Fluency Journey | Curso Completo
O Fluency Journey | Curso Completo é o treinamento ideal para quem busca aumentar seu valor de mercado e ter acesso à novas oportunidades de trabalho, através da melhora exponencial de suas habilidades de comunicação em inglês. É um curso completo de inglês, que vai do básico ao avançado (A1 ao C2) e que é perfeito para quem está começando do zero. É ótimo também para quem já tem bons conhecimentos de inglês, mas precisa desenvolver e aprimorar suas habilidades de fala.
Aqui você terá dezenas de interpretações de diálogos 100% em inglês, com explicações e material suporte para você estudar e entender.
Você também treinará sua fala, exaustivamente, através das técnicas de shadowing e Dynamic Talk - um método desenvolvido pela Hawks que te possibilita praticar a fala e melhorar a pronúncia, de qualquer lugar do mundo e sem precisar ter uma pessoa para você conversar.
Ao final deste treinamento, você estará apto a se comunicar em inglês com segurança e confiança nas mais diversas situações.
Alguns exemplos de situações que você saberá se comunicar, são:
- Se apresentando;
- Falando de família;
- Fazendo compras;
- Pedindo comida;
- Sua rotina diária;
- Na consulta médica;
- Seus hobbies e preferências;
- Rotina no trabalho
- Falando sobre seu passado e infância;
- Recebendo pessoas em casa;
- Planejando um evento;
- Planos de carreira;
- Formação e visão futura;
- Vida saudável;
- Relacionamentos;
- Reuniões de negócios;
- Fazendo negociações;
- Finanças pessoais;
- Usando linguagem apropriada;
- Arquitetura e arte;
- Sustentabilidade e proteção
- Riscos e retornos;
- Ciência e tecnologia;
- Negociando um aumento salarial;
- Lidando com o stress;
Entre diversos outros tópicos!
O Fluency Journey é, seguramente, um dos melhores e mais completos cursos intensivos de inglês do mercado online.
Conteúdo Vantagens Detalhes
- Welcome to Fluency Journey
- 1.1 Dialogue | Introduce Yourself
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 1 | Introduce Yourself
- 1.2 Comprehensible Talk | This is Rick
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 1 | This is Rick
- 1.3 Grammar | Verb to be
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 1 | Verb to be
- 1.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk| My first week at school
- Curso de Inglês para Entrevistas de Emprego! Condição exclusiva para alunos.
- 2.1 Dialogue | About Family
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 2 | About Family
- 2.2 Comprehensible Talk | Tom and Jerry
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 2 | Tom and Jerry
- 2.3 Grammar | Verb to be negativo e interrogativo
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 2 | Verb to be neg e interrogativo
- 2.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | What about your family?
- 3.1 Dialogue | At the clothing store
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 3 | At the clothing store
- 3.2 Comprehensible Talk | Sarah and Friends
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 3 | Sarah and Friends
- 3.3 Grammar | Short answers
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 3 | Short answers
- 3.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | Shopping for Clothes
- 4.1 Dialogue | Ordering take-out food
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 4 | Ordering take-out food
- 4.2 Comprehensible Talk | Describing People
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 4 | Describing People
- 4.3 Grammar | WH question words
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 4 | WH question words
- 4.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | The chicken sandwich combo
- 5.1 Dialogue | My Daily routine
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 5 | My Daily routine
- 5.2 Comprehensible Talk | Meet little Rick
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 5 | Meet little Rick
- 5.3 Grammar | This, That, These and Those
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 5 | This, That, These and Those
- 5.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | Let's work out together
- 6.1 Dialogue | Weather Conditions
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 6 | Weather Conditions
- 6.2 Comprehensible Talk | Meet Chad
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 6 | Meet Chad
- 6.3 Grammar | Possessive Adjectives
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 6 | Possessive Adjectives
- 6.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | How's the Weather
- 7.1 Dialogue | At a Doctor's Appointment
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 7 | At a Doctor's Appointment
- 7.2 Comprehensible Talk | Let's go to NY
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 7 | Let's go to NY
- 7.3 Grammar | Present simple overview
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 7 | Present simple overview
- 7.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | Too sick to go work
- 8.1 Dialogue | Where do you live?
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 8 | Where do you live?
- 8.2 Comprehensible Talk | Let's recap some basic stuff
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 8 | Let's recap some basic stuff
- 8.3 Grammar | Present Simple
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 8 | Present Simple
- 8.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | Directions to the airport
- 9.1 Dialogue | What do you like to do?
