6 techniques to train and develop people
Learn how to collaborate with the training of the people who work with you.

What will we see in this post
The areas of training and development of people are currently much valued and the importance of investing in them is practically a consensus in the business world.
If you have a company or people who work with you, be aware that conducting training courses helps align employees to your business goals. And this type of training is what ensures that everyone follows the same line of reasoning and performance in a company.
This contributes to the success of the business because it lets everyone know exactly what they have to do in order to achieve the desired results.
And this is why companies that still haven’t paid attention to the training and development of people in their strategies are wasting time, money and space in the market.
If you are an entrepreneur and want to help improve the performance of those who work with you, continue reading this post.
We will show you 6 techniques for those who wish to implement a training and development program in their own company.
In addition, we will give tips to those who want to create their own business in this area.
Differences between the training and development of people
It is very common to think of the training and development areas as if they were the same.
However, they refer to different processes and must be present together within the company to maximize results.
Before choosing the best techniques to apply in your business, or to create a course and work in this niche, it is crucial to know what characterizes each of these areas so that you can differentiate them and apply them correctly.
Training is a short-term process, implemented to modify employees’ behavior, ensure the acquisition of skills and the knowledge of rules and concepts that are important for the accomplishment of tasks required by the work.
In most companies, it is applied only upon the arrival of new employees, so they can learn their roles and understand the company’s culture.
However, it is essential to expand the practice to other moments within the organization. This way, employees will always be up to date and prepared to deal with workplace challenges.
Development is a broader, long-term process.
It serves to constantly improve employee, leader and manager skills, increase motivation, and make them increasingly more valuable to the organization.
In addition, its focus is not only on professional growth, but also personal growth. Therefore, training involves issues more related to experiences, satisfaction and career.
Training and development techniques
There are several types of training and people development that can be applied within a company.
Each one works better with a specific goal. That’s why it’s important to know the options before you implement them in your business.
If you want to create a training and development course, it is even more important to know how to differentiate each technique so you can choose the one that best applies your way of teaching.
We will show the 6 most used models for training and development:
1. Organizational Training
Organizational training is the training of the company as a whole, with the goal of better organizing the strategies used and optimizing results.
It can take place by means of lectures, workshops or even online courses.
The important thing is to create an effective way of transmitting the necessary information so that employees can learn something new and apply it during work.
2. Assertive communication
The weakness of a company often lies in the difficulty of communication between managers, leaders and employees.
Knowing how to speak clearly, objectively and respectfully is essential to create a pleasant environment that encourages interaction and the exchange of knowledge between people.
Usually, tasks are not properly performed due to lack of understanding of the rules or due to friction in the dialogue between those involved.
This type of training presents employees with a few techniques to improve their interpersonal communication, such as:
- Having the knowledge of what is being said;
- Empathizing and paying attention to others;
- Using verbal language that is appropriate to the listener;
- Also paying attention to one’s body language;
- Being objective without being aggressive;
- Knowing the right time to express oneself.
3. Leadership Training
This type of training, as its name implies, is targeted at business leaders.
Those responsible for leading a department or a team in the organization, regardless of the area, have to handle many assignments and therefore, they have huge responsibilities.
Leaders need to manage teams, mediate internal problems, make decisions, disseminate best practices and also serve as motivation and inspiration to other employees.
Now do you understand why it’s so important to invest in training these people?
Leadership training serves to perfect people management, conflict and time, goal management, and critical thinking skills.
4. Motivational Training
Everyone is subject to experiencing moments of discouragement, demotivation and low productivity at work.
This can be due to personal issues or factors related to the company’s own environment, such as:
- Problems with co-worker and leaders;
- Monotonous activities;
- Lack of identification with the functions performed;
- Little perspective of growth, among others.
Before implementing a motivational training program, it is important to conduct a business diagnosis to know exactly what demotivates your employees. This makes it easier to put together an assertive strategy to solve the problem.
Some of the approaches to motivate teams are:
- Working with case studies;
- Implementing policies that value the employees’ opinions;
- Creating training courses for areas where there is a lack of interest due to lack of instruction or understanding of the activities;
- Developing benefit and award programs.
