tips for Instagram

Digital Marketing

15 Tips To Take Instagram Photos: Get More Likes And Followers

Check out how to create a better profile on this social network!

Barbara Santos

05/19/2021 | By

What will we see in this post

The progress of technology has made the Internet practically omnipresent in people’s daily lives. Add this to the undeniable success of digital marketing and social media, and the result is a veritable restructuring of how communication and advertising are practiced. Learn 15 tips for Instagram!

These changes have also generated an utter revolution in how we consume and in the labor market.

Nowadays, fame no longer follows the logic of traditional centralized media. Celebrities have been subdivided into specific niches as TV stations, radio stations and magazines have lost space, and online tools have democratized communication, advertising and consumption.

In this context, one profession that has hit the spotlight is Instagrammer: people who promote brands, products, and lifestyles with their Instagram accounts.

Thus, Instagram is more than a social network to exchange photos and videos. It represents a lifestyle and a promising new career. The prospects seem excellent, don’t they?

And they are! With good planning, a good nose for captivating an audience, and a good promotion strategy, Instagram can become a source of extra income and even become your sole career.

Would you like to know how?

Keep reading and check out a series of tips for Instagram photos that we have listed for you, as well as 15 tips to help you to gain lots of likes and followers!

(Speaking of Instagram, have you checked out Hotmart’s profile?)

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The most popular niches on Instagram

Overall, the restructuring of fame provided by social media and the Internet gradually started on television itself.

If, in the past, we only had about half a dozen channels to choose from and probably wasted time with programming that didn’t even really interest us. Cable TV expanded this list, which provided greater viewer independence.

In the age of the Internet, the evolution was also gradual; from Myspace and Facebook, which linked information more generically, still in the television style, they moved to platforms with subdivided niches of interest. Thus began this segmentation of the audience and the democratization of fame.

Nowadays, it’s natural for celebrities (or sub-celebrities, as they are also called) who have a base of thousands or even millions of followers. But outside this niche, they are practically unknown.

For this reason, paid ads are also much more segmented. A maternity clothing brand, for example, would have little or nothing to gain by sponsoring a post in a profile with an audience interested in music or sports supplements.

Well, we think that now you have a better idea of how Instagrammer fame works, right?

So, let’s get to the most popular niches on this platform:

Landscape Photography

Photography lovers also have their space on Instagram. Profiles with beautiful landscapes and quality photos represent one of Instagram’s main successful niches.

An example of an Instagrammer in this area is Lars Van de Goor, whose posts reach thousands of likes.



Gastronomy is another market with great potential on Instagram, either for those looking for recipes or for those who just want to see beautiful and tasty dishes and delicacies.

A famous Instagrammer in this niche is photographer Brittany Wright, whose posts really catch the eye. With great taste, she plays with and explores the colors and beauty of cuisine, making her followers’ mouths water.



Who can resist a cute pet?

Animals also have their captive audience on Instagram. Whether you’re a cat lover or dog lover, there are profiles on the network for all tastes.

If your heart melts for this type of content, check out Megan Cottone’s pets: @thebeagleandthebun. As you can imagine, it’s a beagle, and it’s best bunny friend. Irresistible



A healthy lifestyle and fitness routine undoubtedly requires a lot of dedication — no wonder this niche is so successful on Instagram. Millions of users seek inspiration from the so-called fitness muses.

Fitness YouTuber Holly Dolke, for example, is a hit in the fitness niche on Instagram. Creator of Pink Dragon, she has over 205k followers.


If you can’t resist a fashion trend, I’m sure you follow the Instagram profiles of famous people in the fashion industry. Blogger and makeup artist Camila Coelho, for example, is a massive hit on the platform, with 8.9M followers.


Travel and adventure lovers make up another successful niche on Instagram. Entrepreneur Jack Morris is a successful Instagrammer. In his profile @doyoutravel, he posts photos of his trips around the world and has attracted up to over 2.5M followers.


The music market was another beneficiary of the democratization of fame provided by Instagram. Nowadays, with a good camera, a well-developed strategy, and your voice or instrument, you can win over many fans through the network.

It’s also a way for artists with different styles, or those who have more specific audiences, to conquer their space. Rapper Mykki Blanco is an example of success on Instagram.


Often, a lifestyle is sold on Instagram. That means people who get followers because they are true inspirations in their daily lives, either in the way they dress, their everyday habits, tastes, etc. 

One example is Instagrammer Aimee Song, who already has over 5.7M followers.

15 tips for taking good photos for Instagram

To stand out on Instagram, the main rule is basic and quite obvious: take good pictures. After all, we’re talking about a social network based on images.