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 9 | What do you like to do?
- 9.2 Comprehensible Talk | I'm with you
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 9 | I'm with you
- 9.3 Grammar | Have and Have Got
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 9 | Have and Have Got
- 9.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | NFL tickets for the weekend
- 10.1 | Dialogue | At a Hotel
- Checkpoint 1 | Basic 10 | At a Hotel
- 10.2 Comprehensible Talk | Schools and their rules
- Checkpoint 2 | Basic 10 | Schools and their rules
- 10.3 Grammar | Object Pronouns
- Checkpoint 3 | Basic 10 | Object Pronouns
- 10.4 Shadowing & Dynamic Talk | Staying for the weekend
- 1.1 Dialogue | My morning at work
- Checkpoint 1 | My morning at work
- 1.2 Comprehensible Talk | Kimberly needs some time off
- Checkpoint 2 | Kimberly needs some time off
- 1.3 Grammar | Special Questions
- Checkpoint 3 | Special Questions
- 1.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk | A Busy Day
- 2.1 Dialogue | Gone camping
- Checkpoint 1 | Gone camping
- 2.2 Comprehensible Talk | Talking about different situations
- Checkpoint 2 | Talking about different situations
- 2.3 Grammar | Frequency Adverbs
- Checkpoint 3 | Frequency Adverbs
- 2.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk| Last Night's Concert
- 3.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 3.2 Comprehensible Talk | Grandfather and Grandson
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 3.3 Grammar | Present Progressive Afirmativo
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 3.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 4.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 4.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 4.3 Grammar | Present Progressive Negativo e Interrogativo
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 4.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 5.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 5.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 5.3 Grammar | Stative Verbs
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 5.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 6.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 6.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 6.3 Grammar | Verbo + Gerund or Infinitive Part I
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 6.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 7.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 7.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 7.3 Grammar | Gerund or Infinitive Part II
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 7.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 8.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 8.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 8.3 Grammar | Duas ou Mais Pessoas na Frase
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 8.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 9.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 9.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 9.3 Grammar | See, Look At and Watch
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 9.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 10.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 10.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 10.3 Grammar | Hear and Listen To
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 10.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 1.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 1.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 1.3 Grammar | There Is and There Are
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 1.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 2.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 2.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 2.3 Grammar | Possessive Pronouns
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 2.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 3.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 3.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 3.3 Grammar | Simple Past Afirmativo
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 3.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 4.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 4.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 4.3 Grammar | Simple Past Negativo e Interrogativo
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 4.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 5.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 5.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 5.3 Grammar | Speak, Talk, Say and Tell
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 5.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 6.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 6.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 6.3 Grammar | There Was and There Were
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 6.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 7.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 7.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 7.3 Grammar | Used To and There Used To Be
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 7.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 8.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 8.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 8.3 Grammar | Past Progressive
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 8.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 9.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 9.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 9.3 Grammar | Time Clauses
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 9.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 10.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 10.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 10.3 Grammar | Future Simple com Will
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 10.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 1.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 1.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 1.3 Grammar | Future Com To Be Going To
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 1.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 2.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 2.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 2.3 Grammar | Future Com Be About To
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 2.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 3.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 3.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 3.3 Grammar | Future Progressive
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 3.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 4.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 4.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 4.3 Grammar | There Will Be
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 4.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 5.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 5.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 5.3 Grammar | Present Perfect
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 5.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 6.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 6.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 6.3 Grammar | Present Perfect Progressive
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 6.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 7.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 7.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 7.3 Grammar | Past Perfect
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 7.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 8.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 8.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 8.3 Grammar | Past Perfect Progressive
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 8.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 9.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 9.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 9.3 Grammar | Future Perfect
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 9.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 10.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 10.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 10.3 Grammar | Future Perfect Progressive
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 10.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 1.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 1.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 1.3 Grammar | DO and BE verbs - Entenda os dois tipos de verbos no Inglês
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 1.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 2.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 2.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 2.3 Grammar | Expressing Advice
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 2.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 3.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 3.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 3.3 Grammar | Expressing Ability
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 3.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 4.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 4.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 4.3 Grammar | Expressing Necessity
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 4.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 5.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 5.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 5.3 Grammar | Would e Would like
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 5.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 6.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 6.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 6.3 Grammar | Expressing Permission and Prohibition
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 6.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 7.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 7.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 7.3 Grammar | Expressing Possibility
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 7.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 8.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 8.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 8.3 Grammar | Expressing Suggestions and Preferences
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 8.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 9.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 9.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 9.3 Grammar | Polite Questions and Requests
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 9.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 10.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 10.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 10.3 Grammar | Modal Perfect Tenses
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 10.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 1.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 1.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 1.3 Grammar | Comparatives and Superlatives
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 1.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 2.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 2.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 2.3 Grammar | Active vs Passive Voice
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 2.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 3.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 3.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 3.3 Grammar | 1st, 2nd and 3rd Conditionals
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 3.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 4.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 4.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 4.3 Grammar | List of useful Phrasal Verbs: Part I
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 4.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 5.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 5.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 5.3 Grammar | List of useful Phrasal Verbs: Part II
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 5.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 6.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 6.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 6.3 Grammar |
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 6.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 7.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 7.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 7.3 Grammar |
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 7.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 8.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 8.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 8.3 Grammar |
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 8.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 9.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 9.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 9.3 Grammar |
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 9.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
- 10.1 Dialogue |
- Checkpoint #1 - You've got this!
