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[GUIDE] Understand why the Hotmart Payment system is strategic for your digital business

You can find the answers to the main questions about the Hotmart Payment system right here

Isabela Portela

01/28/2021 | By

If you work with the sale of digital products, regardless of your niche, it’s very likely that your marketing and sales strategies go through one of these goals: boost conversions, scale your business, or internationalize sales.

And what do these goals have in common? They all have the same purpose: to sell. And if we’re talking about the sale of digital products, having a specific payment system for this type of transaction is critical.

With this in mind, a Hotmart has created an exclusive payment system developed for the specificities of the digital market. And this will be the topic of today’s post. 

If you’d like to learn more about our Payment system, and everything it can offer for your digital business, keep reading. I’ll tell you everything and answer your main questions about our payment solution.

Tip: Follow the index to make it easier to read. If you have any specific question, just click on the related topic and you’ll be directed to the text. 


How does the Hotmart Payment system work?

It manages and processes transactions through a checkout or payment page. 

Plus, it’s responsible for processing purchases and payments from digital product sales, through various payment methods and different currencies, allowing users from around the world to use this solution.

A payment system unlike any other

Unlike other systems operating on the market, our payment system was designed exclusively for the sale of digital products. 

In other words, digital entrepreneurs who use our payment solution have a competitive edge in terms of technology and have better chances of achieving higher approval rates. 

Are the transactions made by the Hotmart payment system secure? 

The Hotmart payment processing solution has a unique anti-fraud system with three of the largest security systems in the world: CSE Security, PCI-DSS and 3D Secure, including 3DS2.0 authentication, which is already mandatory in most European countries.

Main benefits of the Hotmart payment system 

  • The system is fully integrated with the Hotmart platform 
  • Developed to meet the specificities of the digital market 
  • Sales available in over 12 currencies
  • Exclusive anti-fraud system 
  • Capable of carrying out thousands of transactions simultaneously 
  • Sales made in over 188 countries
  • Various payment methods 
  • Automatic payment of commissions to Affiliates
  • Local payment methods available

Countries in which the Hotmart payment system works

The Hotmart payment system is capable of processing purchases from all over the world, in over 12 different currencies, and offering local payment methods in France, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina,. * 

*2020 data

Currencies available

US Dollar (USD)

Argentine Peso (ARS)

Brazilian Real (BRL)

Canadian Dollar (CAD)

Colombian Peso (COP)

Chilean Peso (CLP)

Euro (EUR)

Japanese Yen (JPY)

Mexican Peso (MXN)

Nigerian Naira (NGN)

Peruvian sun (PEN)

Pound Sterling (GBP)

Swiss Franc (CHF)

* Buyers from countries where the currencies are not listed above will have the prices of the products automatically converted into US dollars.

Available methods for buying and selling on Hotmart

Credit card

The main credit cards are accepted at the Hotmart checkout. Remember that the use of credit cards is one of buyers’ main choices due to the ease of making purchases in installment payments, and the purchase being processed immediately, within a few seconds. 

Payment with 2 cards

Buyers won’t always have enough limit on their card to pay for a product. And in case this happens, they might give up on the purchase and you won’t make this sale. 

Therefore, paying with 2 credit cards can be an alternative for recovering a purchase, or even the first option of buyers when they already know that they will not be able to pay on a single card. 

You have better chances of conversion and your buyers will have the convenience of making installment payments on each of the cards as they wish.

Debit cards

With a debit card, payment is also processed quickly. In this case, there are no installment payment options, and there is also less risk of chargeback (purchase cancellation) if the consumer requests a refund after the purchase has been authorized.

Trial Period

A trial period is a great way to demonstrate credibility, increase the chances of a purchase, and reduce the possibility of a request for refund.

With the Hotmart payment system, it is possible to adjust the free trial period, respecting the maximum 30 days for your buyers to try your product before buying it.

Subscription plans 

At Hotmart, it is possible to sell your product by using strategies similar to the main streaming services, such as Spotify, Netflix, Deezer, HBO Go and Prime Video. Producers can create subscriptions and allow buyers to pay to have access to the product for a specific period and renew this access for as long as they want. 

For those who own a digital product, this is a very effective model to allow for recurring income and a predictable revenue.

“At Hotmart, there are more than 40,000 registered subscription products and over 2.5 million subscribers”

Digital wallet or e-wallet payments

Digital wallets are secure environments in which buyer bank and/or credit card details are stored. This information is protected by encryption in the system and can be used to easily and quickly make purchases on the Internet. 


This method is widely used by buyers around the world due to its ease and reliability. With PayPal, buyers can make purchases by simply using an email account and password, without having to enter credit card details every time they buy. 

Samsung Pay and Google Pay 

Digital wallets have taken over the world and have revolutionized the way we make payments online. This method is widely used in many countries in Europe, Asia and North America. 

According to IDC (International Data Corporation), approximately 17% of the transactions made in Australia, and 14% of those made in Russia, are made through this method. 

According to the same survey, in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, approximately 61% of users use some form of digital portfolio solution. 


What local payment methods are available at the Hotmart checkout?

Local payment methods in Europe

Cartes Bancaires – France

Cartes Bancaires is the local French card operator, and the most widely used payment method in France. Currently, over 60% of the consumption in France is made through a Cartes Bancaires card. 

It is estimated that over 71 million cards have been issued, and 13 billion transactions have been made with CB cards.

Source: Adyen

MultiBanco – Portugal 

Although the use of credit cards has grown in Portugal, MultiBanco is the most popular method of payment. 

This payment method is a post-paid option where a numerical reference is generated at the checkout to be paid at an ATM with a debit card or through online banking.

Source: Adyen

SEPA – European Union 

The direct debit Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) was launched by the European Payment Council to create a standardized payment infrastructure within the European Union. 

