Create Landing page


10 tools to create your Landing Page from scratch without any programming knowledge

Create custom pages to acquire more customers!


09/13/2017 | By

Landing Pages are one of the most essential tools in Marketing, and, of course, for selling products. They are generally used to offer some valuable content in exchange for the visitor’s contact information, with the objective of turning this visitor into a customer, later on.

One of the advantages of this tool is that it can be used in any kind of business, regardless of the size and area.

But how can you create your Landing Page and acquire more customers, without any programming knowledge? Keep on reading this text and find out!

What is a Landing Page?

What’s the point of talking about strategies if we haven’t explained what a Landing Page is?

Well, let’s explain it then!

A Landing Page has as its main objective to take the visitor to take a specific kind of action, which can be, for instance, to provide an email address, like your Facebook page, or watch a video.

The difference between a Landing Page and a Homepage

A very common mistake beginner entrepreneurs make is to confuse the website’s Homepage with a Landing Page. Actually, the two pages have very different functions.

The Homepage is the first page the visitor sees when he goes to your website. It contains a menu that directs the visitor to other areas that may interest her: a section about what your company does, contact information, among many others.

Print screen of the Hotmart's home page

(Example of a Homepage)

Different from your website’s homepage, the Landing Page should only show the necessary content so that the customer takes the specific action.

For this reason, the Landing Page only displays a simplified menu, with the title, offer, and call to action. The simple design in the website navigation is not a random choice. It is a way of making sure the visitor doesn’t get distracted from the main action on the page.

Print sreen of the Airbnb landing page to convert visitors into hosts

Image from the post: 16 of the Best Landing Page Design Examples You Need to See in 2017 ( of Hubspot

Landing page for lead capturing

Landing Pages which focus on gathering user information, in order to turn her into a future customer, are pages that offer some kind of free material, such as ebooks, infographics, emails, exclusive videos, and many others. These materials are also known as “digital baits”.

These baits have two goals: to educate the visitor about your product, and to gather the information from this user to nurture a relationship with her.

It’s important to remember that the content on the Landing Page should always be related to the bait, and not to the product you intend to sell, even if the topic is similar. The content has to be aligned with the interests of your buyer persona, and help her solve a problem. It is very likely that you will have to repeat this process a number of times before you offer her your product.

Finally, so that the Landing Page achieves its purpose, it must contain a short form, which requests the basic information from the visitor, such as name and email address. Long forms give the impression of a bureaucratic process, which may hurt your chances of conversion.

If you want to sell a product online, why do you need to know where the person went to school? When it comes to Landing Pages, less is more.

Tools to create a Landing Page

You can create your Landing Page in three different ways:

  • Paying a professional to create the page for you;
  • Developing, on your own website, a page with this purpose;
  • Using a tool to create Landing Pages, without the need of programming knowledge.

Due to the constant changes needed so that the Landing Page is optimized, most people prefer to hire someone to do it for them. This way, they save the time they would spend developing and improving the page.

But have your thought about how tiring it would be to change the code of your page every time you need to make an improvement?

To solve this problem, many companies have developed tools so that anyone, even someone with no programming knowledge at all, can create Landing Pages.

Check out this list with the 10 best tools available for you to create your Landing Page:


Instapage is one of the best Landing Page creation and optimization platforms, because it is simple. The page editor is intuitive and comes with the “drag and drop” resource, which is extremely useful for people who are not experts in design.

To create your page, you only need an active email account. The tools allows you to log in with your Google account, which makes the registration process extremely easy.

On the Instapage dashboard, you will find more than 100 layout models available, totally customizable and optimized for conversion, for a variety of objectives: Thank you pages, ebook downloads, webinar promotion, among others. The user also has access to an image library with pictures and vectors to illustrate the page and make it more attractive to the visitors.

Instapege panel

Instapege panel

Other advantages Instapage brings are the possibility of carrying out unlimited A/B tests and finding out which pages convert more, besides an easy integration with marketing automation tools, such as email delivery systems.

The tool also allows you to publish your Landing Page in their domain, for example: (fictitious URL). This can really come in handy for those who want to save money and the work it takes creating a domain for themselves.

But if you already have a website of your own, we recommend you select the option “personalized domain” and publish your Landing Page in your own directory. This way, the URL will be more intuitive for the users you’ve already build a relationship with.

How much will I pay for it?  

Instapage offers the service for free in the first 14 days. After that, you need to pay for the service. There are many different plans for different customers and needs, and some of them include professional services and 24-chat availability.

