Teaching English Conversation Skills for Professionals - Creating learning paths using real life experience


Experienced teachers who teach English for professional purposes and are looking into reducing the amount of preparation, and also curious novice teachers who would like to learn how to teach without textbooks and using authentic materials.

If your target are lower or higher level learners who work in remote teams, this workshop will be of great fit for you.

You will be introduced to Dogme ELT, analyze learners profiles and have opportunities for peer teaching. We will share and discuss strategies to help your learners become more autonomous and be able to choose their own learning paths.

Why should you work on conversation skills?

- Authentic and tailored conversational lessons have many benefits such as high engagement, meaningful and autonomous learning.

- There are great books out there, but sometimes lessons require adjustments, which can be time consuming and not always fit learners' needs.

- Curating content is a great strategy to foster learners' autonomy.

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