The image represents a successful sales funnel


Sales Funnel: create successful strategies with Hotmart

Check out the latest updates to our Sales Funnel tool. They will surely make your life easier, and take your business to the next level!


10/31/2016 | By

What will we see in this post

The Sales Funnel is an important tool for both Producers and Affiliates, focused on monitoring the customers from the moment they are made aware of your product, to the sale, through offers of other products with a lower price or an intermediary added-value.

In other words, it is a strategic process that shows each step taken by the buyer until the final destination, which is the completion of the sale.

You can use this strategy:

  • When you have two or more products registered;
  • When you may create an external Sales Page.

Here at Hotmart, we have a well structured environment so you can elaborate a clear, cohesive sale process. And now it is even easier to do so with the new Sales Funnel setup!

There is a myriad ways in which you can create sales funnels, and that’s why it’s essential that you know how to direct your customers through the funnel.

And it was with this in mind that Hotmart has updated the building process of this tool in our platform, in order to ensure a better usability so you can create more and more successful Sales Funnel strategies.

Let’s check out how it’s done?

When you access your Hotmart account, go to Tools and click on Sales Funnel.

A print of Hotmart account interface

Then, click on “New Funnel”, and fill in with the name of the funnel, select the product and offer.

A print of the page new funnel

After saving, the next step will be to establish the structure of the funnel, listing steps. There is no rule for how many steps you can choose, what they are and how they should be ordered. It all depends on the kind of business you run and the objectives you wish to reach.

To create the first step in the funnel, you click on Start, and a new window will pop up. You then write the name of this step, select the product, and the text that will appear if the buyer decides to make the purchase or not. And you also have to insert the URL of the page that will present the offer to the buyer.

A print of the page "next stage"

Here we find our first update. From now on, entering the URL for the Thank You Page will be done in the editing of the funnel steps. This is done in order to avoid incoherences and make the planning easier, OK?

Another interesting update is that you don’t need to drag the connections anymore. After entering all the information, you just need to save the step and it will automatically be linked to the first step.

To create new steps, you just have to click on one of the pre-defined replies – be it for the purchase or not – and choose the product and offer that will be shown to the user.

You can connect one of these options to another step that was already created in Existing Step. By doing that, you will be able to visualize all the steps.

To finalize one or more flows in the funnel, you should insert a Thank You page by clicking on Yes on the Thank You page option, and insert the page URL.  

It’s important to remember that every flow should always end on a Thank You page to make the funnel valid!

See an example of a complete Sales Funnel:

The image is an example of a sales funnel

Once the Sales Funnel is complete, you have to insert the script for every page of your steps by clicking on Widget Code, which will list all the steps and corresponding script, on the upper right-hand corner.

You can also see it by clicking on the </> icon next next to the Edit button in each step, but this way you will only get the script that corresponds to that specific step.

A print of a Widget step page where you insert the script

An important detail: the funnels that were previously registered will not be affected and keep on working normally. If there are funnels with a validation error, however, they must be corrected. In this case, Marty, our virtual assistant, will be ready to help you!

With these updates you will be able to improve your sales funnel strategy and make your business soar!

So, what did you think about it? Leave us a comment in the section below!