
Throughout history, nonconformists, eager for a better life, searched tirelessly for the blessed FORMULA for SUCCESS. Now, you are about to discover that knowledge that was only the exclusive domain of a few people who managed in a short time to completely transform their lives.

In this book the author will REVEAL to you, with a clear and entertaining language, the ECUATION, that longed FORMULA to reach EVERYTHING that can be conceived in the mind.

SUCCESS is PROGRAMMED and above all it leaves TRACKS, it leaves clues, and it is precisely those traces or clues left by successful people, which can be collected, analyzed and adapted to your situation, so that you can also achieve success in a certain field.

THE MAGNETIC POWER OF THOUGHT, is made so that you can be the successful protagonist of your life and crystallize in a short time your highest dreams, so that when at some point the curtain of your life closes, you leave completely satisfied for having shown the world your best version.

It is important for people to have a HIGH LEVEL OF COMMITMENT to want to change, an ARDENT DESIRE to make what humanly seems impossible a reality. It is precisely this TOTAL COMMITMENT that sets in motion a series of favorable events that, like puzzle pieces moved by the force of will, fit together perfectly to form our purpose. When we commit ourselves circumstances collude with our purpose, creating unforeseen incidents in our favor. Remember that you have the power to attract whatever is conceived in the mind.

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