Here are a few tips on how to make your photos rock on this platform:

1. Invest in a smartphone with a good-quality camera

Whatever the commercial purpose of your Instagram profile, you need to maintain a professional standard of quality in your posts to ensure credibility in the marketplace. It is highly recommended that you save your photos by using twice the resolution size.

Good photo editors allow you to adjust the image size to 1024×1024, so that the photo remains sharp after being reduced to Instagram parameters.

If you’re not familiar with these tools, use apps, such as InstaSize, to maintain the dimensions of your photos.

2. Use as much natural light as possible

Knowing how to use lighting to your advantage is essential when taking photos for Instagram.

To create a greater highlight, use the contrast of the sun and the shadows. Artificial light sources can also be a good tool, for example, a light fixture or a flashlight.

It’s worth remembering that shadows, if used incorrectly, can hide features and expressions in a photo.

Use various shapes and angles of lighting, and especially, use your creativity to attract the attention of your followers.

3. Avoid taking photos using flash

Flash itself isn’t an enemy of photos, but to get good results, you need to know how to use it correctly and understand light concepts.

When used in any way, it can actually change the image’s colors and contrast. In addition, it can also “saturate” the photographic object, resulting in a poor image.

If you need to use flash, use it:

  • As secondary lighting
  • Away from the photographic object; or
  • With a light diffuser

An alternative to the flash, which certain smartphones offer, is to use the night mode. It changes the standard camera settings to adapt the photo by capturing more light in the environment.

4. Choose neutral scenarios

Knowing how to choose the ideal setting for each type of photo is key. After all, this is one way of directing the attention of your followers.
And be careful! Don’t overdo the number of decoration items.

5. Follow the rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a basis for building the composition of a photograph in such a way that the elements are structured in an attractive and pleasing way.
It’s established from a grid that divides the photo’s framing into 3 parts horizontally and vertically (3×3, like a tic-tac-toe game), forming 9 equal spaces.

Check out the example below:

To follow the rule, the photo’s important elements must be at the intersection of the lines, as in the example shown.

Some smartphones already offer this as a default feature in the camera app. If yours doesn’t, don’t worry, there are several free photo apps that have this feature.

The rule of thirds will certainly make your Instagram photos more harmonious and professional looking. Put it into practice!

6. Use filters to favor your strengths

Instagram provides a wide variety of filters in the app itself, in addition to the various photo editors available on the market.

By using the filter that best suits the style of photo you have taken, you can increase quality and add originality to your photo.

7. Use the photo carousel

One of the latest additions to Instagram is the feature known as photo carousel. With it, you can share up to ten photos or videos in a single post. Create a good sequence of photos and videos to provide originality to your profile!

8. Create fun boomerangs

The tool for creating GIFs in a simple and interactive manner, known as Boomerang, has been around for quite a while.

Basically, the user opens the app and then captures a sequence of a few seconds and waits for the GIF to be rendered. After that, the user simply opens Instagram to share it.

You can also use this tool directly from the official app, next to the video-recording tab. The last step is to use your creativity to create boomerangs that appeal to your audience.

9. Post polls

Another new feature of Instagram that has caught on among users is the polls feature in the stories. You can create two-answer options for your followers to vote on, and the results can be tracked in real-time.

Maintaining interaction with your followers while checking feedback is even easier. Use this new feature to build loyalty with new and old followers.

10. Post different content

To pique people’s interest in the content you create, you need to vary your angles, scenarios, filters, poses, i.e., originality is key.

Regularly monitor the feedback from each photo posted on your profile to increase your engagement with your followers.

11. Interact with your followers

The number of followers is very important for the valuation of your profile with sponsors and brands, but this isn’t the only factor. The level of engagement is another pillar to be successful on Instagram.

Therefore, nurturing a good relationship with your followers, winning them over, and demonstrating commitment to the new craft is essential.

Responding to your audience’s comments and interactions on your profile, for example, is a very important step that brings followers closer together and builds authority.
More important than generating good images is creating a good relationship with your followers and building an interesting and inviting page.

12. Create Stories 

Spontaneity is a golden asset for your Instagram strategy, and a great way to put it into practice is with stories. With this tool, you can share images and videos in real-time with your followers.

There are many ways in which you can share this content with your network, such as:

  • New product announcements
  • Demonstration of your services or launches
  • Conducting Q&A sessions
  • Tutorials
  • Share behind-the-scenes moments
  • Among many others

Another great advantage of stories is the possibility of adding links that direct to your website. The feature, available for verified accounts, exponentially increases your chances of converting users.

