Hotmart’s Members Area: the distance learning platform you need to know
The main points about Hotmart's Members Area, the distance learning platform for Hotmart Producers.

What will we see in this post
Let’s do a quick exercise? Imagine a platform that brings together an intuitive learning environment, an interface suitable for different devices, among other options for configuring and selling your course online.
The good news is that you don’t just have to imagine it, because this service already exists! Keep reading and get to know Hotmart’s Members Area, also called Hotmart Club.
A little bit of history
Since 2011, Hotmart has been working to offer the best experience for its Producers, Affiliates and Customers. At that time, there was no service that could help promote, host, and use digital products.
It was from this need that João Pedro, CEO of the company, decided to create a distance learning platform exclusively for Hotmart users.
This early idea of the Members Area worked as a space for buyers to access their product by logging in with a password. This eased the work of the Producer in managing their community.
If it were just the Members Area, it would have already represented a major advance for the digital products market, but Hotmart went even further and decided to create its own video player, so that Producers could host their courses online right there, without having to use other video platforms.
After the initial idea, several tests were carried out by the development team, until the product was ready to be launched on February 22, 2016.
“In the beginning, users had to get used to what the Members Area was and understand how it could help them increase their online course sales. But once they saw the role of this type of product, Hotmart Club took off ,” explains Will Siqueira, Designer at Hotmart.
And he’s right about the taking off part! Despite being a recent service, Hotmart Club already has more than 8 million users.
Main advantages of Hotmart’s Members Area
Understand what are the main advantages of using Hotmart’s Members Area:
Native Video Player
Deliver the best experience for your student, using the Hotmart Video Player for your video lessons. In addition to being a complete streaming solution, the Video Player has:
- Anti-fraud system ensuring the security of your content.
- Offline content delivery to your students through the Hotmart Sparkle app so your students can take your classes any time and any place.
- Possibility to insert automatic translation and subtitles in several languages. Why should your course be limited by language barriers, right?
- Customizable layout, which allows you to leave your Members Area with the colors of your brand, use the logo of your product, among other possibilities. This way, you ensure that the buyer immediately identifies that the course is yours, which contributes to increasing the reliability of your product and, consequently, reducing refund requests.
- Possibility of inserting notes, both for the Producer and for the student.
Explore more about the benefits of the Hotmart Video Player.
Native payment solution
With sales in more than 188 countries, Hotmart has a payment system created exclusively for the digital products market, which is fully integrated with the platform.
When using the payment system, you have the possibility to sell in more than 12 currencies, offer different payment methods (credit card, purchase with two cards, bank debit) and local payment methods (country specific ways to pay).
Learn more about Hotmart’s exclusive payment system.
Content Drip
The term Content Drip, is scheduled/segmented content. An example of content dripping is a Producer that puts their content up, but leaves some modules “locked” or hidden for up to seven days after purchase.
Learn how to configure the page release period in Hotmart’s Members Area.
Looking for repeat customers?
In Hotmart’s Members Area, you have solutions that make it possible to sell again to your current students. This means that you can offer another product or extra content to those who already trust you since they have already bought from you before.
To make this sale even easier, the student can buy with just one click without leaving their study environment. Best of all, you don’t pay extra for ads.
Learn how to advertise in your Members Area without spending on traffic.
Free registration
Another interesting feature of Hotmart Club is free registration. Using this feature, you’re able to make part of your content available for free for leads who have already shown interest in your offer. You can create a campaign on Adwords or Facebook announcing that your product will release some modules of the course for those who sign up on that link.
As soon as the person signs up, they receive an email with access to their member area. When they access the distance learning course, they’ll be able to view all of the classes, but will only have access to what you have unlocked for them!
If, after watching the free videos, the user decides to buy the full course, they can do it right there in the Members Area. The process is done to prevent the person from having to leave the page and forget the most important part, which is to make the purchase.
Find out how to release free registration in your Member Area.
The quizzes are a fundamental tool to test the progress of your Students in each module. You can define a minimum grade for them to pass.
In addition to testing your students, you get to know the topics that are generating more questions in your Students and can make sure to offer what they need. Another advantage of quizzes is the possibility to create strategic questions to profile your buyers.
Understand what types of quizzes you have in your Members Area and how to set them up.
Role assignment
Role assignment is a way to distribute roles to people on your team if you need to. Through this feature, you determine the users who can access your Members Area, but without these people having access to the billing data of your account with Hotmart. This way, you can have people helping you manage your Members Area and online business, but without giving them unlimited access.
All distance learning courses offered at Hotmart Club have the option of certification. The Producer just needs to set up the feature. This function is interesting for the Student whose course is required by their employer or for those who wish to improve their CV to leverage their position in the market.
Learn how to configure the certificate at the Hotmart Club.
If you want to learn even more about Hotmart’s Members Area, including how to set up the solutions, sign up to Strategies & Tools, a free course that teaches all of this.
This post was originally written in July 2017 and updated to contain more complete and accurate information.