Find out what the best channels to promote digital products are!


Top 5 best channels to promote your digital product

They have an easy distribution, zero storage cost, build online authority and lead to a better relationship with my persona? Count me in! Now, where can I promote digital products?


10/28/2016 | By

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Do you have a digital product or have you thought of creating one? Know that, before you start selling your digital product, it is important that you learn about the best way of making the distribution and  digital marketing, finding the best channels to promote digital products. 

Not only that, it is also necessary that you know your persona very well, have an interesting niche to work in, and, above all, know how to highlight the qualities and advantages of your product, showing how purchasing it can be worthwhile for those who are interested in it.

Do you wish to learn the advantages of investing in digital products and how to reach your audience in an effective way? So read on and find out!

Why should I invest in information products?

Information products, sometimes referred to as infoproducts, are non-tangible digital products that can be sold or posted for free, such as ebooks, videos, online courses, kits, apps, comic books, etc.

This is a very popular alternative, especially because the distribution is very easy, and there is zero cost for physical storage, which saves a lot of money for most companies.

Investing in information products can be a solution for your business, once it helps you build your online authority in the subject, can lead to a better relationship with the persona, solving their doubts and also ensuring a slice of the market and broadening your area to generate new leads for your business.

Today there are many websites that specialize in selling and buying this kind of material, making the transition easy and allowing the information product to play an important role in how profitable a business can be.  

5 channels to promote information products

Having a good information product, however, is not enough for it to bring a deluge of cash for your company. You need to have a good marketing strategy connected to your promotion.

Finding the right channel depends, before anything else, on the behavioral analysis of your persona and countless tests and result monitoring.

And it was with this in mind that we decided to list 5 channels that may be used for the promotion of your information product! Learn more about each one of them and don’t waste any time when it comes to testing! The ideal thing is that you find the one that works well for your business as well as the interests of your audience.


Webinars are an excellent way of promoting your information product and generating new leads for your business. Not only that, with this method, you also work with the engagement from the persona and can contribute to their education about the market.

Look for an interesting topic that relates to the product you are advertising and take advantage of this solution to work on the authority of your business on the chosen topic.

With webinars you can promote lectures, courses, and live streams, always making sure you adapt the topic and format according to your audience’s behavior. Take the opportunity to promote your information product and show how it is relevant to the persona’s everyday life, adding value and standing out in the market.

Specialized blogs

You are already familiar with the wonders of content marketing, aren’t you? By using this method, and by creating specialized blogs for your business, you increase your chances of winning over your leads and placing them in the sales funnel for your information product.

Invest in the creation of blog posts, infographics, videos and podcasts to feed your portal, always aiming at educating the persona and finding an active solution for their problems.

In a blog, you have a solid platform to centralize your products and all the content relating to your topic, besides having an outlet to build the authority of your brand.

Information Product Platform

If you don’t have time to organize your sales, manage the money coming in and out, and the online distribution of your information product? Then looking for a platform that specialized in this kind of transaction is exactly what you need.

An excellent alternative for this market is the service rendered by Hotmart, which provides an intuitive and easy to access area for any kind of user, that is, is beneficial for those who sell as well as for those who buy.

This kind of solution also brings another advantage, the integration with the affiliation process, which may lead to an increase in promotion and sales of your digital product.

Social Media

With the expansion of social networking sites, it is increasingly easy to promote your digital product online. In this stage, it is essential to understand the particulars of each channel, mastering their resources and opening some space for a direct contact with your persona.

Some alternatives, such as Facebook and Instagram, allow the advertisement of sponsored posts, which can increase the promotion reach of your business, segmenting the access to groups similar to the ones from your persona.

Other networks, such as Twitter and Pinterest, are ideal for you to understand what is trending at the moment, and from it get ideas for the next products, and, of course, learn how to come even closer to the users interested in your business.

And LinkedIn is perfect for information products that focus on the B2B market and can be used for promotion and networking with people in the area.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a solution as old as the internet itself, and one of the reasons for it to still be alive today is that it really works.

Invest in the creation of well-organized email lists and always remember to segment your leads according to their area of interest. Email marketing needs to be well structured if you’re looking for effective results for your business.  And don’t forget that you should only send email marketing for users who gave their permission to receive it.

To promote your information product, you may create emails with offers inside the sales funnel of every buyer persona in your brand, besides making advantages available for your subscribers, such as coupons, special offers or even a preview of your information product, building up expectatios in the audience.

The most important thing, however, is to find the channel that best suits the possibilities of your business, making its first and foremost objective the relationship between the persona with your sales model.

Don’t be afraid to experiment when selling information products, and remember to constantly monitor the results.

Did you like it? So make sure you also learn about how to increase your traffic! It will make it much easier to make sales.


Guest Post written by Rock Content.