
Still don’t know the Classes at Hotmart Club? Manage your Students more conveniently!

The Classes at Hotmart Club help Producers manage their course content more quickly and give Students a new learning experience, with the ideal offers for each group. Read now and find out more! But, after all, what are Classes at Hotmart Club? Classes at Hotmart Club are the perfect solution for those who want to […]

Josuama Mendes Costa

11/06/2023 | By

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Find out now how the newest feature in your members area, Hotmart Club, has been transforming the experience of our Producers and Students. Check out the article below right now!

The Classes at Hotmart Club help Producers manage their course content more quickly and give Students a new learning experience, with the ideal offers for each group. Read now and find out more!

But, after all, what are Classes at Hotmart Club?

Classes at Hotmart Club are the perfect solution for those who want to create different experiences, within the same online course. With them, it’s easier to create exclusive offers for different audiences, only adapting a few modules of your product in a quick and practical way. Let’s look at an example? :D
Imagine a Producer who has a course at Hotmart Club about sales. A few months after launch, they decide to create an advanced course on the same subject, including some extra modules, but maintaining the same content base.

That’s where the magic happens: instead of creating a new product from scratch, they can create a new class and select which content should be available in each of them. And best of all, they can configure different offers and values for each class.

This Hotmart Club innovation is perfect for Producers who like evolving their content and need to segment the experience of new students without compromising the methodology already applied to old students.

Furthermore, this new feature helps the Producer who, when identifying that his Students are not evolving at the same speed, also wants to create specific classes for different levels of students.

In this case, the advantage is to direct materials such as quizzes, reinforcement classes, and comments differently to each class. Great, isn’t it?

With Classes at Hotmart Club, it’s even easier to offer a top-notch experience to your Students, save more time, and boost your conversions to the next level!

There are many advantages, and class configuration is super easy and intuitive. First, let’s look at the benefits this functionality has for you:

  • Register different classes/modules without having to create new products, directing the chosen content to one of the classes or several of them – therefore, gaining more speed in managing your members’ area;
  • It is possible to organize your Students into classes and create offers for each of them, focusing on the real needs of the students profile;
  • Filter your comments by classes, responding to the topics corresponding to your classes by audience;
  • See reports from each of the classes, extracting insights that turn into ideas to evolve your⦁ ⦁ digital business;
  • New structure and more resources, that is, changing people in classes, managing content, or creating classes is easy on the platform.

To configure Classes at the Club, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Hotmart platform;
  2. Click Products, then click Hotmart Club;
  3. In your Members’ Area, on the left side menu, click Products;
  4. Select the desired product;
  5. Select the Classes tab;
  6. On the top of the screen, select Create Class;
  7. Enter the name you want for the Class and, if you want to link this Class to a Special Offer, don’t forget that it must have already been created in the product settings;
  8. Select the offer in the desired class and save the change;
  9. Choose whether this will be your Default Class by clicking “Yes” and confirming.

That’s it! Did you see how Classes at Hotmart Club guarantee greater ease and agility in managing your Members’ Area, customizing offers, and more chances of boosting sales?

Don’t waste your time. Start now!

A big hug and see you next time! :)


This post was originally written in October 2017 and has been updated to contain more complete and accurate information.