The role of Community Manager: Skills, activities and opportunities.


Did you know that a community manager is not a social media manager?

In this course you will learn to understand who the community manager is (and who is not), what his or her role is, and how it differs from the roles of other communication professionals (such as the social media manager).

You will learn:

-Why this figure is highly sought after and why is crucial in all processes of community management;

-Its main features and tasks, and the skills and knowledge required to fulfill them.

-You will also learn how to recognize and distinguish a good community manager job announcement.

This course is aimed at:

Community managers (or aspiring community managers).

Companies that want to include a community manager in their organization.

Or companies that already have this figure and want to better understand the profile and the tasks to be entrusted to this figure.

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  • Content
  • Details
The Community Manager
  • 5 myths to dispel. Who a Community Manager is not.
  • Who is the Community Manager
  • What a Community Manager does
  • The skills of the Community Manager
  • Opportunities for career growth
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1 Hotmarter Year

(English version below)

Collaboriamo si occupa di community design, disciplina che studia come creare il contesto affinchè le persone co-creino valore con le organizzazioni.

Crediamo nelle relazioni come leva sempre più necessaria oggi per trasformare processi, mercati, organizzazioni.

Per questo abbiamo sviluppato un approccio, un metodo e degli strumenti originali pensati per supportare tutte le organizzazioni che desiderano trasformare clienti, dipendenti, fornitori in una community capace di produrre e co-creare valore.

English version:

Founded in 2013, Collaboriamo is a consultancy agency focused on Community Design, the discipline that studies the creation of contexts for people to co-create value with organizations.

We believe in relationships as the ultimate motivation strategy to carry away process, market, and organization transformation processes.

That is why we have developed an approach, a method, and a set of original tools designed to support organizations that want to transform customers, employees, and suppliers into a community capable of producing and co-creating value.

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Format: Online Courses and Subscription Services Category: Business and Career
1 Hotmarter Year
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