How do you handle objections to your online course?
Check out our tips and learn how to handle your leads' objections at the time of purchase.

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To have a successful online course, having a quality product is not enough, you need to persuade your audience that it is the right one for them at that time.
This task is often as laborious as creating the product itself, or even more so.
With this in mind, we’ve written this post with tips to help you handle your lead’s objections at the time of the purchase, and to improve your sales without investing more money in it.
We hope that this text is useful to you!
The sales page is the business card of your online course
When you promote an online course, you must guide your user to the sales page where it is hosted.
Your sales page should be in sync with your persona’s interests and should also provide essential information on the online course you are advertising.
Clear information is key
When the user gets to your sales page, it means that she is looking for more information about your product before deciding to buy it.
It’s possible that she has already identified a problem to which your product is the solution. Or that she simply found your ad interesting and wanted to know more about your offer.
In both cases, you need to persuade your lead of the benefits that your online course will bring to her.
And what is the best way to do this? In a few words: provide clear information.
Make it obvious that you’re selling a digital product, therefore, it is only available online.
Even though the digital market is booming, some consumers have difficulty understanding that they will not get a physical product at home.
By making it clear that it is an online course, you inspire confidence in your customers and prevents them from feeling aggrieved.
Check out an example of a perfect, yet simple, Sales Page:
Product description
To persuade your users of the benefits of your product, you first need to explain to them what your product is.
Format of your online course
Is it an ebook? Is it an audio file? Is it a video lesson? Is it divided into modules? Is there extra content or interactive features?
What is your product about? What will your customer learn?
Payment methods
How much does your product cost? What are the available payment methods? Can I pay in installments? In how many installments? Is there any discount on this amount?
The lack of basic information can have a negative influence on the consumer’s buying decision, especially if she has never heard of your product before.
Nobody buys anything unless they feel safe to do so
Stories about fraud on the internet become big objections when buying online.
To persuade your lead that your page is a secure environment, you need to make clear the policies that protect her right as a consumer.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use:
A document that explains how the information provided by the user (email, Individual Taxpayer Registration Number – ITIN -, and name) will be used within your website.
When the user agrees to the privacy policy and terms of use it means that she has spontaneously given her information to be used by that domain.
The objective of the disclaimer is to clarify that the results promised by the Producer can be influenced by several factors.
Phone number or email of the Producer who is responsible for that online course.
Copy and design:
The copy (text) and design are on the front line of the interface between producer/buyer or affiliate/buyer.
Having an efficient communication in this first contact can lead to significant results for your business.
To create an engaging communication, the discourse of your sales page should be in tune with your persona’s interests, which should be the same discourse of your online course, fan page, and so on.
The consistency of your posts (design and copy) contributes to a positive perception the lead has of your product, making her feel more secure to make the purchase.
Reliable Checkout
Suppose your lead has gone through all the previous steps and decided to buy your online course.
It is your duty to provide the best user experience possible.
If your audience needs more arguments to make the purchase, you can customize your checkout page to include extra features, photos, and even videos.
Whereas the standard checkout is suggested for people who access the Internet through their mobiles because it has fewer fields and makes the purchase process simpler.
Website security certificate
The Security Certificate or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a standard security technology developed by Netscape.
It creates an encrypted channel between the web server and the browser, ensuring that all payment data transmitted within these pages are confidential.
The pages that have an updated SSL are identified through the golden padlock.
At Hotmart, for example, purchases made with credit card and direct debit are processed by Hotpay, which has full encryption for all financial data. Thus preventing the data provided by the lead to be used by third parties.
Good products cause fewer objections
One of the most important tips to improve your sales results is not to create false expectations in your audience.
Your product should be as good as your sales page promises.
When promoting, you can make teasers of your online course to arouse your lead’s curiosity about what is to come. A well-made teaser says a lot about the quality of your product and provides a good sales strategy.
The ebook is a very democratic format to deliver your online course because it is simple to create and even simpler to access.
It is ideal to address simpler issues that can be explained only with text and images. However, it is not suitable for tutorials, for example.
The ebook can also be an excellent complementary material for a video lesson. Since it adapts to any device that has a compatible digital player such as notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.
Here on the blog, we’ve written a post with the blow-by-blow to create and sell your ebook on the web.
Having an efficient support helps to sell more
When you put your phone number or email contact, you must be available to answer your consumer, if she has any objections about your product.
The longer your return time is, the longer your user will have to check for similar offers with the competition.
Depending on the scope of your online course, it is essential to hire a helpdesk software to optimize your email response time.
This kind of software allows you to store answers to commonly asked questions about your online course besides customizing greeting, language, etc.
An accessible support is also key to the after sales stage.
Under EU rules, purchases made over the Internet can be returned within 14 days of the transaction.
Which means that even if your purchase has been completed, there is still the possibility for the customer to request a full refund, or in some cases the chargeback, which is when she contacts the credit card provider and requests to cancel the purchase.
When you promptly answer your customers, you have a chance to handle their objections to your product, and persuade them that they made the right choice by buying your online course.
Learn how to sell yourself
Having a good sales page, combined with a quality product and an efficient support, is what will determine the success of your online course.
But you also need an extra shot of confidence to handle buyer’s objections. After all, it is much easier to persuade someone that a product is good when you trust the quality of what you are doing.
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