Alternative Sales Pages


Hotmart has made it possible to create alternative sales pages!

Learn how to set up Alternative Sales Pages on the Hotmart platform and take your digital business to the next level!

João Pedro

06/14/2013 | By

What will we see in this post

Hello, Hotmarters!

This is a brief, but very important post that we are sure to help both Producers and Affiliates!

We’ve added in our system the option to create Alternative Pages. This means that a Producer can set up different sales pages by using this resource. A new HotLink is automatically generated to each sales page the Producer adds.

This means that Producers can make available any content, page, article, video, etc. from their website and turn it into an alternative page that their Affiliates can promote! Affiliates can choose this alternative link to use on their strategy, promoting it to the best niche of potential buyers.

Do you want to learn how to create an Alternative Page? It’s super simple, however, only Producers can set them up. ;)

On your Hotmart account, access the menu “Tools” and look for the option “Alternative Pages”.

Alternative Sales Pages

Then, select the product for which you’d like to create Alternative Pages.

You’ll be redirected to the chosen product’s page:

alternative sales pages 1

Then, click the button “Add Page” to enter the URL and the descriptions related to your new page and save it.

Alternative sales pages 2

There you go! Now you already have a new HotLink that will be shown to be promoted!

They can be found on the Products menu on HotLinks > Alternative Pages.

We believe that by using this tool, both Producers and Affiliates can develop more effective strategies to make sales!

We hope you achieve success using this new feature. 

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