With the Direct Debit SEPA, digital producers can sell throughout the EU. For Producers who wish to expand their sales in Europe, this is a very strategic payment method. 

Source: Adyen

BACS – United Kingdom 

Bankers’ Automated Clearing System is one of the most widely used form of payment for UK buyers. Payments are made by means of direct debit, which authorizes a given institution to withdraw amounts directly from the user’s bank account.  

Source: IBAN

Check out the local payment methods in order to sell to Latin American buyers *

Credit cards aren’t the only option used by Latin Americans when paying for their online purchases. In Latin America, users are quite used to paying for their expenses by using bank transfers, cash methods, and their cards for domestic use, and they maintain this behavior when choosing to make purchases online.  

Therefore, if you’re selling to Latin America for the first time, or expanding your sales throughout this region is part of your plan, offering local payment methods  is critical in order to achieve that goal. Check below the countries and local payment methods offered in each of them. 

OXXO – México 

With 40 million online buyers, Mexico is one of the most powerful economies in Latin America. It is estimated that approximately 71 million Mexicans don’t have a bank account, and OXXO is what allows people to buy online. With over 16,000 stores around the country, people can safely pay for their purchases in cash. 

Over 30% of online payments in Mexico are made via vouchers such as OXXO. Naturally, Mexicans search for e-commerce platforms that offer this option at checkout. So, if you have buyers, or are searching for consumers in Mexico, consider offering OXXO as a payment method.

SPEI – Mexico

In addition to OXXO, you can also offer another local payment method for those who live in Mexico. 

SPEI® (International Electronic Payment System) was developed by the Bank of Mexico and allows Mexicans to make instant electronic payments. By using this method, buyers will complete the payment via Internet Banking and confirmation is provided immediately.

Sencillito – Chile

Approximately 70% of all Chilean online purchases are paid with local payment methods. And Sencillito is the payment method most widely used by Chileans on a daily basis.

This method works by generating a voucher with a bar code that can be paid in cash or with cards, in more than 1,000 partner stores in the country.

Including Sencillito as a payment method in your checkout might be strategic for your business. With it, buyers can pay for vouchers online, at physical points, in cash, which offers more convenience for these consumers, in addition to offering security for sellers and buyers.

Cupón de Pago – Argentina

In Argentina, 9 out of 10 consumers have already made at least one purchase online, and 70% of these purchases are made with local payment options. 

It is estimated that 49% of the Argentine population doesn’t have a credit card. So, if you have potential buyers in this region, it’s important to offer local payments via voucher to increase your chances of selling. 

Baloto – Colombia 

Digital market sales have grown approximately 31% in the country, and this can be an excellent market to expand your sales. 

Voucher payments are very traditional in Colombia, and this is the chosen method due to fear of credit card fraud, not having a bank account, insufficient credit limit, and negative shopping experiences. 

85% of the Colombian population trusts Baloto as a payment method. This method allows Colombians to pay for their bills, in cash, in over 10,000 stores in the country. 

PSE – Colombia 

PSE is one of the most popular alternative payment methods in Colombia. With the Pagos Seguros en Línea, buyers can pay by means of debits made directly from their bank accounts, without the need for a credit card.

PagoEfectivo – Peru

About 8.6 million Peruvians are buying online, and 45% of Peruvians prefer to pay for their online purchases via voucher. 

PagoEfectivo is the most important payment method in Peru. Many buyers living in Peru don’t have credit cards, or don’t feel secure enough to provide information over the Internet. 

With the Pago Efectivo, consumers can pay for their purchases in cash or via Internet Banking by using a digital code generated at the time of payment.

How do I offer these payment methods at my checkout?

After analyzing which payment methods are the most strategic for your digital business, access your checkout settings to enable each one. 

Check out the following steps:

  1. Login to the platform
  2. Click Tools 
  3. Go to Checkout settings 
  4. Select the Product’s payment method you wish to configure 
  5. Enable the method key you wish to provide 

(You’ll see it in front of each payment method corresponding to the type of local payment)

In addition to configuring payment methods, can I customize the appearance of my digital product’s checkout (payment page)?

Yes! Our payment system has various checkout templates for you to use according to your strategy.

At Hotmart, you can easily customize your payment page without the help of programmers and designers. You can customize it with your visual identity, increase your buyers’ confidence, and of course, increase your chances of conversion. 

It’s possible to create customized checkouts by offer, adapting the sale moment to the announcement of specific campaigns. Use the ready-made versions available or take advantage of our Checkout Customization solution, which you can find as the Checkout Builder on the platform, and design your payment page with your digital business’ identity.

And there’s more! Check out this solution that boosts your sales directly at the checkout 

Offer an additional product when your customers are completing their purchase, without having to go through the entire shopping flow again.

If you have a course on illustration, your customers, who are already interested in visual arts, are likely to be interested in other products in the same area. 

At the end of the purchase, offer an ebook about digital art with an offer encouraging your customer to purchase a second product. Your students will enhance their experience with your products, and you boost your sales. 

In order to use this solution in your strategy, look for the Order Bump tool on the platform.

All you need to do now is to get ready to expand your sales!

You’re already familiar with the many benefits that the Hotmart Payment System offers to your digital business. Separate the tips you consider the most strategic in this post, and start using them right now. 

It’s always important to consider that the digital market is plural and therefore, it’s necessary to dedicate oneself to understand your business in depth, as well as the behavior of your buyers. 

We know that several regions of the world are experiencing a growth in online sales, but remember: your sales strategy needs to focus on the users and the individuality of each region. Therefore, local payment methods are critical in helping scale your digital business. 

In order to check out more strategic tips about the Hotmart Payment System and our features that can help you boost your sales, make sure you also read this post.

See you next time!

*Source: Ebanx 2020