5. Development of skills and abilities
Skills are a set of attitudes, abilities and knowledge that a person needs in order to perform well.
In order to work on the development of skills within a company, it is necessary to identify which skills are necessary to carry out each function.
Subsequently, individual skills should be surveyed to locate where it is necessary to invest in training and where employees are performing well or above average.
This study allows the company to identify the type of content that its training course should have in order to help employees develop and apply all the skills required by their assignments.
6. Corporate Coaching
Another way to invest in training and development is to implement a corporate coaching process.
Through the use of coaching techniques, the process seeks individual and collective development within the organization, focusing on an assertive high performance team engaged in improving results.
The professional responsible for corporate coaching aims to align the organization’s strategic planning with the professionals’ individual goals.
The process is based on the understanding that motivated, qualified employees who recognize themselves as part of the company are more likely to achieve the expected results.
Create a successful training program!
Now that you know how important it is to invest in the training and developing of people in the organizational environment, you can start using it in your favor!
You can create a program to be implemented in your company and to increase the performance of those who work with you or even sell your content to other people and companies.
Are you interested in the subject?
Here are a few tips to help you create a truly effective training program:
1. Define your audience
Before you begin, it is essential that you define to whom your content will be directed.
The more you know about your audience, the more likely you are to create an assertive training program.
Make a list of all possible characteristics of this audience, such as:
- Will it be formed by team leaders? Managers? Employees?
- What is their average age?
- What are the functions they perform in the company?
- What are the skills and abilities they need to develop?
- How much time do they have to conduct training programs?
We have a form that you can fill out to understand who the people you want to target with your training program are. Complete it with the necessary information and you will get to know your audience better:
2. Specify the training program’s goal
Specifying your training program’s goal is important so that people can understand exactly what you are offering.
Thus, develop clearly what the company or employee will achieve upon completion of the training program so that they can recognize in their product the solution they need.
In addition, having a well-defined goal ensures that you follow a line of thought and avoid placing several different issues into a single training program, which can make the content long, confusing and inefficient.
3. Create a roadmap with the subjects to be addressed during the training program
Despite knowing everything you will say during your training program, it is essential that you create a roadmap so that the content is organized and linear.
It may even be a basic roadmap with only the main topics, but always structure everything before you begin.
Thus, you make sure you don’t forget any important details and that your training classes have a logical sequence.
4. Choose the methods that will be used
You’ve defined your audience beforehand, so you already know what you have to do to attract their attention, right?
Use this information to choose the best method to train your audience.
This is the time to define whether you’ll create a face-to-face or online training course.
If you opt for the online model, due to the practicality and flexibility it offers participants, also define the format that you will use to deliver your content.
You can develop e-books, podcasts or video classes, for example, it all depends on your goal and you audience’s demand.
The important thing is to choose a method that encourages the engagement of people and with which you can convey all the necessary knowledge.
5. Create a training plan
Now, you already practically have all the content for your training and development course for people.
The next step is to create a training plan, which works as a schedule with all the details.
Especially if you are going to sell this training program so others can apply it in their companies, it is essential to have this information well organized.
This plan will serve as a basis so that your customers can understand what you offer and decide if your content is worthwhile.
Here, you should separate the classes by subject, specifying well what each of them will address.
This is also the time to think about and stipulate the exercises that will be proposed for the participants, whether for evaluation purposes or merely to increase people’s interactivity and engagement.
6. Think about the training program duration and value
Finally, determine the duration of your training course.
Specify how many classes will be necessary to cover the entire content and how much time each one will require.
Also, calculate the overall duration so that you can specify exactly much time your company’s employees or your customers will require to complete the training program.
After you’ve done all these steps, you’ll have an idea of how much time it took to prepare that material, what features you used and what is the your audience recognizes in your content.
Remember that people need to be sure that your material will add value, increase productivity and improve the company’s overall performance.
If you can demonstrate this, people will be willing to pay higher prices (but still fair, of course) for your product.
What about you? Have you implemented any training program in your company? Let us know in the comments section below!