How to Change Careers at 30
Here are some tips for making a successful transition by choosing a new career!

From the moment we learn how to walk and talk we are asked about “what we want to be when we grow up “. This social pressure to find our vocation for the job market continues until we choose a career, most time before we turn 18.
The anxiety of choosing a profession and even please one’s family forces many people to choose inadequate careers that have no synergy with one’s skills. As a result, the number of American professionals unhappy with their job has been growing; according to a survey conducted by the Conference Board, approximately 53%.
With these folks in mind, we’ve put together some tips for professionals who want to change careers at 30 or more.
In the end, what do you need to consider before taking such a critical leap?
In today’s post, we’ll talk about changing careers at 30.
Check out our tips, and feel free to share this post with friends who may be going through the same thing!
Professional life at 30
Although it seems to be a little too soon to have a career crisis, it is quite common for people to seek alternatives to change careers at 30, especially when we’re referring to the generation known as “millennials”, which grew up with access to the internet and is more in tune with the new job markets.
This generation already has some job market experience but still hasn’t managerial reached positions in their areas of activity, which can be discouraging. They are also supporters of ideas such as working at home, be a freelancer freelancers or having their own business, because they value their professional freedom.
Another factor that motivates someone to change careers at 30 is that many professionals who are 30 or older have already formed a family or are thinking about getting married and having children. Therefore, they have other aspects in their life dividing attention with their careers, in addition to feeling a greater need of making money and having a medium and long-term career plan.
If before, this professional used to accept making less in exchange for an opportunity to learn and to work in promising companies; now, financial recognition has an important role in their employment negotiations and they are more concerned with the balance between your professional and personal life.
Jobs with long working hours or that require that the professional travel constantly are no longer the first option for this group from the moment they realize that they want to spend more time with their families.
Obviously, there is an exception to every rule, in other words, there are thirtysomething professionals who do not identify with the profile described above. But if you have, we suggest that you read more on the subject in order to make a well-informed decision.
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How to find out if you need to change careers at 30
“I’m 30 years old. Does this mean that I need to change careers?” Not necessarily. Change only makes sense if you are unhappy with what you do.
You might be physically tired. In this case, taking a vacation is enough for you to come back with renewed energy.
But if you’ve come back to work after a few days of rest, and you still can’t get back into your routine, perhaps it’s time to pay attention to some everyday signs:
- Do you feel appreciated at your company?
- Do you have a hard time getting up to go to work?
- Is your work bringing you more sorrow than joy?
- Are you in this profession due to social pressure?
The answers to these questions will help you define if you need a break, a change of job position or something more radical, such as choosing a new career.
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How to get ready for choosing a new career
Feeling bored, frustrated, or dissatisfied with your profession are legitimate reasons to question if this is what you want to do for the rest of your life. But we guarantee that talking to your boss and quitting now is not the best solution.
Instead, you can start getting ready right now so that your professional transition is successful and so you don’t need to go through another change over the next ten years. A few tips will help you a lot at this moment:
1. During moments of change, more important than knowing what you want to do, is knowing what you don’t want to do
Think about those activities that you like to perform on a daily basis or that you prefer to delegate to others.
2. Make a list of tasks you perform easily
With what type of activity do people ask for your help? What are the subjects that you master and like to share? By doing this exercise you will find a new occupation that can generate income and at the same time, provide personal satisfaction.
3. Seek professional help
When we are thinking about making changes to our life, we naturally think about asking the advice from family and friends, right?
But did you know that their opinion can get in the way instead of helping? This happens because people who are very close to us are ruled by emotional stimuli and they are afraid that the new challenge might not work, so they might discourage you.
The ideal thing to do is seek the help of professionals such as coaches, psychologist or human resources analysts, who are better prepared to identify your strengths and show you how you can use them to achieve your goals.
4. Don’t compare yourself to others
Each professional has a trajectory, regardless of their skills. Perhaps the person who joined a company with you has moved up faster because of characteristics that the company required at that moment, but this doesn’t mean that you are less qualified.
Believe me, if you are the right professional for a job and you work focused on the end client’s satisfaction, you will eventually be rewarded.
What we mean with this hypothetical example is that you shouldn’t compare yourself to other professionals. In addition to being a practice that is frowned upon, being concerned with other people hinders your productivity.
5. Be prepared financially
Training in a new area and even professional relocation require time and investment, which means putting a certain lifestyle on hold, especially if you have a family.
Therefore, in order to make sure that there are no major surprises when making a career transition, you need to be prepared financially. There are cases of people who save the money necessary to go for 6 months to a year out of the conventional job market.
If you decide to start your own business, remember to add your business expenses to your personal expenses.
6. Evaluate the level of adaptation that the career change will require from you
If you wish to give up on a career as an executive for a large company to work with arts and crafts, that will be one type of transition. Giving up on a career as an engineer to become a college professor will be another type of change.
You need to consider the following: Will the change in career require some form of specialization? Is there something that I already know that I can use in my new professional trajectory? Which brings us to the next topic.
You have to consider:
- Will the career change require any specialization?
- Are there things I already know that will serve in my new career?
7. Find areas in which you can use the skills you already have
Of course there is nothing preventing you from seeking a profession that is completely different from everything you have done so far, but even with the most radical changes it is possible to use some knowledge previously acquired during your professional trajectory.
When you identify the skills you have acquired and that can help you in your new profession, you will feel less intimidated.
8. Build a network of contacts
Sending out resumes isn’t very effective if people only know you because of your professional past and don’t know that you are searching for new career challenges. In short, this is the moment to activate those connections you built in the past.
Therefore, never underestimate the power of networking. Identify professionals that have values that match yours, even if they are in different markets. Eventually, these contacts can open doors for you in the company where they work.
Keeping in touch with your network is also useful to learn about the challenges that they face in their everyday life.
One market opportunity to change careers at 30: online courses
Do you have a talent and want to turn it into a business opportunity?
You can create a video course and sell it online.
If you are an excellent cook, you can capitalize on this talent by teaching others some kitchen basics and food prep.
You don’t have to go far to find people looking for this type of content.
We live in the digital age, and digital products are now commonplace.
That’s why the market for online courses has been rapidly growing. There’s potential for high profitability for those working with this format.
One of the most significant advantages in this market is that you don’t have to be a professional teacher to create your own online course. You just need some knowledge that is useful and the desire to share it with others.
And the good news is that you can create an online course for next to nothing.
VIDEO: Digital entrepreneurship: what is it and how to get started | 7 tips to start an online business
Get out of your comfort zone, change careers at 30 and start a new life!
Choosing a new career require leaving your comfort zone; therefore, there is no ready-made formula for this. What you can do is prepare yourself emotionally and financially so that this change can occur as best as possible and especially, that the results are what you expected.
Don’t give up on choosing a new career because of the “fear of something new” or because you feel you are too old. Remember famous examples such as Leonard Cohen, Samuel L. Jackson and many other renowned professionals who only started their careers after they were 40.
And finally, always keep in mind that any step you take isn’t final. If you take the necessary care during your transition and preserve your former professional relationships, doors will always be open if your regret your decision.
Are you ready to change careers at 30 and start your online business?
Hotmart originally published this post in August 2017. We have since updated it to contain more accurate information.