Brand awareness: 5 tips to make your brand memorable
Is your brand MEMORABLE? – Learn about what you need to do to be recognized in your market.

What will we see in this post
Brand Awareness simply refers to how people see your brand. That means that the more people recognize something about your brand, the more exposure your consumers are subject to, the better is your brand awareness.
And by recognizing a brand, we don’t only mean knowing how to identify your logo design, but your values, discourse, and the entire umbrella of meanings and branding efforts your business makes.
Increasing this brand awareness to those who will consume your products isn’t as difficult if you follow certain paths. And that is exactly the purpose of this article.
The importance of brand awareness
Do you believe your business will continue to thrive 5, 10, 30 years from now?
Brand awareness is the icing on the cake for any brand that wants to be seen and remembered. Having a memorable brand is much more important nowadays, as there are many entrepreneurs who are using the Internet to have a wider reach.
The competition has increased significantly and everyone wants to get a foothold, but few can stay profitable. What will set you apart in the market and long term is brand recognition.
We have separated some reasons that will make you want to work on your brand awareness now!
It helps you boost sales
Every business has one important goal in mind: sales. But a strategy that only aims at offering a product or service does not really show the brand universe to that customer.
By achieving good brand awareness, your brand will be present in your audience’s mind and heart, and they’ll have a deeper connection with the values, purpose, and identity of your business.
By strengthening the overall vision of the enterprise, sales become a natural consequence, as people have a clearer reference of where they want to consume. This is also where a number of loyal fans and admirers emerge who will always buy from you.
It increases the brand’s reach
The brand reaches more people, and builds a loyal audience who will share and talk about your products/services to others.
Branding strategies will bring users closer to the business and the essence of the brand itself. The brand’s reach will increase and bring more traffic both to the website and social media.
But branding doesn’t mean just gaining new followers on social media. It means people will basically become promoters of the brand to other people, interacting and sharing good feedback.
It takes marketing campaigns to the next level
A brand that is on people’s minds can create more successful marketing initiatives and reach more people! The business that invests in brand awareness builds a more solid position in the market and a stronger identity, making new campaigns much more assertive.
Your audience becomes more “real” and that means that those who follow the brand are customers or will soon become customers because they identify with the brand. This way, it’s easier to extract new data about it and the impact of the brand.
The strategy in social media, websites, blogs, and email marketing will be increasingly based on real customers and current data, boosting the results. Leads will be more likely to make a purchase, and the customer journey will be faster.
Digital marketing and brand awareness will work together for more consistent and positive results.
Brand awareness and brand recognition
Brands with a very high brand awareness are normally leaders in their markets.
It is very easy to find out what they are, just choose any product and say the first brand that comes to mind.
Soft drink? Coca-Cola.
Search Engine? Google.
Kleenex? Kleenex.
The latter is the maximum case of a collective consciousness about a brand, reaching a point where product and brand merge into one, since the name of the product itself is tissue paper.
Have you ever stopped to think about cotton swab brands?
Actually, they don’t exist. Q-tips is a Unilever brand for flexible cotton swabs, and no one wants to buy cotton swabs, but Q-tips.
Reaching this level of brand understanding takes time, investment, and good strategies. But this depends on the purpose of your business and how far you want to take it.
The success of a brand cannot be measured only by becoming a giant and recognized worldwide.
After all, if a brand accomplishes what it proposes, selling products that really make a difference, has an impact on each consumer and the community in which it is inserted, generates profit for its stakeholders with a minimum impact to the environment, it is a successful brand and will be recognized for it.
There are no magic formulas or secrets to be revealed.
Every new brand that conquers spaces in markets seen as dominated fulfills all these requirements in one way or another.
Tips to make your brand memorable
Our tips are all aimed at making your brand not only make sense in terms of discourse and positioning, but that it is also seen as something that can bring a unique quality to people’s lives.
But first, you have to get an idea out of the way: if what you sell is bad, your brand will never have a good recognition.
But how do you know if your product is bad? Easy!
Ask yourself if you would buy your product instead of from one or several of your competitors. If the answer is mostly yes, your product is good. Otherwise, what you sell is not good. It’s quite simple.
Now that you have understood the concept of brand awareness and know you need to dedicate to creating a good product, we’ll show you 5 tips to make your brand memorable:
1. Your discourse and look should have the same identity
There’s no use in making your brand look a certain way and your discourse being in another, in fact, something completely different from what you present to consumers.
Look (brand design, packaging, website, etc.) and discourse (slogan, mission statement, values, institutional and advertising texts, etc.) should be completely aligned.
Let’s say your logo has the design of an ox but you sell vegan products and you just sponsored a rodeo. Doesn’t make any sense, right?
Hire professionals with good resumes to define the foundations of your discourse and to create a complete visual identity.
