
Tips to create more competitive products on the Hotmart site

Find out how to create a more strategic product and heighten your chances of it appearing when searching on the Hotmart site.

Daniel Barbosa de Barros

11/14/2019 | By

What will we see in this post

Being among the first position on Google, or any other browser, is one of the biggest challenges for those who have a site or blog. 

If you followed the news coming out of FIRE FESTIVAL 2019, at the event or here on the blog, you know that we’ve launched a new site targeted at those who want to learn or create a digital product. One of the highlights of this launch is the ability to search for digital courses available on the platform. 

But how can you create a top-notch product that will both appear in searches on the Hotmart site and spark the interest of buyers? Stick with us and we’ll give you the scoop on everything you need to know to create an appealing product that will draw folks in and be displayed in our site’s searches. 

The first steps to creating relevant content

It’s only possible to win over an engaged audience if your content is appealing and well put together. Hopefully, this isn’t news to you!

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But where should you start when developing relevant content? Take a peek at these tips we’ve handpicked for you. 

#1. Think about your audience 

Understanding your audience is fundamental when creating content that is on point. And when we say ‘understand your audience,’ it means having the most information about them you can.  

One of the best ways to gather this intelligence is creating a buyer persona. This consists of a fictitious character who represents the folks you plan to reach with your content.

Just to give you an idea, you should be asking yourself things like, “What are their pain points and challenges? What do they value most?”

Click here to see our practical guide on how to create a buyer persona

#2. Evaluate the structure of your content

This is an important detail that a lot of people miss when creating a digital product. Is the content structured well? Could what is being taught in class X not be taught in a different module or take a different approach?    

These are just some examples of questions that you should keep in mind. A good way to get a grasp of this is to create an outline of all of the modules while still in the planning phase showing which classes you’ll have and when on the course timeline. This is going to also help structure the content with greater precision.   

To help you out in this phase, check out the material we’ve set aside on this theme:

How do I set up an online course syllabus? 

#3. Create complementary material 

This idea here works the same as when your teacher would give you extra handouts to go along with what you’re learning. 

In addition to contributing to your students growth, creating complementary material gives greater value to your course as a whole. In Hotmart’s Members Area, you can create extra modules to give to your students for free or have them available at an extra price. This is a great way for you to earn more while your students learn more.  

Learn how to create an extra module on Hotmart Club

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How can your product appear when searching on the Hotmart site? 

It’s no secret that a product page with all of the info about your product and telling the main benefits has a much greater chance of transforming visitors into customers.   

But let’s venture beyond: this is probably the first time a potential buyer product has had contact with your product. That’s why your product page should work like your course’s preview.  

To help you put together a successful page, take a look at these tips and start putting them into action asap: 

  • You know those little thumbnails for your product? These make all the difference in the attention your product will get, primarily when we’re talking about search results. That’s why it’s worth investing in a nice image that represents your product well. 
  • Video has been a quickly growing content format over the last few years. So, how about creating a video to introduce your product? There are many ways of making some creative material to display and sell your course in this form.  
  • If you’re already using Hotmart Club, set it up so that the titles of your classes are visible. This is a way of offering a little more info to potential buyers. Another tip is to create questionnaires using Hotmart Ask and put the best reviews and responses you get from your students on your product page.   
  • Think about your buyers’ pain points and how your product can help solve them. With this information in mind, create a detailed description with a real promise your product can deliver on.
  • Speaking of a detailed description, a great way to build trust with your buyers is creating an introduction about you with an image and mini bio. Talk a little about yourself and your professional career to help connect with the audience. This information can be filled in under the Public Profile tab, which you’ll find under the My Account option on the Hotmart platform. 
  • The more information, the better. Hotmart product pages allow you to display the amount of classes, durations, and a completion certificate among other information. This way, your potential customers can get more details about your product before deciding to buy.  

On our site, we show products that meet important quality standards for the customers. In addition to the tips I’ve just given you, I’ve also picked two really important recommendations:

  • The lower the reimbursement and chargeback rate for your product is, the greater the chances are it will appear on our site. 
  • Your product should be distributed on our platform. That is to say, if it’s an online course, it should be available on our Members Area, Hotmart Club. If it’s an ebook, for example, it should also be distributed on our platform and not externally.   

If your product follows these recommendations, do this:

  1. Log on to the Hotmart platform via this link
  2. On the left side menu, click I’m a Producer and then the product you want
  3. Click Product Page, located on the left side menu
  4. At the end of the page, enable the option of I want Hotmart to help me promote my products on their official channels. 
  5. All set! Just wait for our specialists to review your product and product page to make sure it’s ready to be displayed in the search results on our site.

Well, if you are looking to make your product appear in our search results, it’s probably because you’re thinking about gaining more visibility and, of course, selling more, right?  

So, now it’s time to look over our recommendations again and to put our tips into action! 

Happy Selling! =)