What Is a Micro Niche and How Can You Find Yours?
A micro niche is a specification within a broader area to segment your audience. Learn how to find yours and why you need this strategy.

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It’s essential that everybody who starts a business understand their area of expertise. This means you need to know the niche in which you are working in. Within the area you choose, it is possible to determine a micro niche, which are specific areas from a general one.
This is an essential strategy for your success! After all, having a specific, segmented niche helps you convert more. And we’ll let you know why.
So, to understand why you need to think of a micro niche, we’ll let you know:
We hope that, after reading this post, you can identify interesting micro niches where you can develop your content, products, and services.
Are you ready to learn more about this strategy?
Good reading!
What are niches?
Niche is the name given to a company or business’s area of expertise. It’s formed by an audience that shares some characteristics and because of that, they are prone to buying a given product.
Basically, the niche is the segment you are going to work with. However, they are very broad, which means they are general representations of an area, such as shoes.
Working with niches can attract lots of people. But because it is such a broad term, it is possible that you don’t convert much.
This happens because the most popular products are usually from well-known brands, which puts them on top of the search engine results. So, standing out and having good market projection can take longer than you imagine.
Another problem is that, since the term searched involves everything that is related to your niche, you can even have many visitors but they won’t all be qualified. This means that the bounce rate can be high, since your product or service is not exactly what everybody is looking for.
So, it’s interesting to think of specific niches.
Despite this being a broad strategy, it’s already a good start to define your micro niche.
An example of a specific niche is: men’s shoes.
As you can see, this definition leads more qualified visitors to your website. This happens because the definition is more specific that just “shoes”.
However, it’s still possible that you attract people who are not interested in buying exactly what your brand offers. After all, just defining your niche as “men’s shoes” can include a series of shoe designs that are not what the person is looking for.
So, thinking about the strategy of having a specific audience for your business, it’s important to think of a micro niche.
But do you know what they are?
What are micro niches?
In general, a micro niche represent a small part of consumers and clients from a broader market.
Thinking about the shoes example, a micro niche could be men’s running shoes, men’s formal shoes, red leather men’s shoes, and thousands of other specifications.
As you notice from the examples, micro niches leave no room for the type of product that is being offered. So, people looking for them will have no doubts that they are in the right place to purchase what they need at that time.
However, a micro niche gets fewer visitors, after all, only people who want to buy something specific will look for them. On the other hand, it is likely that this audience is more interested in buying your products or services because you market exactly what they are looking for.
It is also possible to be more and more specific as you funnel a generic area. For example, you can offer men’s black running shoes in large sizes. This means that there are different possibilities for choosing micro niches. This happens because you can describe several subareas of the same topic.
Notice that, the less general, the more your product answers to a specific audience needs. And also notice that your product’s description become more explanatory and descriptive.
Look at the picture below. It sums up the main differences between niches and micro niches:
As you can see, there are the broader areas of expertise, which are niches. It contains all specific niches and micro niches you can work in.
The more you detail your product or service, the more segmented is your audience, so, the number of visitors is smaller.
But the conversion rate and the efficiency of your email marketing increase. This happens because people who search for a micro niche have a better understanding of what they’re looking for. Therefore, the possibility to sell a product or hire a service increases.
Advantages of working with a micro niche:
1. It’s easy
Creating content for a micro niche can be easier than for general areas.
When you have a broad niche it’s necessary to broadcast different information. And, sometimes this can be very complicated because you won’t be able to develop all at once.
There’s also the risk that you don’t create high-quality content every time. After all, it isn’t normal that a person knows everything that is to know about such a broad area.
We’re always better at a specific part of a subject. So, having a sub niche makes it possible for you to dedicate exclusively to this part of your niche.
By doing so, it will be easier to create high-quality content that is more informative in less time.
2. Being useful to your audience
Thinking of a micro niche means working with a very specific topic. For this reason, you have a better chance of solving the problem of people who have searched for your product or service.
When someone has precise information about something that they need with a certain urgency, it is more likely that they buy or want to know more about the product that is being offered.
That’s why sub niches are great strategies to create useful content for your audience.
3. Profitability
A person who searches for a micro niche already knows exactly what they want. They just haven’t found the appropriate product or service yet.
Therefore, you will make a good use of your marketing and sales strategy. After all, there are bigger chances of that purchase to be made, which leads to profits.
4. Engagement
Sending email marketing and more elaborate content to your audience that belongs to a micro niche can result in a higher conversion rate.