But if you are a beginner entrepreneur, you should start with the basic plan, which will cost you U$68 per month. This price will certainly be cheaper than hiring a programmer and a designer to create your Landing Page from scratch.


Unbounce comes with a wide variety of templates, as well as many different options in customization. Just like the tools we mentioned before, you can use the “drag and drop” feature to move images, text boxes, and forms, in the Landing Page and out of it, customizing the page to best suit your needs.

This tool also provides A/B testing so the user can measure which pages convert more, which is extremely useful for more experienced Producers and Affiliates.

The testing works like this: you duplicate your Landing Page, and in the new ‘version’, you make changes to an element, such as text, images, title or call-to-action. You then direct part of the traffic to the first version, and the other half to the second one (this segmentation can be made on Adwords, or any other advert network you choose). After a predetermined period of time, you can analyze the performance of both versions to see which one achieved the best results. The one with best performance stays.

How much will I pay for it?

Subscription plans for Unbounce start from U$49 and go up to more than U$399 per month, but you also pick one of the annual plans, as long as it matches the stage your business is in.

The tool also offers a free trial period of 30 days, ideal for you to find out if the service meets your needs.


One of the most appealing aspects of Leadpages is the number of templates available for the creation of your Landing Page, ranked according to the conversion rates for each one.

The conversion rates represent how many visitors took the action the page requires them to. For instance: a Landing Page for the download of a free ebook has got 2,000 visitors. Out of these, 750 downloaded the content. Therefore, this Landing Page has a conversion rate of 37.5%.

Knowing about the conversion rates of templates can help new entrepreneurs when it’s time to create a Landing Page, but you should not make your decision based only on this piece of data. After all, the conversion rates were reached at previous experiences, with users who can be very different from the ones you are trying to reach.

One of the advantages of Leadpages is that it allows you to create opt-in forms, which they call leadboxes, shown every time a visitor gets to your page. This resource works as a pop- up and can help you increase your email base.

How much will I pay for it?

Leadpages offers a trial period of 14 days. There’s only one catch: when you sign up, you have to enter your payment information, or else you won’t be able to access the tool, different from what happens with Instapage, for example.

The monthly subscription plans for Leadpages start at U$25 (Basic), and there are also Pro and Advanced plans. They also come with a 30-day refund guarantee.

It’s important to highlight that not all templates available on Leadpages are free. Some of them cost between U$10 and U$15, so remember to add this to your planning.


Kickofflabs is a platform to promote contests and marketing campaigns, but you call also use it for other purposes, such as product launches.

When you log in with your email and password, they request the name of your campaign. In the screen that follows, you have the options of creating a new Landing Page, adding pop-ups to your website, or using existing Landing Pages.

kickofflabs panel

kickofflabs panel

When you select “New Landing Page”, you have access to a variety of templates, such as a countdown page, which could be an excellent choice if you want to create a sense of urgency for your visitors.

There are many features that can increase your conversions, such as autoresponder emails, exit intent pop-up windows, and thank you pages.

How much will I pay for it?

KickoffLabs offers a free trial period of 30 days. The monthly subscription plans vary according to the stage the user is in, from beginner (Hobby) to the more advanced (Enterprise). And you can save money if you choose one of the annual plans.

Hello Bar

Hello Bar is not a tool to create Landing Pages per se, but you can use it to increase the conversion of your pages.

But how does it work?

The tool is actually a WordPress plugin that can be installed on your website or blog, to display important information to the visitor, or request their contact information. You just have to set up your call to action!

This is what it looks like:

Image of Hello Bar

Image from Google images

How much will I pay for it?

Hello Bar is a free plugin, but you have the option of choosing advanced plans that come with more features, such as the possibility of showing ads on Google Display Network, which is yet another option for those who want to make money through their online pages.


The main advantage in using OptimizePress is that it comes with a series of tools for your WordPress website, which can be used to create a Landing Page, a blog, a sales page, or a Members Area.

There are many different options to choose from, in video, audio, text boxes for testimonials, among other features that not only will help your Landing Page to become more visually attractive, but also to improve the visitor’s experience, making it more intuitive.

How much will I pay for it?

The subscription plans for OptimizePress also vary according to the stage the entrepreneur is in, starting from U$97, up to U$297. All plans include 1 year of support and updates.  


Optimizely is a tool that focuses more on the optimization of Landing Pages than on creating them. It can, therefore, be an excellent ally when you want to measure the efficiency of your online strategies.

With it, you can create many different versions of an existing page, and discover which one converts more. Another interesting feature is heatmap, which can be integrated into your pages to find out which areas your visitors click on more often.

