Black November Hotmart

Digital Marketing

Win-Win Black November: A Challenge to Earn More Than Just Great Sales

Black November Hotmart 2023 comes in a new format for you to take advantage of the hottest sales period of the year.


10/02/2023 | By

What will we see in this post

That is when customers come to you and big sales happen. That often occurs because of the increase in searches leading up to Black Friday.

November comes with the success checklist that every Producer and Affiliate loves:

✔ Boost sales.

✔ Gain more customers.

✔ Learn strategies to use throughout the year.

✔ End the year in the black. 

Whether winning your first sales and boosting your business once and for all, or selling and reaching more people, the answer is just one: Black November Hotmart is here to change your business forever. 

Discover everything you can do, from now on, to multiply your sales.

Win-Win Black November and Black Friday: together with the same objective (sale$)

The global phenomenon called Black Friday, also known for heating the market, brings opportunities for those who have or sell digital products. Furthermore, it is also for people who wait all year, before making a purchase, for that discount that they cannot refuse.

This is the time when people are looking for your product and feel willing to buy the transformation it offers. And for those who work in the digital products market, it’s the chance to close the year with great sales. 

At Hotmart, great Producers and Affiliates don’t even think about passing up the chance to participate in Black November. Below, we present you with the numbers that prove all these expectations:

The Black November 2022 participants who grew the most multiplied their revenues by 5, 10, and even 20 times during the Win-Win.*

85% of participants who reached their goals maintained their revenues 2x higher in the 8 months after Win-Win Black November.*

*Source: Black November Hotmart 2022 Study

November could be its biggest sales month in 2023, and Hotmart knows the size of this opportunity for participants. For this reason, Win-Win Black November continues this year, with more chances to win more!

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The Win-Win Black November challenge is about to begin! 

How do you turn 30 days of big sales into a fun journey where everyone wins?

To answer this question, here comes the Win-Win Black November campaign!

With this campaign, you earn from more sales and earn from reaching goals, and your Customers can win other offers they can’t refuse. 

👉 Check out how to join


Win-Win Black November: how it works

At Hotmart’s Black November, you have exclusive challenges and prizes when achieving great results. In other words, Hotmart will reward you for selling. That is incredible!


When activating their participation, Producers, Co-producers, and Affiliates receive an individual goal and upon reaching the 50%, 100%, and 150% ranges, they receive prizes!

And there’s more: Producers and Co-producers have yet another challenge: the Black November Ranking.


Divided by business moments, the Black November* Rankings reward the Top 10 sellers that earn the most during November with the following Essential Tools**:

  • Club Sales: create ads on Hotmart Club and sell to those who have already purchased from you.
  • Order Bump: offer a complementary product on the checkout page and sell more.
  • Sales Funnel: guide your customers to a purchase while they are on your payment page.
  • Automatic Sales Recovery Tool: recover lost sales due to insufficient credit card limits.
  • Sales Recovery Tool for Installment Payments with Bank Payment Slips or PIX recover customers who do not have a credit card and cannot pay in cash.
  • Sales Recovery for subscription products: recover lost annual subscription sales due to insufficient credit card limits.

To increase your position in the Ranking and win prizes, you must configure the tools and sell using them. The commission percentage these tools generate for your revenue during Win-Win helps you reach 1st place.

*The Ranking is available to participants with Creators, Co-producers, and Hybrid Users profiles.

**Check the availability of Essential Tools according to your profile, region, and currency.


From November 1st to December 9th, our campaign will be full of 100% free content for participants, such as:

  • Exclusive strategies.
  • Tooltips to recover sales.
  • Checklists and spreadsheets.
  • Copy models.
  • And several other materials so you can have Hotmart as your partner during the 30 days of sales. 

Furthermore, on the Black November Panel, you can monitor your results closely and optimize your strategies.

Let’s talk about the rewards

Big sales come with recognition, right? Check out everything you can achieve during the campaign with our rewards.

Activate the campaign and win: 

The Win-Win Black November Ultimate Guide with exclusive content for Producers and Affiliates, more visibility for your product on the Marketplace (see conditions in the regulations) and double commission during November to accelerate your participation in the Hotmart STARS 2024.*

*The Hotmart Stars, part of the Hotmart Journey, is a performance trail that takes into account customer results over 12 months and offers exclusive meetings and memorable experiences as rewards. This condition is valid for users with Creators, Co-producers, and Hybrid Users profiles.

Upon reaching 50% of your individual goal**, you will receive a highlight on the Marketplace in the “Creators trending at Black November” session and 30 days of free Canva Pro. 

By overcoming the challenges and winning during Black November with achieving 100% of the goal**, 30 days free + 10% off in selected packages from Hotmart Pages and Hotmart Send.

By exceeding all limits and reaching 150% of your goal*, you get a discount on the BIZ FIRE 2024 Ticket.

**Check the availability of the prizes according to your profile, region, and currency.

Important: The goals are set per user and based on an increase in revenue (commission) in ranges of 50%, 100%, and 150%. 

For each goal achieved, you will receive predefined prizes, considering the revenue from approved and completed sales throughout Hotmart’s Black November period. 

Exclusive rewards for the Ranking! 

The TOP 10 in each Ranking will be rewarded, and you will be able to monitor your position daily on the platform. 

Between Hotmart Day in person, Hotmart Lab online for you + 3 guests, special discounts, special feature on the Marketplace in January 2024 and individual advising. 

See the complete regulation to see all the prizes. 

Questions & Answers 

Does it apply to Producers, Co-producers, and Affiliates?

Sure! The prizes and materials were designed so that Producers, Co-producers, and Affiliates can take advantage of every day in November to sell more.

What is Black November Period?

The Black November sales period, in addition to the application of its special conditions, begins on November 1st, 2023 and ends on December 9th, 2023. However, it is highly recommended that you click here now to authorize your participation and start putting your strategies into place.

How will the rewards work?

The goal will be only one during the entire Black November period and will be defined according to your historical performance and the current situation of your business. It will be divided into ranges of 50%, 100%, and 150%. For each goal achieved, Affiliates, Producers, and Co-producers will receive pre-established prizes and will be able to collect them on the Black November Panel (platform). 

How many products can I promote on Black November?

As many as you want. During Black November 2023, you will be able to use discount coupons on products, cross sell, upsell and offer more products to your buyer at the time of purchase to increase your average ticket. Therefore, there are no product limits. On the platform, you can use all tools available for you, especially the Essential Tools.

When can I start and participate?

Right now! Just click here to authorize your participation and that’s it! You will be able to prepare strategies to sell more during Black November 2023.

I am selling a subscription product. Can I participate in the Black November Hotmart?

You can! If you are selling a subscription product, each promotional strategy must be linked to a plan.

How can I track my Black November results?

Through the Black November Panel, available in the platform’s left menu. There, you can track your results, find recommended strategies, access the Essential Tools, and claim your prizes. 

🚀 With the invitation already made, now it’s time to plan how to put your strategies in place and sell a lot during the hottest period of the year.

Good sales and I hope to see you during Win-Win! See you!