Club Caption: greater engagement of your students, greater reach of your content
Boost the learning experience of your students around the world with automatically translated subtitles. Discover Club Caption!
What will we see in this post
Club Caption is a feature that has just arrived at Hotmart Club to boost your students’ experience even further.
Now, you can generate subtitles automatically and also translate them from the original language for multiple languages.
You don’t believe me? Well then, you’re in for a surprise.
It’s an exclusive opportunity to automatically subtitle your videos in Spanish, English, French, and Arabic, and also translate it into languages such as German, Hindi, Japanese, and many others.
Understanding Club Caption better…
Let’s suppose that you teach English classes and wish to market your video in Arabic. With Hotmart Club’s Caption, you generate the subtitle in English in the Members Area itself and then, translate the content into the desired language.
An exclusive opportunity to subtitle your videos automatically in a variety of languages.
There’s more? Yep. This a 100% free tool for those using Hotmart’s Video Player. Check out how to set up Hotmart’s Video Player.
What are the main advantages of Club Caption?
This Club feature has very significant benefits for your students. You and your entire community are sure to gain a lot from using it. With Club Caption, you will:
- Generate greater retention and engagement of your students by using subtitles;
- Provide more accessibility for your hearing impaired students, helping those who want to learn from you even more;
- Sell your content around the world, in a multitude of languages, which is also a unique opportunity to explore new markets, right?
- Spend less time to create and edit your subtitles (without wasting hours configuring or typing on external tools);
- Reduce expenses with the translation of subtitles for your video content;
- Improve the experience so that your students can watch the content from anywhere, even in situations in which they cannot hear the audio (on a bus or waiting room, for example).
Cool, right?
The Video Retention Report
We know that it is necessary to constantly measure your results in order to evolve (always). With this in mind, we provide a report that shows how your students are behaving regarding your content, i.e., whether or not you are retaining your audience.
If you notice that your Students aren’t really interested in your content, you can draw insights to help you rethink your material.
If your retention curve drops at a certain point, perhaps your content can be improved regarding student expectations.
In order to help you enhance your results further, I’ll provide you with a few insights drawn from a study conducted by Wistia, which can help your video content evolve:
“The Nose”:
The Nose is the first 2% of your video. If your engagement drops at this point, this may indicate that your audience isn’t interested in your content. The motivations can vary, including the video’s failure to catch somebody’s attention.
On average, according to the study, the loss of engagement in this section of the video is related to its duration – in the case of the analysis made by Wistia, 4.9% for 1 or 2-minute videos.
What can you do to improve the engagement of your videos?
- (Don’t beat around the bush!) Shorten the video’s introduction and get to the point;
- May sure that the video’s audio is okay;
- Try removing the sequence of graphics and logos;
- Call your audience attention by showing and proving the main point of your video;
- Avoid talking too much about yourself – let the video’s page present the context.
“The Body”:
The Body represents 96% of the video, i.e., the majority of the content. This might be the most critical moment to make your engagement drop. After all, your viewer might’ve gotten bored with the content.
And why is this critical? Because a disappointed viewer might not wish to watch another video, or may even give up on your digital course.
On the other hand, this may also mean that they have found what they wanted to extract from the video and are satisfied. Each video may have different reasons for low engagement figures; so, keep an eye on it.
What are the possible solutions?
- Divide your video into many videos;
- If the content on the video is relevant, you can film in different locations to break the content’s “monotony”;
- You can also use a bit of humor and more humanized elements in longer videos;
- Remove the title section because this will help you shorten the video;
- Add another person to help you present the video. You can alternate the video’s flow and give the content a more interesting dynamic;
- Select a soundtrack that your Students enjoy to keep them engaged.
“The Tail”:
The video’s final 2%. Here, it is important to be aware if you have a call to action: It’s natural for people to close the video once the “value” content has been presented.
When we talk about video duration, the study shows the highest drops in engagement at this point in the case of 10 to 20-minute videos.
What should you do in this situation?
- Do not use phrases such as “in short”, “in conclusion”, “and finally”… Viewers end up closing the video, because they know that the most valuable information has already been presented;
- Avoid recapitulating everything that you’ve already said (users can watch the video again if they wish);
- Don’t let the logo or credits take too much time at the end of the video, and learn how to use the moment to insert your CTA (right at the end of the video, in this case);
- Pay attention to the soundtrack used to indicate that the video is really ending.
Haven’t used Club Player yet?
The Video Player is an exclusive feature on Hotmart’s Member’s Area (Hotmart Club) to offer a top-notch experience to your students. With it, your customers can learn with your content in a complete environment, which offers:
– Access to Club Templates – a feature prepared to provide more value to your content and transform your students’ learning experience;
– Content notes so that Producers and students can create annotations throughout the content, facilitating the follow-up of the classes;
– Subtitles in various languages;
– Organization of classes into playlists;
– Experience: A feature to speed up videos 1.25x and 1.5x;
– Very high security, with SSL certification;
– Compatibility with .MKV, .MP4, .AVI, .MOV and .MP3 file extensions.
Enjoy all the features of Club Caption in your Members Area!
Leave us a comment and let us know if you have any questions :)
See you next time!
This article was originally posted in 2019. It has been updated to include more accurate and complete information.