How video streaming contributes to your strategy
Check out how Hotmart’s video streaming technology can make your course even more strategic and complete.

What will we see in this post
Streaming technology, which makes it possible to transmit media files through the internet, is transforming the market. Entertainment and education niches, for example, make good use of streaming. It goes a long way into making it easier to access content that might otherwise have been much harder to reach.
Think about it: When you watch a movie on Netflix, listen to a song on Spotify, or watch a match on fuboTV, you are already using 3 different types of streaming services.
These are just examples of some platforms that use this technology. Just to give you an idea, a study by Ampere Analysis, a research and analysis company, shows that by 2019 streaming service revenues could surpass the world’s movie box office.
On the education side, Hotmart itself is a good example. Today, more than 7 million users of the platform can pursue teaching, learning or even change their careers anytime, anywhere.
Among the various formats of digital products available are courses, which may be created in various formats. One of them is the video lesson, which can be inserted using the Hotmart player, which uses streaming technology.
Now that you understand more about the importance of streaming technology, it’s time to explain in more detail how the Hotmart player can be strategic to your online business. Read on and don’t miss out on the next tips!
Hotmart Player Key Benefits
Every day, our developer team works to bring advanced technologies to make the teaching experience more productive and effective. That’s why the Hotmart player means exclusivity, safety, accessibility, speed and quality for both the teacher and the student.
More security
As we know the importance of copyright, I’ll begin talking about security. With over 200 views per minute, Hotmart streaming features an anti-fraud system, making unauthorized downloading and sharing of material more difficult.
High quality
On top of our security features, Producers can work with high quality materials, since the platform allows files of up to 4GB. That is, it is possible to use top-quality material in order to deliver the best content for your students.
Encourage interaction
You’ve read about safety and quality, now it’s time to talk about engagement. Student using the Hotmart player can write notes throughout the videos. A student might, for example, click on a segment of the video and write down a question.
Amazing so far, isn’t it? And theres is more! But first, let me ask you a question: are you ready to start selling internationally? Hotmart is here to give you a hand!
Worldwide sales
The Hotmart player enables you to translate your content and insert subtitles in over 200 languages. Creating material in other languages is the first step to start selling all around the world.
To further encourage you, you can use Hotmart’s own payment system, HotPay, developed especially for digital products, which has already been used in over 200 countries.
By using HotPay you can also offer various forms of payment such as credit card, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, among others. It also has several local payment methods such as Baloto in Colombia, OXXO and native installment in Mexico, PagoEfectivo in Peru, Multibanco in Portugal and more.
How do you feel about what the Hotmart player can do for your online course? To enjoy all of these benefits, you only need to pay a small fee and host your course in Hotmart’s free Members Area, which I’ll talk about below.
Start with our exclusive, free Members Area
Forget having to hire a specialized team! Hotmart’s Member Area, called Hotmart Club, is focused on facilitating the hosting, organization, distribution and sale of your course.
In practice, by placing your digital product in this unique space, you have access to the player, our payment system, marketing and sales solutions, and more.
On top of that, you can follow the engagement and performance of each of your students throughout the course. This type of analysis is essential for those looking for constant evolution of the material because, in addition to improving student absorption of knowledge, you increase your chances of selling more.
Remember I talked about stimulating student interaction? Hotmart’s Members Area also allows them to write comments, questions or suggestions in a spaces set aside especially for this. Afterwards, Producers can manage comments. That way you’ll access powerful insights to make the material better and better.
Using Hotmart’s Members Area and player, you’ll also have access to Club Templates, a key solution for making your course even more personalized.
Encourage your student’s power of choice
Last but not least, here is a VERY RELEVANT benefit: watching classes offline. Students taking courses that are hosted in the Members Area and use the Hotmart video player can now watch the video lessons in the Hotmart Sparkle app.
With this amazing asset in hand, Producers can offer the very best to their students. Attending classes anywhere, at anytime is a key advantage. This can even be a selling point when it comes to promoting your product.
This way those students who are unable to complete the course because they spend too much time on their commute will no longer have a problem. All they need to do is download Hotmart Sparkle and download the classes they’d like to watch. This is time optimization!
We have come to the end of this article full of solutions that Hotmart brings to your work in the digital world. This could be the beginning of your career in the digital world or the momentum you needed to get your online business off the ground.
It’s time to check out how to set up streaming and start selling! :)