- 10.2 Comprehensible Talk |
- Checkpoint #2 - Show me what you got!
- 10.3 Grammar |
- Checkpoint #3 - Your time to shine!
- 10.4 - Shadowing and Dynamic Talk|
Fundador da Hawks English. Ajudo você a aumentar o seu valor de mercado e seu potencial de ganhos financeiros através do Inglês.
Trabalhei 15 anos no mundo Corporativo em multinacionais como BRF e Apple. O Inglês me abriu todas as portas e me deu acesso à oportunidades que, infelizmente, a maior parte dos brasileiros não têm.
Neste sentido, criei a Hawks English. Uma startup de ensino de inglês para brasileiros, focada em habilitar pessoas à se comunicarem rapidamente em inglês, com foco em empregabilidade.
Conheça nossos treinamentos e faça parte do movimento #Hawksflyhigher.
Perguntas Frequentes
Todas as avaliações mostradas aqui foram feitas por pessoas reais que compraram e deram sua opinião sobre o curso. Quando alguém compra um curso através da Hotmart, a pessoa recebe um convite para avaliar o conteúdo dele. A nota nesta página é o resultado da média das avaliações feitas por estes compradores, que vai de 1 a 5 estrelas.
O Prazo de Garantia é o período que você tem para pedir o reembolso integral do valor pago pela sua compra, caso o produto não seja satisfatório. Assim que solicitado, seu reembolso é processado automaticamente pela Hotmart em até 5 dias. Para pagamentos com boleto bancário, você precisa preencher uma conta bancária para receber o dinheiro. Passados os 5 dias, o valor poderá ser identificado em sua conta em até 7 dias úteis. Já o estorno da fatura do cartão de crédito varia de acordo com o meio de pagamento e pode ocorrer na fatura atual ou na seguinte.
Primeiro, você precisa criar seu cadastro grátis, clicando aqui. Lá dentro, você tem acesso a mais de 15 formatos pra transformar o que você sabe em um produto digital. Além disso, vai poder acessar também o Hotmart Academy.
Alguns cursos online oferecem um certificado digital de conclusão. Alunos podem emitir esse certificado ao final do curso ou entrando em contato com o Autor ou Autora. Esses certificados podem ser compartilhados em redes sociais como o LinkedIn e inseridos em informações curriculares.
Os produtos na Hotmart têm diferenciais que mudam de acordo com o tipo de produto e a disponibilidade. Por exemplo, produtos do tipo "Cursos online" podem ou não oferecer certificado digital de conclusão. Caso o certificado esteja disponível, alunos podem emiti-lo dentro do curso ou entrando em contato com o(a) Autor(a). Os certificados podem ser compartilhados em redes sociais como o LinkedIn e inseridos em informações curriculares. A garantia também é um diferencial dos nossos produtos e pode variar de 7, 15 ou 30 dias, de acordo com o oferecido pelo Autor(a). Para ver os diferenciais disponíveis neste produto, basta checar a seção Diferenciais.
Você receberá o acesso a Fluency Journey | Curso Completo por email. Pode ser um curso online, um ebook, uma série de videoaulas, um serviço, evento, etc. O conteúdo será acessado ou baixado através de um computador, celular, tablet ou outro dispositivo digital. Você também pode acessar o produto comprado nesta página:
Para comprar este curso, clique no botão “Comprar”. Lembre-se de que nem todos os cursos estarão sempre disponíveis para compra. É possível que o Autor ou Autora esteja preparando uma nova turma ainda sem inscrições abertas.
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