social media audience

Digital Marketing

How to Grow Your Audience on Social Media

The number of social networks keeps growing, and algorithms make it difficult to position yourself well using organic traffic strategies. But don't worry, we’ll show you a few ways to increase your audience on social media.

Ferencz Mario Villamonte Rojas

07/19/2022 | By

One of the most important things for those using social media to boost their business is to know how to increase their social media audience, grow their followers, and have more visibility.

Every day, the number of social networks keeps growing, and algorithms make it difficult to position yourself well using organic traffic strategies. But don’t worry, we’ll show you a few ways to increase your audience on social media.

VIDEO: How to grow your audience on social media | Carla Salinas at Hotmart MASTERS

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Social media is filled with real people who consume an average of 2.5 hours of content every day.

All of these people are potential customers. And, if they’re on social media, you and your brand have to be there too, either to get closer to them, to generate more trust, or to increase your sales. So, let’s learn how to grow your social media audience?

1. Post on social media and ignore any fears

It’s true that everybody’s different and we have a lot to say. Therefore, some people do very well with social media and post everything, while others share practically nothing.

The first step to being successful and growing your social media audience is, without a doubt, to lose your fear of sharing everything you have to say. The idea is that everyone will listen to you, and you can convey everything you know to others.

Don’t be afraid of what people will say. Be yourself, create conversations, and trust those who follow you because that’s the only way you can fulfill your goals on this type of platform.

2. Start by creating valuable content

Valuable content is the type of content that arouses different feelings and emotions and makes your heart beat faster. This can be tested in people’s interactions with your posts.

Each “like”, each shared or saved content is a sign that it has accomplished its mission since it has produced emotions in those who saw it.

We can say that one of the most important types of interaction is content that has been shared. When someone shares content, it means that, besides valuing it, they believe that other people from your social media audience will also share it.

This is precisely our goal when creating valuable content to share with as many people as possible, helping them solve their problems.


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3. How to create valuable content that gets shared

Truly valuable content must meet two primary conditions. The first is that the topic must interest your social media audience and the second, that it does something for them.

To create valuable content that meets both of these conditions, it’s essential to work with different methodologies.

To meet the first condition and provide information that interests your audience, it’s necessary to create a buyer persona. In other words, a semi-fictitious portrait of your ideal customer.

To meet the second requirement, what the content will do for the audience, you’ll need to use a cultural Cartography, which is merely a tool that relates the content you create with what is done for your audience.

But how do you know which content is really effective for your audience? To better understand this process, we have divided it into 5 categories:

  1. Content that makes you laugh: Humor-related content with the purpose of distracting and relaxing the viewer, such as funny videos or memes.
  2. Content that creates a sense of identity: Content related to the sense of identity, belonging, and to the personality of those who view it. This awakens emotions and helps us connect.
  3. Content that connects with people: This type of content not only provides value to the viewers, but also makes them share it to connect with others and share their experiences.
  4. Content that teaches: This type of content is the most valuable of all because it’s focused on teaching something. When people view this, there’s a possibility that it will change their lives because they learn something new that might fascinate them.
  5. Content that taps into emotions: This type of content seeks to appeal to the viewers’ feelings and emotions to generate value.

4 social media management pillars

Besides all these functions, social media management must contain 4 important pillars, which, if used in your strategy, can provide many opportunities:

First pillar: Explore the formats and tools

One of the most important aspects of providing valuable content is to explore the formats and tools of the different existing social media.

The more you use them, the better organic results and exposure you will obtain. Especially if they’re in the launch phase, as social media apps tend to promote new features by rewarding users who use them with greater reach.

This isn’t a rule, but it applies to most social media because if they want to make a tool go viral, they have to boost it somehow. And that’s the most common way of doing this.


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Second Pillar: Understand and give in to your social media audience

Another important aspect of increasing your social media audience is not to lose the followers you have gained. To do so, it‘s necessary to take care of them and understand them.

Sometimes brands and entrepreneurs focus on gaining new followers but stop creating valuable content for the older ones. This can become a serious problem because it’s always more expensive to acquire a new follower than to keep an old one.

To see how engaged your audience is with your brand, you can turn to engagement, a metric that measures followers’ interactions with your content. Thus, you can measure how valuable each post is to your target audience.

Another way of taking care of your social media audience is to respond almost immediately to the comments they make because those who write to you only wish to be heard. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to show interest and respect for their opinions.


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Third pillar: Humanize your social media

If you look at the social media of the most famous influencers, you’ll notice that they have something in common: their humanized social media.

They always share a little bit of their daily life, expose themselves and connect with their followers because they like to feel close to them.

Even if your profile is of a brand with many employees, we advise you to humanize it. This way, your followers will be more attracted and curious by what it represents than by the brand itself. 


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Fourth pillar: Build partnerships

Work together with well-known influencers, and create Instagram livestreams, webinars, and whatever comes to mind.

The more you collaborate with other people, the larger the audience you can reach. Of course, it’s always better to do it with those who have similar or complementary goals to your own.

Keep updated to grow your social media audience

In order to please your social media audience and grow it successfully, you should keep yourself updated about the platforms, tools, and social media best practices. So, here is our tip: subscribe to our blog to receive the best content on entrepreneurship and digital marketing by filling out the form below this text, and follow us on Instagram!


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