This is an essential investment so people can recognize your brand the way you want them to.
2. Position yourself
One of the posters for the movie about the creation of Facebook said:
You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies.
A brand that doesn’t position itself is a brand that will disappear or at best, is little remembered.
By being afraid of losing a few clients, you’ll also end up losing the opportunity of being seen and impact several others.
Once again mentioning the example of a company that sells vegan products, it shouldn’t be on the fence when it comes to matters related to the meat industry or animal cruelty.
You have to position yourself and defend the values that you, as a brand, support.
3. Collaborate with artists and events
One of the main strategies of Beats, brand of headphones created by rapper Dr. Dre and bought by Apple, was to sponsor athletes.
At the Beijing Olympics, almost every competition had an athlete arriving to compete using one of the brand’s headphones.
The product gained status quickly and increased in value. One of the curiosities is that, even with a high sales value, the brand has become very popular.
It pays to identify personalities, artists and events that have something to do with your business and your line of work.
Hiring these people to talk about your products may not only increase immediate sales, but it will also make your brand become established in the niche you have chosen.
It would be as if in our example of the brand that sells vegan products, hired a YouTuber that creates vegan recipes to recommend and use the products of such a brand in his/her videos.
4. Create content
This tip is good when done in partnership with the previous tip.
The more influential and relevant people creating or fostering content that has everything to do with your brand, your positioning and your products, the more brand awareness you’ll generate.
However, even if you get someone to talk about what you sell, it is imperative that your brand also have a voice of its own.
Nothing generates more credibility than talking knowledgeably about the market in which you operate.
So create interesting content on a blog, create a YouTube channel, distribute informative and rich materials to your leads, and create posts on your social networks.
5. Occupy the digital spaces
If a brand can succeed in tips 3 and 4, the latter becomes much simpler.
It is very important to occupy the digital spaces and have a presence in channels where your audience is or where people may be discussing your market, such as communities, new and traditional social networks and blogs, for example.
Planting your flag on the digital market means improving the chances that when a client needs a product such as yours, he/she can find it more easily than a competing product.
- Create a brand style guide
When you think of a soft drink, which product comes to mind? Or a fast food company?
Maybe you have imagined right away the logo, the brand colors, a well-known slogan, or something that defines this product/company, haven’t you? All of these aspects are part of the business “personality” and they are usually defined in a brand style guide.
The brand style guide is a fundamental step in building a good branding strategy. It is basically a document that gathers information about the business identity, including verbal identity, tone of voice, and visual identity.
This material is the basis for brand awareness and defines how your company communicates with its target audience.
The visual identity part has important information such as: logo, color palette, typography, elements, visual references, etc. And the communication section includes: mission, vision and values, purpose, pillars, tone of voice, among others.
Some people think that the brand style guide can only be built after your company has gained some experience in the market, but, in fact, it’s the opposite.
It’s essential that every new brand has a style guide to make sure it is consistent in it’s communication strategies. Of course, this is a “live” document and you should make changes and improvements along the way.
- Pay attention to customer satisfaction
Is your customer happy and satisfied?
Nobody likes to receive complaints and criticism, and in general, the customer who feels unhappy will always show his dissatisfaction with the company in a public way, posting on social media, for example.
This negative feedback can drive away potential buyers, so keeping the customer satisfied is a goal that must be taken seriously.
A good customer service before, during, and after the purchase that supports and ensures the security of your customer is important to build a good relationship. Good communication and user experience are essential in this process.
In any case, complaints will always come up and you must be ready to understand what is wrong and do your best to make the person feel supported and solve their problem.
Another important step is to include user satisfaction surveys about the services and products offered, as well as the overall experience with the brand. Asking for this feedback will help you understand what needs to be improved and avoid possible problems in the future.
- Create referral programs and promotional initiatives
Promotional marketing helps promote the brand image and creates a positive environment, since people can receive benefits to recommend your brand and share content. Promotional initiatives like giveaways, for example, always attract and delight customers.
Besides improving brand positioning and increasing brand awareness, a referral program is interesting because the audience will be actively promoting and interacting on behalf of the brand with other people.
This engagement is essential to build a loyal customer base for your business.
Believe in your brand
These tips, plus other marketing strategies and the reinforcement of your brand in the long run, will put your name on the minds of countless consumers.
More than boosting your sales, your brand will become a part of many people’s lives and will create true fans and propagators of what you have created.
It is very possible to create a brand recognized by a wide audience. But it takes work, applying strategies like the ones we show here, and watching closely everything that you do.
Brands, businesses and ideas can make a difference in the world. Therefore, don’t be afraid to change, adapt, or even start over. It is through these actions that teach the most about your audience, your products, and the behavior within the marketplace.
Do you want to know how to further delight your audience? Learn more about social marketing and see how your brand can help eliminate social issues.