Holiday sells

Digital Marketing

15 Tips to Sell more during the Holidays and Finish 2021 Strong

Get more holiday sales and boost your profits with the right strategies!

Barbara Santos

12/16/2021 | By

The holidays are coming and with it a lot of joy and happiness. It’s a time to show our appreciation for the special people in our lives. 

Of course, one of the best ways to show our love is buying meaningful gifts, and that means this season is also an opportunity for entrepreneurs to boost their sales. 

A survey by ChannelAdvisor on WRAL TechWire shows that 37% of respondents plan to do more holiday shopping online in 2021 compared to last year.

And it’s not too late to attract more customers! In this post, we’ve listed the best strategies for you to get more customers and build a relationship to make even more sales later!

Take a look at our game plan:

1. Get your sales team ready

Christmas - image of a sales team

Christmas is the time of the year when people are more willing to go shopping.

However, since the number of shoppers increases tremendously in both physical and online stores, this may create a certain discomfort for customers.

This is the time when you need to be well prepared, and nothing better than to train your entire sales team for it.

Start talking to your team right away, and explain that now, more than ever, they need to be agile and fulfill the wishes of buyers as best as possible.

In addition, it is very important to focus on service cordiality, since it’s very important to make sure the buyer’s experience is the best possible so that later, the person feels like buying from you again.

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2. Create unmissable opportunities

Christmas - image of a man buying on the internet

We know that it’s still early in the month and that there are still 20 days left until Christmas.

But believe me, if you want to stand out, this is the perfect moment.

Take advantage of the beginning of the month to create offers that your audience cannot miss.

Early in the month, preferably during the first days of the week (Monday and Tuesday) are the ideal moments to offer something new.

This occurs because we are more willing to make changes and purchases as soon as a new cycle begins.

User the Holidays to give bonuses related to this time of the year, in other words, offer discounts that will only be valid up to the December 25.

The important thing here is to show your audience that if they buy now, they will guarantee offers that they won’t enjoy during other times of the year.

3. Offer new payment terms

Christmas - image of a wallet with money, cards, Christmas decoration and behind it there are documents

If you usually only offering one form of payment for example, how about using Christmas to diversify more?

This is a good time to test new conditions and forms of payment.

Perhaps you’ve never offered payments via bank payment slip and end up losing sales because of it.

Of course, it all depends on your sales strategy and therefore, it’s not always possible to offer other conditions.

But if you have this possibility, why not test it?

Hotmart producers can rely on HotPay, our exclusive payment system, which can be used for the following:

  • Send notifications;
  • Give discount coupons;
  • Have a record of purchase abandonment;
  • Make payments with 2 cards;
  • And several other features.

4. Use psychological triggers

Christmas - image of a woman and a scan pointing her brain, inside the brain there is a gift

Have you ever noticed how certain advertisements seem to speak directly to us?

This is especially true when certain psychological triggers are activated.

There are certain signs that have already been memorized by us that directly influence our purchasing decision and make us choose between one product or other.

In order to be prepared to sell more at Christmastime, these triggers are crucial.

The Holidays are the ideal period to start thinking about what we wish to do the following year.

Therefore, there’s nothing better than showing your customers that your product is what they need to start 20.21 on the right foot.

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5. Offer the desired outcome, not the product

Christmas - image of a girl thinking about an idea and around her thera are hearts

Whenever we purchase a product, most of the times we choose one and not the other from the competition, not only because of the product itself, but also especially due to the benefits from making that purchase.

We’ll give you an example to make it clearer:

If you sign up with a gym, you probably don’t choose it because of the excellent equipment it has. You also take the following into consideration:

  • Its proximity to your home or work;
  • Available hours for your workout;
  • Qualified instructors;
  • Recommendations from friends or family;
  • Results observed in other people (social proof);
  • Among other benefits.

This means that the advertising shouldn’t be only of the product, but also of the entire value that your offer delivers to those buying from you.

So, this Christmas, don’t offer only an online course or an e-book on how to make desserts, for example, but an opportunity to surprise their family during the Holidays with mouth-watering desserts.

Do you notice the difference?

6. Campaign with influencers


Influence Marketing is growing and generating incredible results for a lot of brands. This strategy consists of hiring online influencers to promote and represent your brand or a specific product.

One of the huge advantages of campaigning with influencers is that these professionals, in most cases, have highly engaged followers who trust what they recommend. This raises your chances of making sales a lot!

When it comes to Christmas, this is the perfect time to launch a campaign in partnership with an influencer in your niche. Followers are in a festive mood and ready to buy gifts recommended by someone they trust.

So, search for influencers who could represent your brand well. Remember to choose an influencer who works in the same niche as yours, posts relevant content, and shares the same values ​​as your business.