For other tips on how to own an interesting profile on Instagram, watch our video:

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13. Always keep your smartphone lens clean

Our smartphones are with us at all times and everywhere. Therefore, it’s expected to build up dirt, including on the camera lens.

In addition, we often end up touching the lens and leaving fingerprints. This results in smudges and distortions in the image when taking a picture.

So, remember that your smartphone is also your photographic equipment. Take good care of the lens; clean it routinely whenever you remember to do so. This way, you can ensure that your photos will not be compromised because of such a simple detail!

14. Don’t overdo with the smartphone zoom feature

The companies that produce smartphones don’t put that much effort into creating a very powerful zoom for your smartphone. Unfortunately, for the time being, only those who have a professional camera lens can rely on this feature without worries.

Zoomed images on smartphones end up losing a lot of quality. Therefore, we don’t recommend that you use this feature to take pictures and post them on your Instagram.

15. Use image editors

There are several free and paid photo editing apps that offer powerful features to make your photos look amazing.

And if you really want to stand out, you’ll need to rely on a quality editor to ensure the highest standard of quality for your photos. Some of the best editors on the market are:

Instagram Do’s and Don’ts

If you have read this far, you must have realized that anyone can become an Instagrammer; all it takes is creativity and a smartphone that shoots in high resolution.

However, there are a few tips that can make your photos even more professional looking and make them stand out in your feed.

Below, we show you what to do and what to avoid when taking your photos. It’s worth mentioning that there is no right or wrong in photography; what really counts is what you intended with that photo.


You’ve probably heard a digital influencer say that a good photo is all about angles, and this couldn’t be truer! A well-shot photo directs the viewer’s gaze, enhancing the attributes of the person or object being photographed.

This perspective changes if you are photographing someone/something, or if you are taking a self-portrait, a.k.a., a selfie.

In the case of a selfie, we recommend shooting the photo at mid-distance from the face, with the smartphone tilted about 45 degrees from top to bottom. This tip prevents your face from becoming flat or disproportionate.

The face/body angle is optional, but a good idea is to test to find your “good side”.

Avoid: Photos from the bottom up, because your face can be shaded and give the impression of being larger than it is.

If your intention is to photograph an object or landscape, the best angle is to keep the smartphone parallel with your shoulders and torso because the proportions will be like they really are.

Fotos para instagram - imagem de uma caneca no ângulo errado

Example of the “wrong” angle


Fotos para instagram - imagem de uma caneca no ângulo certo

Example of the “right” angle


Framing will depend on what you intend with the photo, but there are always a few rules that can help you.

When you’re taking a picture, be it horizontal or vertical, think about a framing that shows the whole body or from the waist up, known as the American plane.

Avoid: Framing that “cuts” the person at the joints (knees, elbows, wrists). 

Fotos para instagram - imagem de uma caneca no enquadramento errado

Example of “wrong” framing


Fotos para instagram - imagem de uma caneca no enquadramento certo

Example of “right” framing


One of the aspects that most influences the quality of the photo is ambient lighting. We suggest that you make the most of daylight, preferably from 8:00 to 10:00 am, because this time of day provides good lighting, without too many shadows.

The time between 2 pm and 5 pm can also yield good photos.

Avoid: Poorly lit places make the photo look grainy, so avoid them. If you must take a photo indoors, try to stay near a window or use artificial lighting.
The best scheme for photographs like this is to set up a three-point lighting structure, which we have already shown at the beginning of the text.

Fotos para instagram - imagem de uma caneca no iluminação errada

Example of “wrong” lighting


Fotos para instagram - imagem de uma caneca no iluminação certa

Example of “right” lighting

Keeping it professional on Instagram

Before accepting any sponsorship, you should evaluate how it may influence your reputation. In other words, never post advertising of brands that you wouldn’t use or recommend.

It’s still worth remembering that by embracing this new profession, you’re becoming a public person whose reputation is the biggest bargaining chip for sponsored posts and, of course, for profile growth. So, make sure you establish a relationship of trust with your followers.

Being successful on Instagram invariably requires dedication to the profile. Therefore, define your strategy, overuse your creativity, create quality posts, and constantly evaluate the returns they provide, correcting flaws and exploiting the potentials discovered.

By following the lessons and tips you have seen throughout this post, your chances of achieving success on the platform will certainly be greater.

Ready to apply our tips? Since you’re already here, how about learning more about how to sell on Instagram?

Oh, and if you want more valuable tips just like the ones we’ve shared here today, follow us on Instagram and Youtube, too!

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