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Digital Marketing

Types of Facebook ads: Which one is best for your business?

Knowing the best type of Facebook ad is key to achieving the expected results from a paid campaign.


05/08/2020 | By

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Facebook is one of the main tools for those who wish to work with digital marketing in their business. With over 2 billion users, it’s a great channel to promote products and services. Consequently, knowing how to advertise on Facebook is the simplest way to boost your brand’s sales.

Even with a small decline in its audience in some countries Facebook is still one of the most widely used social networks in the world. According to statistica, Facebook has 2.6 billion monthly active users on the platform worldwide. 

With the mobile market as popular as ever, you need to master all the techniques to make money on the internet. With this in mind, in this article, we’ve gathered all the existing possibilities to advertise on Facebook in order to boost your sales.  

11 types of Facebook ads

In order for you to choose the best Facebook ad for your business, you need to understand the purpose of each of the options available on the platform.

Check out below, all the possibilities that can help you learn how to sell on Facebook in a more objective manner.  

Video ads

Video ads are currently one of the main types of digital marketing content, and using them for your business is crucial in order to create good Facebook ads.

Making videos helps in the marketing strategy for those who aim to sell something or promote information in a simpler manner. After all, sales videos usually have more commercial appeal and attract people’s attention more.

You can use videos to promote the launch of a new product, for example. There are many possibilities.

Below, you’ll find an example of a video ad:

types of facebook ads: video

Image ads

Image ads are the most known and used on social media. Because they are simpler, they end up being the entry-level option for those who are becoming familiarized with the Ad Manager page.

In order for your Facebook ad to be successful, you need to choose a few images for ads that are within the social media’s parameters to avoid being penalized.

To find out if your image is within Facebook’s requirements, just click here and test it.

Another important issue is having a persuasive text, a technique called copywriting. It needs to be able to spark users’ interest to the point of making people leave the social network and go to your page.

Also, image ads are usually the most democratic. They serve as ads for physical products, services and digital products. Just use your creativity!

Check out this example:

types of facebook ads: image

Collection ads

Collection ads are ideal formats for those who wish to advertise products or services specifically for the mobile market.

A collection ad provides the combination of images and videos in the same place, creating a full screen experience capable of generating more engagement and stimulating consumers’ interest to stay focused on the ad.

They can be used both for local or online businesses. The important thing in this case is having a specific strategy to use the collection correctly and not cause a negative experience.

Carousel ads

This is perhaps the favorite type of ad for entrepreneurs who have several products with the purpose of selling online.

This format allows you to advertise up to 10 products or services in a single ad, changing the ad name and amount, for example. This makes the user’s experience much simpler by viewing everything that you’re willing to offer.

Also, this Facebook ad format is usually extremely popular with certain market niches, such as apparel and food.

Another possibility is using this type of ad to display a panoramic image.

Check out an example of carousel ad:

types of facebook ads: carousel

Multimedia presentation ads

Facebook ads focused on multimedia presentations are usually very similar to video ads. By using sound, images and texts, you can tell a unique story for mobile devices.

It’s the type of Facebook ad thought out and structured to run better on smartphones and tablets.

Instant Experience ads

Instant experience ads are another advertising model that is totally focused on the mobile market.

With them, you can create ads by using your existing photo catalog and details of your products. The major difference is that, in order to be optimized, the instant experience already targets your ads to an audience with greater chances of consuming it.

Sign-up Generation Ads

With businesses concerned about obtaining increased qualified leads to intensify their marketing strategies, Facebook has developed a type of ad, which is specific for this business demand.

This strategy works like a landing page, but within the social network. Therefore, structure your campaign as if it were a landing page. Think about using an eye-catching text, a strategic image and especially, ask the right questions to attract valuable leads.


Offer ads are aimed at entrepreneurs who wish to make direct sales.

When users see your ad on their news feed, they’ll be able to save, like or comment on the post.

Engagement with the post

Ads with the purpose of creating engagement with the post basically do what the name suggests. They are indicated for those who seek to increase brand recognition and more user engagement with the posted content.

This option is interesting for those who want their brand’s Facebook or Instagram to gain visibility. For those who wish to make direct sales, this might not be the most recommended option.

