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Being a YouTuber is one of the most desired jobs of the future, especially considering the freedom of choosing when and where to work from.
Considering is a very sought-after job, lots of new channels are created on a daily basis.
For that reason, on top of creating incredible videos, with elaborate, interesting content for your audience, it is essential to know how to choose names for Youtube channel of your business.
By doing that, you can get attention from users who aren’t familiar with your content yet and also create an identity to your channel.
As we are aware that is no easy task, here are 7 tips to inspire you when choosing a name at YouTube.
VIDEO: How to Create a YouTube Channel Beginner’s Tutorial [2020] | Hotmart Tips
1. Define your niche
Choosing a niche is the first step you should take, even before creating the YouTube channel and choosing a name for it.
If it’s your intention to shoot recipe videos, it seems obvious that your niche is cooking right? But did you ever stop to think how many branches each area actually has?
You can choose to create a channel that is broad in content, so you can approach any subject related to cooking. But if you do that, your competition will be much bigger.
When you choose a micro niche within your area, it is easier to direct your language to a specific audience and to stand out.
In that case, your audience may be smaller, but they can in fact be genuinely interested in what you share.
If you create relevant, attractive content, you’ll show your expertise and that you are able to offer solutions that people on that niche are in need of.
In case of a recipe channel, here are examples of micro niches:
- Vegan and vegetarian food;
- Dietary restriction meals or food allergies such as Lactose-intolerance, and Gluten-free food;
- Specific diets for pregnant women;
- Food for children.
2. Know your audience
Now that you know which niche you’re going to be working in, it’s time to find out everything about your audience.
This is the time for research, so you can find out everything there’s to know about who your target audience is, what they want to learn, what are their pains and objections.
To find out what your audience is looking for, you should understand what kind of demand doesn’t have enough information around and that you can address.
Try to collect as much information about the people you want to reach, so it will be easier to choose a names for YouTube channel that will be attract them.
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3. Use your brand
Business owners can use videos as a marketing strategy since they are an excellent way to interact with the public through interesting, eye-catching content.
If this is your case, the best option when choosing a names for YouTube channel is to use the name of your brand, especially if it is already well-known in the market. So, use your expertise on that niche to attract people and to increase the number of followers on your channel.
Also use the visual identity of your brand to customize the channel with the same colors, symbols, or any other elements that clearly represent your business.
The idea is that the channel becomes a bridge between your customers and your business. That’s why it’s so important that they know, from the get-go, who is behind all that content.
This strategy is a great way to generate traffic to your site, increase your sales and gain or enhance your credibility in the market.
While adding value to users with your YouTube videos, you show you’re ready to solve their problems, which can generate interest in your products or services.
4. Make a list with their characteristics
If you don’t have a brand, you’re going to need to come up with a names for YouTube channel starting from scratch.
In that case, we suggest that you make a list with all the characteristics of the channel you wish to create.
Think of everything that relates to the subject that you want to address and about what you would like to be associated with your channel.
Focus on what makes you stand out from all those other YouTubers.
At first, don’t bother to write a list of name suggestions that make sense or are already ready to be used.
Write down all the ideas that come to mind, because anything can become an inspiration when the decision moment comes.
Then, pay close attention to how each word or phrase sounds and choose the one that, in addition to representing who you are, clearly echoes the idea you want to convey.
Have you heard that old saying that says “First impressions are the most lasting”?
Remember it when choosing a name for your YouTube channel, because this may be the first contact of users with your content.
5. Pick easy words
If you want people to identify themselves with your channel, get away from words that are difficult to spell or simply little known.
Making puns and using your sense of humour can be a great strategy, but the most important thing is to create a name that is memorable and that will make people understand quickly what it’s about.
On the internet, everything happens very fast. So, most people don’t spend time on content that they aren’t really sure it is going to be worth their time.
Thus, from the get-go, you need to show users what they will get from watching your videos.
That way, you are more likely to attract who actually is interested in what you have to offer and that in return will likely increase chances of people liking, engaging and sharing your content.
So be objective when picking your channel’s name, trying to keep it to one word or short phrases.
Be careful also with words in foreign languages and use them only if your audience knows that language and can understand and easily pronounce the name.
You want users to tell other people about you and promote your channel.
It’s going to be a lot more complicated if they are unable to remember its name, isn’t it?
6. Check out other channels’ names
Whenever someone is going to start a new business, regardless of the area, it is crucial to know the competitors and other professionals who work in the same field.
When choosing names for YouTube, it shouldn’t be different.
You need to make sure you’re using a name that doesn’t already exist or a name that is very similar to other channels’, what could be confusing or make people think you’ve copied another professional.
We know it’s frustrating to come up with a great name and find that it is already being used by another channel. But it’s better to make a change at the beginning than to be accused of plagiarism and lose users for that reason.
In addition, this research time should work as a time for you to be inspired and find out what works well with the users you want to reach.
Here, you don’t have to attain yourself to channels of your own country, especially if you can speak other languages.
Seek as many references as you can in order to create an attractive name that can convey the image you want to portray.
VIDEO: How to Grow on YouTube | Hotmart Tips
7. Ask for opinions
Did you see how important it is to choose names for YouTube that are unique, easy to understand and that represent what you will share in your videos.
After going through the whole creation process, you may find a name you prefer or you may have some remaining options to choose from.
On this step, talking to other people is essential so you are able to make an assertive decision.
Tell them about your thought process and see what they think about it, what are their first impressions, suggestions and tips.
Often, we believe that something is good, because we’re thinking solely about what we like and understand ourselves.
However, your channel needs to get the attention from other people. So it’s important to know what kind of impact the name you’ve chosen will have on your audience.
An important tip is: choose only a few people and only those that can give you valuable, relevant feedback. Otherwise, you’ll end up having even more difficulty to decide.
You can ask friends and family for help or even people who work in the area and that you trust.
Talk to people who have the same profile as your audience’s and are interested in your channel’s niche, because these are the people who will know how to tell you if the name you chose will stand out from the others and attract the users’ attention.
Ready to create your own channel and list names for YouTube?
It’s pretty clear that, in order to stand out, professionals must be willing to devote themselves.
From the beginning of the process, when the you are analysing options of names for YouTube, up to the time you’ll shoot the videos, you must pay attention to details that will please your audience and will consequently win their trust.
If you produce quality content to an interested audience, you are bound to achieve your goals and succeed!
Of course, that doesn’t happen overnight. But with dedication and time, you may end up discovering that this could be your new career.
You are thinking about working in the area, but still need to know more on the subject before starting?