the power of persuasion


What Is the Power of Persuasion?

How to use your influence and charisma to attract more customers.


08/11/2022 | By

When we talk about the power of persuasion, some people might feel it’s something bad, especially because of the unfavorable nature of the expression. Manipulation and malice may even come to mind. Well, rest assured, persuasion can be used positively.

This negative connotation can be explained by the fact that the power of persuasion is the act of convincing someone to perform an action. And when we think about sales strategies, this means convincing someone to purchase a product or service.

The problem is that sometimes sellers end up using aggressive techniques to convince people to buy something they didn’t want to buy in the first place, in other words, they are able to manipulate customers.

But if you know how to use your power to influence people to actually show them they have problems that can be solved with the product or service you offer, you’ll improve the customer’s experience and you’ll also, consequently, increase your sales. 

Do you want to learn how to be persuasive and use the power of convincing to show people that your product is what they are looking for, but without being pushy or obnoxious?

Check out 9 tips that we’ve set aside to help you use your power of persuasion.

Wait up, before we get to the tips, let’s make something clear: Manipulation vs. Power of persuasion

Do you remember we said that persuasion is different from manipulation?

To be more precise, we’ll briefly explain the concept of both words so you can understand the difference:

  • Manipulation, in the figurative sense of the word, is the act of influencing someone to your own advantage, often in a misleading, dishonest manner.  In short, to manipulate means to control other people and pressure them to do exactly something you want.
  • Persuasion is a communication strategy widely used by salespeople with the purpose of recommending a product or service that would benefit this person and convincing them, with logical and rational resources, to take action. In the case of sales, the final action is making a purchase.

In both cases, the final goal is the same: to influence someone.

The major difference is that persuasion takes into account the benefits for the person who is being influenced, whereas manipulation takes into account only the advantages for the person who intends to influence another person.

Improving your power of persuasion

Can you see how manipulation is different from persuasion?

If you understood that the final goal here is not only to make a sale, but also to delight your customer with the solution you offer, you are ready to use your power of persuasion.

What you need now is to learn a few argumentation techniques to help you develop this sales strategy.

Check out the following:

1. Know your customer well

The first tip to creating persuasive sales arguments that influence people to purchase a product or service is to gather as much information as possible about those you wish to convince.

To do so, define an audience with similar characteristics so their pains are likely to be the same, which means that they need similar solutions for their problems.

When you know your customers well, you’ll be able to talk to them using the same language they use. This facilitates understanding in addition to helping you think about more convincing arguments than if you were talking to someone you don’t know well.

If you still don’t know who your ideal customer is, take a look at how to create a buyer persona for your business. This will help you understand who your target audience is, i.e., the demographic who is bound to be interested in your product.


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2. Be empathetic

There’s no use in really understanding your ideal customers if you don’t put yourself in their shoes.

Do you remember that we said that the power of persuasion is different from manipulation especially because the former takes into account the benefits that the person being influenced will get in return?

If you’re not empathetic, you’ll never be able to think of sales arguments that will possibly please your customers, much less will you actually try to sell them products that they are really interested in.

Lack of empathy might lead someone that easily influences others to sell products that aren’t advantageous to the customers, which may be considered dishonesty.

So, try to see through your customer’s eyes and think about what they’d like to purchase before trying to convince them.


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3. Influence at the most appropriate moment

Not everyone is prepared to go through with a purchase.

Even before they know about the existence of a product, which can solve some of their problems, it is necessary to understand that a problem exists.

So, there’s no use in trying to use your power of persuasion to encourage people to make a purchase if they still don’t understand that they need it.

Therefore, pay close attention to the customer’s journey. Only by doing so will you understand the best moment to show your potential customers that your product is ideal for them.

VIDEO: Sales techniques: how to sell online | Sales tips

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4. Present practical solutions

One of the main arguments when convincing someone to make a purchase is demonstrating that what you are suggesting is the easiest and fastest solution for their problems.

Even after understanding that your product can help them, certain potential customers might not make a purchase, and one of their objections might be difficulty in understanding the next step they need to take.

Therefore, it is very important that you make clear what they need to do.

In the digital market, CTAs (calls to action) help your audience go through the entire customer journey until they make a purchase. So, in order to show them clearly when they should make the purchase, create clear CTAs with easily executable actions, for example, buy now.


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5. Anticipate launches

If you already have an audience that has been following you for some time and you are constantly in touch with these people, it is very important to let them know in advance that you will be launching a product on the market.

But how can this help develop your power of persuasion?

When people already know what to expect, they create expectations about what you are going to do. At this time, it’s possible to have arguments that are more convincing in order to start preparing people even before they are aware of your product.

The more time between letting them know and the product launch, the more time you’ll have to create arguments to convince your customers.

VIDEO: How to Launch an Online Course | Hotmart Tips

6. Avoid using “no”

Have you ever noticed how we always think about something after we’re told not to?

Let’s take a look at an example:

Try not to think about a yellow house.

You’re probably imagining a yellow house right now, aren’t you?

This happens because the word “no” is harder to be processed. Therefore, negative phrases usually make us think exactly about what we shouldn’t.

Whenever you are trying to convince someone, always try to choose positive statements. This helps people understand more clearly what they need to do.

7. Gain people’s trust

It’s much easier to be persuasive with someone who already knows us and trusts what we do and say.

So, before you try to influence your potential customers, create a relationship with them without asking for anything in return.

Be a benchmark in your market. Afterward, you’ll find it much easier to convince someone to purchase your products, since people will trust what you say.

8. Pay attention to body language

Several people think that this tip is valid only for those who sell products or services in brick-and-mortar stores. 

But did you know that even if you work online it is important to pay attention to your body language?

A good sales page usually has a video explaining the product and the benefits that buyers will have after making that purchase. This is the perfect time to use all of your power of persuasion.

In addition to thinking about the best arguments to convince potential customers, you need to have the proper attitude to help you convey confidence.

Avoid crossing your arms, look directly at the camera, and make calm and precise gestures. The more control you have over your image, the more confidence you will convey.

9. Use psychological triggers

People with the power of persuasion know how to use triggers properly in order to influence those around them.

There are several actions we do automatically, such as walking and chewing, i.e., you don’t need to stop and think about it while you are performing these two movements; they’re done involuntarily.

When deciding to buy a product, the same thing can happen.

There are certain memories that make us choose between one product and another and they can be activated just by hearing a few arguments from the seller.

There are several triggers, such as scarcity, which is when you determine a limited number of products and tell your audience that your inventory is low, and then you set a time limit for people to make a purchase.

Regardless of which ones you choose to use, you should know that they are key to persuading someone.