This kind of information provides you with extremely important tips in the kind of improvements you need to make in order to achieve better results and lower the rejection rate of your page.

How much will I pay for it?

Optimizely offers a 30-day free trial period for new customers. Afterwards, you need to contact the Sales Team to find out the cost of the annual plans. That’s why we recommend you use this experience period to discover if the service really adds value to your business.


Lander is another interesting tool for beginner entrepreneurs and small businesses, since you can create pages from scratch, from different options in templates, using the “drag and drop” feature.

The customer that hires the service has access to a variety of resources, such as A/B testing, and it integrates with other marketing tools, such as email delivery software. You can also integrate and publish your Landing Pages on Facebook with only a few clicks.

How much will I pay for it?

Lander offers a trial period of 14 days. The subscription plans start at U$99 (Basic), and go up to U$199 (Pro).


Leadlovers is a marketing automation platform that offers a variety of services to companies and entrepreneurs, including the creation of sales pages, lead-capturing pages, and reward pages, from existing layouts that can be customized by the customer. Besides the creation of Landing Pages, they also offer services in email sequencing (to schedule delivery to your base) and tools to create Members Areas.

How much will I pay for it?

Leadloves offers monthly, semestral and annual plans. For entrepreneurs who create campaigns frequently, we recommend the semestral plan, so you can have an interesting sampling of the results and decide if you want to keep on using the service.

The plans also vary according to the stage your business is in, with options for the Professional, Executive and Business levels.


Launchrock is a free Landing Page builder, which allows you to quickly set up your page, according to the preferences of your target -audience.

As it is free, it has limited features, but it is still worthy it for beginner entrepreneurs, since it provides an easy, intuitive interface, and 100% responsive design, which is fundamental for your conversions.

By choosing this service, you are only required to enter your name, email address, and create a password. On the same screen, you pick the objective of your Landing Page: Product, Service, Mobile App, Event, or other. Don’t forget to name your project, and to agree with the terms of use.

How much will I pay for it?

As we mentioned above, Launchrock is a free service, but you also have the option to upgrade your service, paying U$5 per month.

What a Landing Page should have

After learning about the tools to create a Landing Page, it is important to know what the basic elements a high converting page should have.


Landing Pages are marketing tools that serve a specific purpose, be it to sell a product, offer rich material for download, promote an event, and so on. The first step in creating your Landing Page is to define the objective you wish to achieve, as it will be determinant in every piece of content oin your Landing Page.

For instance: a Landing Page whose objective is to sell a product must contain information on the characteristics, price, and testimonials from other customers.

A Landing Page that focuses on the download of an ebook, on the other hand, must contain a form, so that the visitors provide their information in exchange for that digital bait.

And if the Landing Page is promoting an event, it is interesting to display pictures from previous events, for example.

Value proposition

The Page must make the value of your product or service clear. And we are not talking about prices, but what you actually provides to your customer: will the product improve the quality of life of those who purchase it? Which problem will it solve? What can the customer learn from it?

If you don’t state the benefits clearly, the visitor will not be motivated enough to make the purchase. For free products, this value proposition should also be clear. After all, the visitor is providing her contact information and allowing you to contact her, and therefore she must understand what she will get out of this interaction.

Call to Action  

Call to action, or CTA, is what you expect the visitor to do after reading the content on your page. As we mentioned in the beginning of the text, this action may be to make a purchase, register for a webinar, share that content on social media, among others.

To be clearly seen, the call to action should be obvious and easy to be understood. It is ideal that the visitor sees that command and understands, in less than 5 seconds, what is expected of her. The button also needs to be well placed and have a color that contrasts with the background, so it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Some studies show that elements such as arrows and images of people pointing at the call to action can increase your conversion rates, but you have to carry out tests to see if this hypothesis really works with your target -audience.

Perform tests with people you know and ask them to identify the call to action on your Landing Page. If it is not clear to the layperson, it is important to think about other options in text.

Responsive web design

Nowadays, most people access the internet on their smartphone. That’s why a responsive web design is fundamental if you want to make sure the visitor has a good experience with your page.

Responsive web design is the one that adapts itself to different screen sizes in mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Most tools offer adaptive layouts, as they understand that most people access websites via their mobile devices than via desktop.

This is also extremely important for your page to get a ranking boost on search engines. If your objective is to be found, create a mobile-friendly page!

Have you got any other suggestions of tools to create Landing Pages? Share them with us in the comments section below! Also, read our post on How to create a killer Landing Page.

*This post was created in October of 2014, and updated in 2017 to embrace more accurate and complete information.