronto para começar essa jornada de autodescoberta e manifestação dos seus sonhos? Junte-se a nós e desvende o poder para transformar sua realidade.
Frequently Asked Questions
Every rating shown on this page was made by real people who purchased the product and gave their opinion about the course. When a person buys a course through Hotmart, they are invited to rate the content. The rating shown on this page is the average of these ratings by the buyers, and is from 1 to 5 stars.
The Guarantee Period is the time you have to request the total refund of what you paid for your purchase if you are not satisfied. As soon as it is requested, your refund is processed automatically by the platform in up to 5 days. For payments via bank payment slip, it is necessary to provide bank account information for the refund to be made. After the information has been provided and the processing period of 5 days, the amount will be credited to your account in up to 7 business days. As for refunds on your credit card statement, it varies according to the payment method and may appear in this month's or next month's statement.
Some online courses offer a digital certificate of completion. Students can issue this certificate at the end of the courseor by contacting the Author. These certificates can be shared on social networks like LinkedIn and included in your CV.
Hotmart products have benefits that change according to the type of product and availability. For example, products in the category "Online courses" may or may not offer a digital certificate of completion. If the certificate is available, students can issue it within the course Members Area or by contacting the Author. Certificates can be shared on social networks like LinkedIn and included in the student's CV. The guarantee is also a benefit of our products and can vary from 7, 15, or 30 days, according to what is set by the Author. To see the benefits available for this product, just check the Advantages section.
You'll receive access to Subconscious Brainwashing by email. It may be an online course, an eBook, a series of video lessons, a service, an event, etc. This content will be accessed or downloaded through a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or any other digital device. You can also access the product you purchased on this page:
To order this course, click “Buy” on the top of this page. Keep in mind that not all courses will always be available to be purchased. A creator may be preparing a new lesson and registration for the course may be temporarily unavailable.
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