It is useless to hire influencers who don’t represent your brand well and might put your reputation at risk. Be careful and do your due diligence!

7. Give tips for gifts

Christmas - image of a computer with christmas gifts on the screen

How about getting out of your comfort zone and post something completely different from what you’re used to?

A good idea here is to create short lists with gift suggestions, either on social media or on your blog.

Many people don’t know what to give as presents to friends and family.

You can help your audience and also reach new people by providing different suggestions. Among these tips, you can place your product and even include a link on your sales page if your readers are interested in buying.

But be very careful here!

We’re not talking about advertising your product all the time but to actually create a list that will help people find this type of content.

So think about gift suggestions that are useful for those reading it.

One good idea is to use your niche for this. For example:

If you have an online course about self-makeup, you can create a list with the products that are most sought, how much they cost, and the stores where people can find them, and within your list, you can also offer your course.

Use your creativity but always think about your persona’s advantages.

8. Offer quick support

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There’s no point in training your sales team, having good advertising, selling more, but having a lot of returns or customer dissatisfaction.

This is also the time to worry about the quality of your support service.

Are customer questions being answered promptly?

Just as people might feel uncomfortable when making purchases, they might also have difficulties during the purchasing process or even afterwards.

Therefore, prepare your support team well so that they can get the answer as many questions as possible.

9. Prepare your stock

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If you have an online store with products that require delivery by mail or even a physical store, pay attention to your stock.

Can you image what would happen if you sold a product that you couldn’t deliver within the agreed time?

Many people are looking for gifts during this time of the year. So it’s inconceivable for you to sell something and no longer have in stock to be delivered in time for Christmas.

Take advantage of the fact that it is still early in the month and place orders in advance with your suppliers.

10. Offer discount coupons

Christmas - image of the symbol of digital product in the middle and the icons of videos, documents and e-book around the digital product

How about using the Holidays to offer upgrades to products purchased by customers without charging a high price for them?

Upselling is a technique consisting in improving your customer’s initial purchase.

You can offer a premium product for a slightly higher price than the basic product for example. In addition to helping improve your audience’s experience, you also increase your average ticket.

But don’t even think that you can stop there.

You can create exclusive bonuses for this time of the year and even give other products related to yours as an exclusive Christmas present for your audience.

11. Think about design

Christmas - image of a man meditating and holding icons about design

You probably already know that design goes far beyond a matter of aesthetics.

Of course, thinking about the entire visual part that makes up your online course or e-book is very important to provide harmony to your material.

But in addition to this, design also deals with people’s emotions and is a form of identifying you and your brand.

Take advantage of Christmas to create a closer relationship with your audience.

Make small changes to your campaigns, social media profiles and blog, especially for this time of the year.

And don’t forget to go back to the original theme after holiday season!

12.  Send festive emails

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In the holiday spirit, how about using your email list to send messages with a festive theme?

You can use your creativity and even make it explicit in the subject of the email that it is related to Christmas.

And don’t just think about emails with sales offers. You can, for example, send a Christmas card to your customer base wishing them happy holidays.

It shows how important they are to you not just as customers, but as someone you really want to have a closer relationship with. Therefore, it’s a great chance to build your relationship with your audience.

13. Run targeted paid media


Investing in paid media is always a smart option to increase your brand reach and get better results. But, especially at Christmas, this tip will lead more people to your products. 

There’s a huge advantage for campaigns with paid traffic. They can target with strategic keywords. So, using your niche keywords together with the word “Christmas” is a great recipe.

The reason is that in addition to so many people looking for all kinds of products for Christmas gifts, the ads end up being driven by the boom that the date generates across the digital medium. This strategy even has a name, it’s called Seasonal Marketing.

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14. Put a holiday themed pop-up on your blog

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If you have a blog and already use pop-ups in your strategy, you can also take advantage of this feature to get into the holiday spirit.

How about using a pop-up with free extra resources for your audience throughout the month of December?

In addition to being able to increase your lead base, since people need to sign up to receive this type of free material, you can also help out your audience. Just make sure your resources really add value to your customers.

15. Wow them with your aftersales

Christmas - image of hands holding as an agreement , icon of discounts, documents and of a support analyst

After putting so much effort into your campaigns to sell more at Christmas, don’t abandon all that work.

Relationship with customers shouldn’t end as soon as they make a purchase.

On the contrary, this is the perfect moment to strengthen this bond for future sales or especially, to have a fan of your brand who can recommend it to other people.

Therefore, invest in your after-sales support and continue with all the work for this month, during the entire year.

If you’ve never thought about this before, you don’t need to worry. We’ve set aside a post with 7 tips for an unforgettable after-sales support.

Happy holidays and happy sales!

This post was originally published in December of 2018. It has been updated to contain more complete information.