Event participation

This Facebook ad is ideal to help you attract your target audience to a specific location, whether physical or digital. It’s the easiest way of building a relationship with an audience and building a community gathered around a single goal.

With this type of ad, it’s easier to get more participants for the release of a new product, a workshop or a classroom course.

Page Likes

Facebook ads with the purpose of generating page likes are aimed at people who wish to increase their fan page’s reach.

Although it’s efficient at first, it is necessary to pay attention when filtering the audience that will see the content. Thus, you ensure that new fans truly take an interest in your solutions and have a real chance of becoming buyers.

How to choose the best type of Facebook ad for your business

In order to be successful with Facebook ads, more important than starting to produce advertising pieces, you need to see your market niche as a whole and know how to evaluate which type of content is best suited at the moment.

Although we have already suggested a few options, we have listed a few tips so you don’t make mistakes when you create your ad campaign.

1. Define your campaign’s goal

Before you evaluate what’s right or wrong for your business, you need to keep the purpose of your campaign’s goal in mind before choosing the ideal Facebook ad.

Therefore, be clear about the type of result you wish to achieve by advertising on social media.

Is it sales? An increase of your lead base? Brand recognition and authority?

All of these details make all the difference when you structure a successful campaign. You can set up campaigns focused on:

  • Conversion
  • Traffic
  • Messages
  • Video views
  • Catalog sales
  • App installations
  • Brand recognition
  • Reach
  • Traffic to the establishment
  • Sign-up generation
  • Involvement

2. List the possible ads you might use

Many of the options mentioned in this article can be used simultaneously. But, if you still don’t have a lot of experience with the Facebook ad manager, you should focus on one strategy at a time.

At first, video, image, carousel and collection campaigns are usually easier to do.

However, don’t limit yourself to our suggestions. Try them and discover all of their features.

3. Reduce your options

If this is your first time using the ad tool, take it easy. Start by using only one type of Facebook ad at a time.

After you achieve your goal, start setting up your next campaign by putting into practice everything you learned from the previous one.

And remember that, most of the time, with fewer ad options, it’s easier to achieve the expected results.

4. Write copies and create images

One of the great secrets for a successful Facebook ad is related to the ad’s content. Therefore, having good images and a convincing text is essential in this process.

The text, in addition to being persuasive, needs to be truthful and spark the interest of those who read it. While the image, in addition to following Facebook’s parameters, needs to be attractive, objective and contain clear information.

5. Use different ads for campaigns with different goals

As we’ve already mentioned, the great advantage of working with Facebook is that you can use the different ad options it offers. If you have already been through the initial phase, it’s time to start testing other campaigns and goals.

This is because, from time to time, some campaigns simply lose their strength within the social network, no matter how well they have performed previously.

This occurs because the algorithm understands that this ad is getting “old” and, in addition to not showing the content to as many people, it makes the value of each click increase.

Therefore, use different types of ads for your new campaigns and always have clear goals.

6. Target your audience

Remember that the production of content for ads needs to be well thought out for your target audience. And at this point, knowing precisely what your persona is can help you in this process.

Think about your customers’ pain and how you can solve it. Structure your ads consistently with texts and images that reflect the message you wish to convey. Thus, it is unlikely that your ad will be ignored by people.

7. Keep an eye on the results

The big secret to creating Facebook ads is to keep an eye on the results. To do so, you’ll need to understand a little more about metrics, and what you need to evaluate in order to analyze whether your campaign is profitable.

Knowing a few concepts, such as ROI, ROAS, cost per click and average ticket are crucial to analyzing what can be improved and what can be replicated.

If these terms are not familiar to you, in this next article you can learn what ROI is and how to measure the campaign’s return.

Test the different types of Facebook ads

In order to decide on the best Facebook ad for your business, you need to test, evaluate results and understand what happens during each step of the campaign.

Therefore, develop an effective marketing plan, produce good copy and images, target your ads and define your target audience carefully. With all of this information at hand, it will be much easier to define which Facebook ad is ideal for each campaign.

Do you still have questions about how to structure a successful campaign? Well, we invite you to learn how to target Facebook ads and improve your marketing strategy.

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