digital market best practices


Best Practices Manual for Creators and Affiliates

Do your work as a creator or affiliate, or want to start investing in the digital market? Then check out the best practices so you don’t make any mistakes when promoting or selling products on the Hotmart platform.

Marcos Pereira

08/05/2022 | By

The digital product market keeps growing, attracting more people interested in a career change or simply people who want to start an online businessHowever, many creators and affiliates who are just starting are not aware of the digital market best practices and end up committing a few mistakes that can jeopardize their sales strategies, other professionals, and partners. 

Another risk is violating Hotmart’s terms and conditions, which can result in temporary or permanent suspension from the platform.

If you’re just starting out and want to count on Hotmart’s support, you need to pay attention to the digital market best practices so you don’t end up making a few common mistakes, such as: 

  • Spamming 
  • Misleading advertising promising things that the product cannot deliver
  • Misusing certain tools

With this in mind, we’ve prepared this guide. Here, you’ll find all the information you need to work with digital products properly, in addition to learning more about Hotmart and our best practices policies.


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What is Hotmart and how does it work?

Hotmart is a company that promotes entrepreneurship and education through the creation and promotion of digital products. We have created a complete platform for those who want to sell, promote or buy online courses, videos, subscriptions, ebooks, event tickets, and other digital media.

If you want to start from scratch, transition a business from offline to online, start up a business that’s been put on hold, take a new step in your career by learning a new skill, or promote products for any audience, Hotmart is your ideal partner because it offers everything you need and anyone can get started with a few clicks.

VIDEO: What is Hotmart? How Does Hotmart work? How to sell on Hotmart? DISCOVER EVERYTHING | Hotmart Tips


Digital market best practices: proper conduct to become a Hotmart creator or affiliate

First and foremost, it’s important to remember that, in order to sign up, you need to be at least 18 years old – or legally emancipated – and be in full agreement with our Terms of Use.

Now, learn about the positive behaviors that are critical for your success.

Digital market best practices:



Take the profession of creator or affiliate very seriously and responsibly

The digital market best practices are no different from the offline market when it comes to career development. Entrepreneurs who wish to become creators or affiliates must take this choice of career as seriously as any other.

You need to pay attention to how you present yourself to your audience and promote products. Believing that – just because you’re in an online environment, you don’t need to be concerned about the truthfulness of the information you advertise, the tone of voice and the discourse you use to communicate, in addition to how you treat your customers, coworkers and partners – is bad for business, and can mistrust and a negative reputation for you and your brand.

You also need to consider that, in order to grow, it is critical that you establish a constant work routine, devoting quality hours. Discipline, focus and ethics are part of the set of qualities of successful creators and affiliates. 

Choose a niche according to your affinities and knowledge

It’s common for some creators and affiliates to decide to invest in a certain niche market or product guided only by promises of making fast and easy money. But, getting into the digital product market with this kind of thinking is a huge mistake.

Of course, you can evaluate the possibility of gains that a certain niche can provide, but this shouldn’t be the main reason for your choice.

Ideally, you should choose a niche that is more compatible with your affinities and knowledge. After all, the more you know about a given subject, the easier it will be for you to study and talk about it, and create useful content for your audience and win it over.

If you still aren’t sure about which niche is the best for you, check out a few tips in our blog and in the special Hotmart Tips on the topic.

VIDEO: How to choose your market niche? | Hotmart Tips

Don’t SPAM

Another common mistake on the digital market best practices made by beginning creators and affiliates – in an attempt to promote their products to as many people as possible – is spamming.

Spamming consists of the following:

  • Sharing sales links excessively in social media, blog or website comments
  • Send direct messages to people without their prior authorization
  • Send email not authorized by recipients
  • Misleading advertising promising results and/or benefits that the product is incapable of delivering.

In addition to being reprehensible, which can also generate penalties on social media, spamming can also harm your business’ image, as well as the image of the digital market as a whole.

