what are hotlinks? everything you need to know

Guides and Tutorials

What are Hotlinks?

How do Producers and Affiliates control their sales and earn commissions? Through our Hotlinks! Read on and find out how they work!

João Pedro

04/28/2010 | By

What will we see in this post

An important question asked by Producers and Affiliates who are just starting out is: what are Hotlinks?

In this post, we’ll get straight to the point: Hotlinks are links generated by Hotmart that allow a user to sell digital products she has created, or affiliated to, and consequently, receive commissions.

There are two kinds of Hotlinks:

  • Direct Payment Hotlink;
  • Sales Page Hotlink.

Every Affiliate receives these Hotlinks and can promote them the way they see fit.

The Direct Payment Hotlink allows the Producer, that is, the product creator, to have more flexibility when it’s time to sell. The Producer can promote the product on her own website or blog and associate this link to the visitor’s purchase – and then they don’t need to use a page created automatically by Hotmart.

The Sales Page Hotlink, in turn, is made available for Affiliates as well as Producers. This link will direct the visitor to a page automatically created by Hotmart, that may or may not have been customized by the product creator. This Hotlink allows users to start promoting a product right away, without the need of a website.

how to find your hotlinks


If there are any doubts, don’t hesitate to contact our Support or access our FAQ.

Good luck with your business!