
Hotmart app, the App that has replaced Hotmart Pocket

Meet Hotmart app, the app that replaced Hotmart Pocket, and the features that will help your digital business.


09/17/2021 | By

What will we see in this post

Imagine having all your followers and access to all the most relevant information and data about your business in a single app. 

Hotmart Sparkle does just that! As the app that replaced Hotmart Pocket, it’s going to revolutionize how you manage your business from your smartphone and make it a lot easier. We’re going to explain everything, so keep reading to learn how it works!

Manage all aspects of your business directly from your smartphone

Whenever you make a sale, you’ll receive a notification on your smartphone. You can also easily access your results to monitor the performance of your digital business closely.

You can see:

  • Number of sales of products
  • Performance reports and graphs
  • Sales reports by time of day 
  • Sales information segmented according to selected filters

And remember that famous notification sound in Hotmart Pocket? It’s in Hotmart Sparkle too.

Don’t waste any time! If you don’t already have Hotmart Sparkle, download it for free from Google Play or the App Store. Once you’ve downloaded it, you can log in with the same email address and password you use to access Hotmart. You don’t need to create any new accounts. Simple, right? 

How to get the most out of the app’s features

You already know that Hotmart Pocket’s features are all in Hotmart Sparkle, but you’re probably wondering: what else can I do for my business with Hotmart Sparkle?

Hotmart Sparkle is constantly evolving, and it’s much more than a Hotmart Pocket replacement. It’s an app focused on creating communities. The communities in Hotmart Sparkle are spaces for people who have common interests to share content. 

Keep up with your audience no matter what, even offline

Content creators who have an online course on Hotmart can also offer a fantastic benefit for their students: being able to keep up with their courses through Hotmart Sparkle directly from their smartphone! And that’s not all! 

If you use Hotmart’s Video Player, your students will be able to keep up even when they’re offline, without having to use their mobile data or worry about internet connectivity issues. 

Create communities and take advantage to sell more

And when you make a sale, you’ll hear the old notification from Hotmart Pocket!

Remember the communities we’ve already told you about here? In these communities, you can bring together the people who have already purchased your course, for example, and create another space for students to interact. It’s an excellent opportunity to engage with your students even more and make new sales to people who already enjoy your content. 

And if you make a sale, the app will let you know! The famous notification sound from Hotmart Pocket will play and let you know that you’ve just made a sale.

Share your content without worrying about algorithms 

People in digital marketing and those that produce content for social networks know that it can be tough to make your content reach the most significant number of people.

This is because most platforms use algorithms that decide what the most relevant content is and what content to display for each user. Unlike those apps, Hotmart Sparkle shows your content to 100% of your audience. 

And we’re not just talking about posts. In Hotmart Sparkle, you have total freedom to choose between different content formats. You can publish photos, videos, links, 1-hour long audios, or even podcasts!

All integrated, the best of Hotmart Pocket with Hotmart Sparkle

Hotmart’s experts are always looking for ways to make the lives of digital creators easier. 

That’s why our platform and app are totally integrated with Hotmart’s other solutions, such as our Payment System, which allows sales to be made in the app, provides access to content, online events, and even allows you to charge automatic subscriptions for exclusive content. 

In addition, the integration of Hotmart Pocket’s features in Hotmart Sparkle is an excellent example of how we like to make people’s lives easier. 

In the same app that you can engage with your audience, monetize your content, and make new sales, you can access information about buyers, sales numbers, and easy-to-interpret graphs. You can also understand the demographic of your buyers according to their currency. 

Based on this information, you can also use filters to create better and better strategies to grow your online business.

Start using Hotmart Sparkle right now

Now that you know that all of Hotmart Pocket’s features are in Hotmart Sparkle, it’s easy to understand why it’s such a complete (and maybe even your favorite) app.

So, don’t waste time and start using it right now. If you didn’t download the app while reading, download it from Google Play or the App Store and take your business to the next level.

See you next time! :)