
9 most important characteristics of a good Editor of Digital Products [and 3 desirable ones!]

Here's all you need to know to be an excellent Editor of Digital Products!

João Pedro

05/21/2014 | By

What will we see in this post

An Editor of Digital Products is a professional that, through experience, skill, knowledge of Digital Marketing and the market of Digital Products, partners up with Producers to create and launch products that will become a success in sales and lead to major impact and transformation of their market.

In other words, an Editor of Digital Products is an agent that adds value, and fulfills the absence of knowledge and/or experience in launches and sales of digital products. Usually, this kind of editor works per results. Here at Hotmart, we have the coproduction model, which greatly favors this kind of partnership. This way, the more they help the Producer, the more rewarding it is.

An Editor of Digital Products may be the difference between a great product that reaches the target audience, and a great product that cannot leave the “shelf”. 

9 mandatory characteristics of an excellent Editor of Digital Products

  1. Have a proven history of great results in products sold;
  2. Have social proof from satisfied customers;
  3. Have knowledge of and a deep understanding of the techniques involved in launching digital products;
  4. Have knowledge of and a deep understanding of the techniques in a sales funnel;
  5. Master the best practices in Copywriting;
  6. Have proven knowledge of email marketing and know the main tools in the market;
  7. Have proven skills on Lead generation;
  8. Have excellent skills to attract Affiliates;
  9. Have knowledge and experience on how to formalize a digital product business.

3 desirable characteristics of an excellent Editor of Digital Products

  1. Have knowledge of video capturing and editing;
  2. Master or have access to web designing, members areas, and Landing Page tools;
  3. Have experience in how to structure a support team to Digital Product vendors.

Do you have these characteristics? If your answer is yes, this may be the opportunity you were looking for!

What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below!