Introducing our TOEFL platform – Your Pathway to Success!


• Ready-made models of successful responses: Gain access to a wealth of proven response models that will guide you in crafting impressive answers for every section of the TOEFL exam.

• 900 Reading questions: Sharpen your reading skills with a vast collection of 900 practice questions, carefully selected to mirror the actual TOEFL exam.

• 500 listening practice questions: Enhance your listening abilities with our extensive bank of 500 practice questions, covering a wide range of topics and scenarios.

• 120 Speaking practice questions: Build confidence in your spoken English through 120 dedicated practice questions. Additionally, benefit from example answers for each question, enabling you to grasp effective techniques and strategies.

• 60 Writing practice questions: Master the art of writing compelling essays with our set of 60 practice questions. Explore sample responses to understand the key elements of successful writing.

• Complete TOEFL simulations with Speaking and Writing evaluation: Test your skills with full-length TOEFL simulations that include thorough evaluations of your Speaking and Writing sections. Experience the real exam environment and receive valuable feedback for improvement.

• Adaptive question selection: Our platform dynamically adjusts the difficulty of questions based on your performance, ensuring a personalized learning experience tailored to your needs.

• Individual performance reports: Receive detailed performance reports, allowing you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Gain valuable insights into your progress and chart your path towards success.

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