Soul Plan Reading


Discover the life you planned with your Angels and guides before you were even born!

Soul Plan is an individual reading of your life in terms of your goals, talents, lessons and obstacles to overcome. You will discover your overall life purpose and find out who you are at a soul level.

At birth, you were given a name that, based on the ancient technique of Soul Plan, consists of a very specific vibration.

By using Soul Plan I can calculate this vibration and its compounding energies and access the map of your own life — this is the user manual and blueprint to your soul destiny.

Soul Plan is basically the energetic description of the merkaba, your energetic vehicle comprised of two overlapping triangles that form six small triangles with a hexagon in the middle. The small triangles represent major aspects of life and the hexagonal centre, the Soul Destiny.

In an individual reading, your life is analyzed in terms of your talents, goals, potential, lessons, and obstacles. Also, your overall life purpose will be revealed to you.

Simply by receiving the reading you will benefit from a healing and clearing of many redundant blockages. A clarity unfolds on what was vaguely suspected and gaining confirmation of (latent or manifest) talents and goals initiates a ‘true potential activation.’

Advice and recommendations are given on how to overcome the challenges in order to turn them into your strengths and best reach your goals: it is very common for recipients of reading to experience big shifts in their lives and circumstances.

You will gain:

- a clearer sense of life purpose

- a deeper understanding of why you have experienced the life you have thus far

- access to yourself on a deeper level, a soul level

- an acceleration of growth and healing

- activation of your own unique abilities and potential

*You will also receive practical guidance and further resources to use on how to:

- overcome your challenges/obstacles

- best use your talents

- achieve your goals

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You will receive:

- PDF Chart of your Soul Plan (about 15-20 pages)

- Your Star of Creation

- Your Soul Message, Healing Affirmation, Self-Help Methods, Bach Flower Remedy Suggestions


There is no need to meet or speak for this reading, all I need is your COMPLETE BIRTH NAME exactly as it appears on your birth certificate. EMAIL ADREES - This is an in-depth 15-20 page reading which will be emailed over to you once completed.

🕐DELIVERY TIME: This reading wil take 5 business day to process.

🙏Thank you for entrusting me to help you along life´s journey.

💖Love and blessings,

Tatiana de Queiroz

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Learn more about the content creator
Tatiana de Queiroz
6 Hotmarter Years

Em 2018 comecei meu processo de despertar de consciência e a partir daí mergulhei de cabeça em diversos cursos para viver do meu propósito que é ser contribuição na vida das pessoas, através das diversas técnicas holísticas com as quais atuo.

Através da Leitura do Plano de Alma ou Soul Plan - técnica inglesa de análise e interpretação das energias vibracionais contidas em nosso nome de nascimento - ajudo as pessoas a acessarem a sua essência, descobrirem os seus talentos latentes ou ocultos, entenderem os desafios que vieram enfrentar, conhecerem seus objetivos mundanos e espirituais e se conectarem com a sua missão e propósito de vida.

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