Usually, people who look for something more specific are engaged in their searches. They really wish to know more about the topic you’re talking about. So, if you have a good email marketing strategy, you’ll have better opening and click-through rates.
How to identify a micro niche
By now, you can already tell a niche from a micro niche. But do you know how to identify the latter?
Many people who are starting out a new business look their niches up online. They search for keywords and try to develop a product or service based on the areas that are most searched for.
In order to do that, tools such as Google Trends allow you to view trending topics. This means that you have access to topics that are in vogue.
Another way of researching into niches is through social media. You can get a better grip of what people are talking about.
These two strategies can be used to select your niche. However, if we think of a micro niche, wouldn’t it be better to make the decision based on a more narrow area?
Looking for ideas in the real world and expanding them is a great way of finding sub niches that you have never imagined before.
Think about your likes, in general, and try to identify specific topics within your idea.
You can also talk to acquaintances and family members to understand what their likes are.
To help you better segment your area of expertise, you can ask the following questions:
- What am I interested in working with?
- What do people around me seem to be interested in?
- What problems do I have that need solving?
- What pains do my friends and family go through?
By doing so, as you move further along in your research, you’ll notice that there are countless topics related to the one you’ve chosen. From there, you can set the best micro niche for your brand.
But with so many options, do you know how to choose the one that best suits your business?
VIDEO: How to choose your market niche? | Hotmart Tips
How to choose a micro niche
To correctly choose your sub niche, you can start by thinking what you really know. What do you do best? What topics are you really knowledgeable about?
From there, you can base your decision in your abilities, likes, personal interests, or even the curiosity you have for a determined subject.
Try to understand the potential and check how you can pass on your knowledge through products or services. When you really know what you’re going to talk about, you can create a better relationship with your reader and, of course, with your future client.
However, you don’t need to choose micro niches based only on your knowledge. It’s interesting to see beyond what you know or find online.
Understanding people’s longings, needs, fears, and problems help people figure out the areas in which it’s worth getting into.
If you can find a recurring sub niche, it’s likely that lots of people will get interested in that. So, you’ll have in your hands a very desirable topic.
The main idea when choosing different micro niches from your area of expertise is that you “think outside the box”. This means you get outside your comfort zone and go after something you might never have imagined and, at the same time, you do the best you can to have great material. By doing so, you can be innovative.
Think about how your business can have a positive impact on other people’s lives. This means that you should actually make a difference.
But, other than that, you need to check your competitors out. Understand the size of the market you wish to get in and look for micro niches within it.
Thinking about something more specific is better because it’s likely that you’ll have less competition.
It’s important to consider the volume of search for each niche and you need to be able to find a profitable one. And this will likely happen easier when you focus in broad areas. But if you need to find your space, you’ll have a better chance with a micro niche.
So, to choose your micro niche well, you need:
- To find a profitable area;
- To search your search volume;
- To analyze the competition;
- To set a micro niche within the area chosen;
- To work with a sub niche with little competition.
This way, your brand will be one of the firsts to be found when someone searches for something more specific.
The scheme below can help you set your area of expertise. Take a look at this scheme and check how to move from a broad niche to different micro niches:
How to start working with a micro niche
If you are just starting out, a good strategy is choosing only one micro niche to a segmented audience.
For starters, it isn’t interesting to “put your fingers in too many pies”. This will give the impression that you’re not the best in any subject. So, try to focus on only one and become an authority on that subject.
Many people explore different niches because they think that by doing so they can achieve results faster. But to have initial success, it’s best to move to specific areas that have more possibilities to convert.
It’s a lot easier to make sales to someone when you understand who they are and what they are looking for. You can create strategies to attract people’s attention, for example, by using email marketing.
So, the more restricted to an audience, the higher your chances to make purchases and convert.
Of course that, if you really want to, you can work with a general niche. However, you need to know that it will be more difficult to compete with well-established brands in the market.
One suggestion for people who want to work with popular subjects is first paving the way by working with micro niches. Getting recognition in one specific subject can be the turning point for you to be able to position well with a broader niche later on.
Working with a micro niche is a lot like working with strategies for broader areas. You need to have an audience that looks for what you have to offer and a high-quality product or service.
The difference is that you’ll be working with something more specific thus being able to direct your marketing and sales strategies. You can segment your area of expertise very well.
If you got this far, you’ve noticed how important it is to find your micro niche and you may already have started thinking about the possibilities you have.
What about you? Do you already know what your area of expertise is? How about writing an ebook to sell online and make money from it?
Download our free guide and learn how to transform your knowledge into an ebook!