Erico Rocha lays his cards on the table on helping clients make millions in launches and lessons he learned. Check it out!

Digital Marketing

Check out 4 lessons from Erico Rocha, who’s helped clients make millions in launches

Erico Rocha, digital marketing specialist and entrepreneur, shares some lessons learned from helping clients make millions in launches.

Marcos Pereira

03/29/2021 | By

What will we see in this post

Have you ever wondered what it takes to launch an online product that earns millions? If so, today’s text was made for you!

Over the past few weeks, we have started to publish a new series on the Hotmart YouTube channel, Hotmart MASTERS Newscast. It gathers tips from some of the leading experts in the digital market that participated in the latest edition of Hotmart MASTERS.

But what is Hotmart MASTERS? It is a global, online and 100% free event, with talks from experts on all the trends on online entrepreneurship, education and digital marketing.

And to add to this series, we‘ll do a recap of Érico Rocha’s presentation, an entrepreneur and one of the greatest specialists in launching digital products in Brazil.

If you want to know more about making millions in launches, just watch the video below or if you prefer, read this post.

Let’s go?

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1. Choose a “navigator”

Erico Rocha says that the first lesson he learned from helping clients make millions in launches was to choose a person to act as a “navigator” and to closely monitor the development of each product and strategy.

By doing this, explains Erico, it’s possible to map and understand the difficulties in managing the business, the achievements and the points for improvement.

2. Do launch analysis

The second lesson that Erico learned and started to put into practice in his courses and training was to do a launch analysis.

This process consists of analyzing previous launches, successful or not, to identify the blind spots of the strategy, details that can be improved and examples to be followed.


And that’s not all. The digital market specialist also explains that doing a launch analysis allows answering questions that the customer has not yet asked, anticipating the questions that they may have about the product or service offered.

3. Create a community

Over the years, Erico Rocha realized that the students in his mentoring program lost their drive and motivation after some launches did not reach the dreamed “6 in 7.”

To solve this problem, he decided to create a community,  where the experience in launches, even those cases that did not reach six figures, could be shared and valued.

This community, according to Erico, rewards the students’ experience.


4. Challenge your customers

Finally, Erico says that he noticed that his students stopped making launches, fearing a low response from the public because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To motivate his students, Erico decided to use some mental triggers and proposed a challenge: he would organize an event where everyone would launch their products.

The result was higher-than-expected engagement, since everyone had clear goals and deadlines, such as the creation of certain content or a deadline for organizing an event.

Learn from market references in education

So, did you like Erico Rocha’s tips on making millions in launches? If so, roll up your sleeves and start putting into practice the lessons he shared!

If you feel like continuing your learning journey, we have an invitation for you! Sign up for Hotmart MASTERS. On May 24 & 25, 2021, learn from experts in entrepreneurship and education at Hotmart’s online, global and free event. Just click on the banner below.

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