The Personality
Knowledge about the different temperaments and personalities is absolutely necessary to achieve a harmonious coexistence and a magnificent attitude.
When you do not have the knowledge of the personality of the couple, you can get to affirm meaningless things such as:
“He (or she) has his faults, but I changed him”.
Serious mistakes that result in a large number of divorces, marital problems, and domestic violence.
In reality it is very difficult to change another person, what is possible is to make changes in ourselves and once this transformation is achieved, then the other person can also decide to make changes in their personality and achieve it.
The suggestion is that you learn about temperaments and personalities, then assess yourself and recognize your personality type; then decide if you want to make some changes, and finally if you decide, make an effort to achieve the expected changes.
By delving into this topic, it becomes easier to understand others: Why do they act or react in a certain way? What motivates them? What excites them? What upsets them? What reassures them?
The human temperament, as Hippocrates wrote 400 years a. de C., is classified into four large groups: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. It is important to define the meaning of temperament, personality and character.