Attraction marketing: number 5, to the left, representing the number of tips given in this post. To the right, a magnet attracting icons with faces, which represent the potential customers.


5 attraction marketing strategies to gain and delight customers

Learn more about Inbound Marketing.


10/14/2019 | By

Attraction marketing, inbound marketing, client attraction and retention… These terms are increasingly common in the routines of those who work on the Internet.

There is no denying that consumer behavior has changed and that new strategies for attracting and retaining customers must be studied daily. But truth be told, knowledge on the subject is often lacking and tools to be put into practice are left unused.

If you still have questions about these strategies, we’re here to help.

In this post, you’ll learn more about the concept of inbound marketing, an innovative way to boost sales that is much simpler than you imagine. You’ll also take a look at 5 strategies for strong attraction marketing. Check it out:

The attraction marketing concept

This methodology emerged in the United States from a survey in 2006 on the habits and behaviors of Internet users.

The name is self-explanatory, since the goal is to attract customers. However, the idea doesn’t stop there, as attraction marketing is also the opposite of the traditional way of advertising.

The old flyer method no longer has as much effect on the audience as digital ads targeted directly to a specific consumer profile, for example. 

At the same time, instead of repeatedly showing the product to the customer to get their attention, you need to let them come to the company. And with the right strategy, you can be sure they will!

Attraction marketing elements

Attraction marketing is divided into four steps:

  1. Attraction;
  2. Conversion;
  3. Closing;
  4. Charm.


First of all, as we said before, the goal is to attract the right audience to your site. That’s why blogs with substantial and relevant content are essential for this purpose, especially in the attraction step.

In addition to improving your brand’s visibility and autonomy, this step helps the consumer discover a problem. 

This is where you can subtly lead them to the next steps, ultimately arriving at a solution.


The purpose of the conversion step is to obtain contact information from those who visit your site or blog and transform them into a lead, i.e., a potential customer. 

This contact information can be an email address or phone number, for example. You can get this information by offering materials that can educate the user who is searching for your brand (like ebooks) and, of course, that can spark their interest.


Closing is the third step in attraction marketing. Here, the lead already knows he has a problem, has already been educated on the subject and will now compare products to make his purchase. 

Tests, comparative charts and free consultations are excellent strategies at this point.


Your job isn’t done when you close the deal, and now it’s time to win the client over so they will then promote your brand. 

Short satisfaction surveys, emails with tips on how to use the product, and starting new attraction processes should be included in this step.

Remember that a lead who is not ready to purchase the product can return to the conversion step and you can continue to work until they are ready to move forward on this buying journey, always on their own rhythm. 

The process doesn’t necessarily need to be linear, right?

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Why should you use attraction marketing?

Now that you understand a bit more about inbound marketing, learn the key reasons to incorporate it into your business.

Improve consumer relations

Who has the patience for excessive emails, invasive advertising or telemarketing calls?

Pressuring and smothering the consumer are no longer efficient sales mechanisms and have now become a thing of the past.

When you let the consumer come to your brand, you can build a closer and more humanized relationship. The idea is for sellers to be seen as advisors or even friends. 

Can you imagine the difference that can make?

Cut costs

Once produced, you can maintain online content for an unlimited amount of time. That’s right! It can stay there for the entire week and best of all: at no additional cost. 

Not to mention the fact that conventional advertising cannot be changed after printing, but you can evaluate attraction marketing results in real time and make changes whenever you want.

Provide contextualized advertising

Have you ever stopped to think about how you search for something on Google and after a while, subjects related to your search begin to appear on your social media feeds? 

If you think there’s a reason for that, you’re right!

Your brand can also produce tailored content that will be sent directly to consumers, based on their Internet habits.

5 strategies for strong attraction marketing

Are you ready to take your first steps in inbound marketing? So, let’s get to it!

1. Apply SEO techniques

How is your buyer going to find your brand on the Internet? 

If search tools came to mind, you are absolutely right! 

Having an excellent SEO strategy is critical for this purpose.

Learning how to perform keyword research is essential, in addition to knowing foolproof practices for climbing up the Google rankings.

2. Use your blog

To attract your customers, they need to find your brand, right?

The key here is to create a blog that presents interesting content to kick off your relationship with consumers. 

Also, don’t forget to apply SEO techniques in all of your published content

In blog posts, for example, the texts should be relevant, pleasant to read, with proper language and images to enrich the text.

3. Send your newsletter

Maintain contact with leads by sending informative newsletter emails. Make sure they are appropriate to their position on the buying journey (attraction, conversion, closing and charm). 

This will increase your chances of success at the time of conversion and help each user continue along the buying journey until they finally become your customer.

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4. Don’t forget email marketing

Following conversion, you will usually have the user’s email address. 

When authorized, it is important to keep the lead up to date by sending marketing emails, which are still among the most effective attraction marketing strategies.

So, if you want to do everything strategically and correctly, be sure to send marketing emails. 

However, it must be done correctly, using the best practices for a cordial and solid sales strategy. And stay away from SPAM – it is for amateur companies that force products on uninterested customers using annoying advertisements.

5. Offer rich materials

Another very important tip is to suggest downloads of materials that add greater value, such as infographics, templates and ebooks, in exchange for user contact data. 

This is exactly how users are converted into leads, since these rich materials not only educate them, but also help them along their buying journey.

Inbound is the solution

Remember that it doesn’t matter how little space you have on your calendar or how big your business is. With attraction or inbound marketing, attracting the right clients, monitoring them and increasingly improving your sales are always within reach.

Follow our tips to achieve better results in your business!

Did you enjoy the article and want to continue learning on our blog? Take advantage of your time here and also read our post about what inbound marketing entails and how it can generate business for you!