When promoting your products or affiliate links, always do so in a non-invasive manner. Produce content, such as blog posts, photos, and videos with information that is truly relevant and only send direct messages and emails to those who show interest and consent to receiving your offer, in compliance with the privacy rules.

Pay attention to the forms of promoting digital products

In addition, to never spam, you need to be especially careful when you create offers and advertising campaigns for your brand and products.

Although you’re anxious to make your first sales, don’t create content and campaigns that:

  • Contain false promises
  • Associate the purchase of the product to the immediate promise of results and/or benefit that neither the product nor the creator are able to deliver
  • Use images that allude to benefits, whether financial or not, that the product cannot deliver
  • Associate the names of third parties, whether brands, individuals or companies, without prior authorization, to reinforce or prove the benefits of the product. 


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Study the market carefully and dedicate yourself to the work

Precisely because it’s a young and fast-growing market, you need a lot of dedication to study and learn everything you need to perform well.

Every day, new tools and marketing and sales strategies appear, which can boost your results. But in order to keep up with so many positive changes, you need to perform your everyday duties with responsibility.

Believing in myths, such as ‘’working on the Internet requires no effort’’, is a misconception and it puts the growth of your business in jeopardy.

Digital market best practices: pay attention to the use of the Hotmart brand

We’re looking forward to having you as a member of our community and happy to see the affection you have for our brand. 

But it’s important that you pay attention to the rules for using the Hotmart brand. This way, you don’t run any risk of disrespecting our Terms of Use and/or being punished on your digital channels. 

Check out our guidelines below:  

You are prohibited from promoting a product as if it belongs to Hotmart 

Do not promote products as if they belong to Hotmart. Campaigns that use our company’s name and/or identity, such as our official logo, images and content, are illegal and go against our best practices guidelines.

Keep in mind that Hotmart doesn’t currently own any digital products for sale. We have free digital courses, such as Strategy & Tools, but none are open for affiliation. 

Consequently, no product present in the Affiliation Market belongs to our company. They belong to the creators who created them. Do not be confused by this!

You are prohibited from creating profiles in digital channels using the Hotmart brand

The creation of social media profiles that use our name or brand is also illegal and punishable by the terms of use of the networks themselves. You must also pay attention as to the creation and registration of domains.

Pay attention, when you do this, you undermine your own authority in the market and of course, you make it harder for other future affiliates and creators to find Hotmart’s official social media profiles.

Therefore, it’s crucial that you don’t use our brand when you create profiles, content, and campaigns on digital channels. 

You are prohibited from implying that you have any employment or partnership relationship with Hotmart without prior authorization

If you aren’t a Hotmart employee, with a formal employment relationship, do not imply that you have any form of relationship or partnership with our company. 

Ideally, as a creator, you should add the name of your digital product or brand in your LinkedIn profile. If you’re an affiliate, include the niche that you’ve chosen for your online business online, indicating your current profession.

Myths and facts about working online using the Hotmart platform


  • Being a digital entrepreneur is easy, fast and no trouble at all.
  • You can believe everything you read on the internet about the possibilities of working in the digital market.
  • You don’t need to study in order to be successful in the digital product market.


  • Hotmart offers online courses, lessons, and content that is 100% free, and that teach the steps on how to become a creator or an affiliate, and how to use the platform.
  • Hotmart has a team of experienced teachers and experts who help the public and your customers to learn more about the digital market.
  • You don’t need to buy a digital product in order to become a Hotmart Affiliate.


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Now you know the digital market best practice, so… Get started

Because it’s new, the digital product market creates a lot of uncertainty for those who are just getting started. In this sense, if you’re thinking about starting to work as a creator or an affiliate, it’s important that you follow the digital market best practices that we’ve presented in this post.

Besides avoiding any conflict with our platform’s Terms of Use, you also ensure services with better quality for your audience to help you grow professionally

Would you like to learn more about our platform and its features? Then, click on the image below and take a free tour of Hotmart.

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