Post-webinar – The illustration of a laptop displaying a webinar with two people. Surrounding the laptop is an e-mail with a notification sign, and email with a magnifying glass, and an email connected to a few circles with people’s faces.

Digital Marketing

5 ways to convert your audience post-webinar

A webinar doesn’t end when the camera is turned off. After the webinar is over, there’s still a lot of work to be done! And we’ll tell you everything.


11/17/2020 | By

What will we see in this post

Do you worry about the post-webinar phase as much as you worry about how to promote and carry out the webinar itself?

If your answer wasn’t a resounding YES, it’s time to rethink certain things.

The first 48 hours after a webinar ends, are critical for the success of your digital marketing strategy.

This is because it’s the best time to stay in touch with the participants, including those who didn’t attend the live event. After all, not everyone who signs up participates in the livestream. But all contacts who heard about the event will still be warm!

According to a survey conducted by ClickZ, one of the leading digital marketing agencies in the world, only 16% of respondents prefer to watch a webinar live. The other 84% end up replaying these streams.

And for those who invest in this strategy, this is just another reason that exemplifies the importance of post-webinar actions with customers.

Therefore, we’ve listed the 5 indispensable actions for you to take to keep your audience’s engagement high, even during the post-webinar phase.

What to do to maintain results and relationships during the post-webinar phase

The follow-up with viewers and possible future customers during the post-webinar phase is as important as the promotion of the webinar itself.

But how do you make this phase as strategic as the previous phases? Let’s check it out.

1. Questions asked during the webinar are like gold nuggets for other content 

What information were you able to gather after the webinar?

Write down and record all audience questions and discussions raised during the livestream.

Although they were discussed and apparently finalized there, they can inspire other content, such as blog posts, infographics or podcasts. And they can even be distributed during the post-webinar phase.

This content isn’t only for those who attended the event, but also for those who were unable to participate.

We already know that rich content really helps the audience, right? So, nothing better than using their questions to create new material that is even more valuable. 

2. Send more than a post-webinar email thanking the audience

It’s cordial and even common for webinar promoters to send post-webinar emails thanking the audience who followed the livestream.

In this situation, you should send emails to the participants within 24 hours after the livestream.

In this email, include everything that you eventually promised to the participants or to those who signed up, with a copy of the slide show, a link to the event’s video, another guarantee or even an exclusive promotion.

Or even anything else that gives your audience the feeling of exclusivity and importance.

But go beyond a mere email thanking the audience. Keep your audience connected to the content you streamed and let them know that your business will keep offering knowledge and information.

Making certain rich and exclusive materials available, as a special thank you to those who attended, is also worth it.

3. Give special attention to those who didn’t attend the webinar

Normally, not all people who signed up for the webinar will be able to attend. Unforeseen events happen, people forget or they are unable to get organized in time to watch the livestream.

But the fact that they did sign up for the webinar, shows that they are interested in the content. And this cannot be ignored.

It’s always a good idea to send an email letting them know that they were missed, and providing a link to the webinar’s video, as well as any relevant discussion that took place, and information about the next webinar you’re planning.

During the post-webinar phase, keep these people’s interest alive. Because if they realize that they missed a lot by not attending the live event, they will make sure they don’t miss the next one.

4. Segment the participants in your database – they’re special

The participants of a webinar you promoted are certainly ahead in terms of contact with your business, compared to those who didn’t attend.

Therefore, they deserve to receive special communication since they are closer to buying something from your business, if they already haven’t done so.

However, you can split your participants into three categories within a sales funnel: “ready for sales”, “need to be nurtured” and “not suitable”.

  • Ready for sales

These are the people who, during the post-webinar phase, directly requested a sales meeting, a free trial, a demonstration, or even more information about your product or service.

This is the part of the sales funnel where people are ready to receive a proposal or offer. Prioritize these contacts.

  • Need to be nurtured

These are the people who gave your webinar high scores. They are interested in receiving more information about your products, and asked questions, with high participation during the livestream.

They may not be ready to buy now, but they want to stay informed. And it’s your role to feed them with content related to your brand.

  • Not suitable

These people don’t fit into your business’ customer profile and aren’t compatible with your persona. If you’d like to learn more about persona, check out the video below. 

They might be students or someone who doesn’t have the power to decide in the company where they work, for example. In other words, they aren’t a good lead for your product or service.

They might also include those people who gave your webinar a poor score and haven’t found value in the content.

You can’t please everyone. And the best thing to do in this case is to focus on those who enjoyed your webinar and are ready to take the next step with your business.

5. Create exclusive communication channels for this audience 

This is a very valuable tip. Create an incentive campaign during the post-webinar phase.

The purpose of this campaign is to keep the people, who participated the most in your webinar, involved and move them through your sales funnel so that they become your customers.

Another very good tip to maintaining this connection is to create WhatsApp or Facebook groups. This way you can keep those discussions that started during the webinar active and bring these people even closer.

Bonus! Don’t neglect the personal nature of the post-webinar phase

Staying in touch with your customers during the post-webinar phase helps you identify the things you’re doing right and understand what can be improved in the future.

It’s important to stay close to your audience after the webinar is over, just as you did during it.

Your audience will feel closer to your brand after the live event. And this is a strong point in your favor when it comes to keeping them engaged.

What you do during the post-webinar phase is as important as the live webinar itself. And taking action during this phase is key so that you don’t miss important opportunities to reach, convert, and build a relationship with your customers.

Now that you know how to maintain your post-webinar engagement, how about using mental triggers to make even better use of your content? Learn more about how to use this strategy with our free ebook.

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