check out this tips to promote digital products


5 tips to promote digital products online

For those who are just starting out, some tips on how to promote digital products will surely come in handy. Read on to find out what they are!

João Pedro

02/22/2011 | By

What will we see in this post

Hello, Hotmarters! In this article, we will give you some tips that can be very useful when it’s time to promote digital products. It’s worth highlighting that the topics on this post are just suggestions, and don’t necessary have to be used. Users at Hotmart are free to choose their own strategies to promote digital products on the web!

#1 A good appearance attracts sales 

It is desirable that the Sales Page or the website in which you are selling your products looks good. Avoid using a lot of banners and images all over the page. Have a standard font and make sure that they are not too large. Highlight only what you consider to be really important information.

A Sales Page with a good appearance brings credibility, and credibility attracts sales. Take a look at this example of Sales Page you can use when creating yours:

an example of a sales page you can use to promote digital products

Standard Sales Page

#2 Promote to the right Audience

Your audience are the people to whom you will promote digital products. They can be your followers on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, or friends and fans on Facebook, for example. They can also be the visitors to your blog, website, or even people who are part of an online community.

Identify who the audience is, and you can do that by creating your buyer persona.  Then, you will be able to promote digital products that these people are genuinely interested in. One of the most common reasons for a low number of sales is precisely when you offer the wrong products to your audience.

#3 Start a blog or niche site

It is worth starting a blog or a website thinking about meeting the demands of a specific audience. For example, if you intend to sell products related to Well-being and Health, start a blog or website that focuses on this theme, and stick to it.

This way, people will identify with your blog because of the subject, and whenever they want information they can go back to it and find related products.

#4 Use social media 

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many other social networking sites may be excellent places for you to promote digital products and generate traffic to your Sales Page. Look for groups or communities that are interested in topics related to the products you promote and participate in them, offering content and bringing more information to the discussions. Then, eventually, you can promote your link so that people can learn more about your website or Product Page. 

#5 Consider using paid ads

If you wish to take a step ahead, you may want to invest in paid advertising to generate more traffic to your Sales Pages. The more visits you get, the bigger the chances of making sales.

Here are some possible ways of using paid ads:

  • You can advertise on Facebook using Facebook Ads*.
  • You can hire Banners on websites or blogs that are in the same niche as the products you want to promote.
  • You can hire bloggers to write about your products.
  • You can hire a special promotion to the list of subscribers in websites in the same niche.
  • You can advertise on Google using Google Adwords*.

* IMPORTANT: before advertising on Facebook Ads and Adwords, make sure you read the Facebook and Google policies carefully, and see if the product you are about to advertise does not infringe any rules and if they block ads that direct to Affiliate links. So, your ads should always take the user to a content website that offers relevant information


There are many different ways in which you can promote digital products from Hotmart.

Is this post we talked about 5 tips that can be useful to you when it’s time to promote digital products. We hope we have helped you!

Leave your comments in the section below and good luck with your business!


NB: The choice of making use of these tips and investing in paid ads is completely at the user’s discretion. Hotmart is not responsible for the results achieved from the use of any of these tips.