Hotmart General Purchasing Terms

Version updated on June 1st, 2024

Thank you for using Hotmart's services!

1. Overview

1.1. This Policy governs all purchases made on the Hotmart Platform.

1.2. The company you hire to use the Platform and operate your transactions may vary according to the transaction, the country or countries of residence of the User, and the currency with which the transaction is made. If the transaction is made in Brazilian Real (BRL) between Users residing in Brazil, the company processing the transaction will be Launch Pad Tecnologia, Serviços e Pagamentos Ltda., enrolled in the CNPJ/ME under No. 13.427.325/0001-05, in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, at Avenida Assis Chateaubriand, 499, Bairro Floresta, CEP 30.150-101. For all other transactions, the processing the transaction is Dutch company Hotmart BV, headquartered at Frederiksplein 1, 1017, XK Amsterdam, The Netherlands, registration KVK CCI No. 60335777 (“Hotmart BV”). If the transaction is made in US dollars (USD), between Buyers residing in the United States of America, the company collecting the amounts form the Buyers is Launch Pad Payment Services Corp., headquartered on 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE, ZIP code 19808, registry No 6840958. The business model signed between you and Hotmart will depend on the company that you hire. By accepting these terms, you grant Hotmart broad powers to carry out all the activities necessary to maintain the commercial relationship established and the compliance with these Terms and other Policies.

1.3. By accepting this Policy, you acknowledge that you know and agree with its content and with the other applicable Policies, including the Privacy Policy, which, although presented in separate texts, are an integral part of Hotmart’s General Terms of Use

1.4. Hotmart does not make previous editorial control of the Products sold, nor does it evaluate the technicality and experience of those who produce them. The existence of a Product and its acquisition through the Platform, cannot be considered a guarantee of the quality of the Product, under any circumstances. By purchasing it, the Buyers declare they are aware of this information.

1.5. Hotmart may refuse or cancel a purchase order, in addition to paying commissions to Affiliates, if it identifies that the Buyer consists of an Affiliate buying from their own link, or if the Buyer's information is not fully provided with actual information about them.

1.6. Hotmart may refuse approval of a purchase requested by a Buyer who has already made more than one request for reimbursement or return through the Platform.

1.7. The services and features made available through the Platform are provided as they are ("as is"), without expressed or implied guarantees, including, among others, warranty of merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, property, non-infringement, and protection against computer viruses or other harmful codes.

1.8. Any additional information about the Product must be obtained by the Buyer directly from the Creator and/or Co-creator after making the purchase. The Buyer will receive the Creator and/or Co-creator’s email address for any contact.

1.9. The purchase will appear on the card statement or invoice indicating Hotmart's name. However, this consists of a mere identification of Hotmart as a facilitator of payment on the invoice or card statement, and does not make the Platform a seller or make it responsible for the Product, nor its functionality, features, offer, advertising, quality, delivery, exchange or return.

1.10. Buyers acknowledge that they may receive more than one (1) invoice resulting from a single Product purchase on the Platform.

1.11. For problems and questions regarding purchases, such as payment options, receipt of the Product, refunds, and support related to the Platform experience, the Buyer should contact our support service here.

1.12. The Hotmart Platform provides a set of online features that allows its Users to consume, create, promote or sell Products in various formats. As provided in the Terms of Use, Hotmart is not responsible for the Product purchased because the Creator and/or the Co-creator are entirely responsible for its content, functionality, quality, offer, advertising, delivery, exchange and return.

1.13. When Users buy and sell Products on the Platform, they enter into a contract directly with each other. Hotmart is not, and does not, become a party to, an intermediary or guarantor of any relationship between Users. Hotmart does not act as an agent or distributor for any User. Hotmart does not create, develop, control, endorse, or supply any Product to Users. The Creators and/or Co-creators are responsible for their products' content and information, being liable for their creation and characteristics, quality, features, quantity, offer, advertising, delivery, exchange and return. In order to resolve issues specifically related to the Product purchased, Buyers must contact the Creator and/or Co-creator's team.

2. Delivery of the Products:

2.1. Digital Products: The delivery time of the digital Products’ access data may vary depending on the payment method, for example, (a) Bank payment slip, up to 72 hours; (b) Credit card, up to 24 hours; (c) Online transfer, up to 8 hours. The periods must be counted after the confirmation of payment. The way in which these Products are made available, in turn, may be through the Platform’s members’ area or externally.

2.2. Physical Products: The deadline and form of delivery of the physical Products will be determined by the Creator and/or Co-creator in the offer, and are their sole responsibility. The deadlines shall be counted from payment confirmation. When purchasing a physical Product on the Platform, the Buyer will receive a confirmation email containing the transaction ID and a tracking code for the Product.

3. Request for Purchase Refunds or Returns

3.1. Period for requesting refunds or returns: The Buyer may request a refund of the amounts paid or the return of a Product, provided that the minimum period established by law or by the Creator and/or Co-producer, if longer, is respected. The deadline for requesting a refund or return will start from the time the purchase is made and will be counted in days, unless otherwise provided by law. Requests made after the deadline must be made directly to the Creator and/or Co-producer and authorized by them, except when the refund or return must be processed to guarantee Hotmart's interests and compliance with the law.

3.1.1. Unless expressly stated otherwise, refund terms are only applicable to purchases of new Products. Subscription Products are not considered new Products, and it is not possible for the Buyer to request a refund of the amounts paid after the 2nd (second) recurrence, only the cancellation of the subscription, so that there are no new payments. 

3.2. Use of digital Product content: Hotmart may refuse the request to refund amounts paid, even within the guarantee period, if the Buyer has consumed all or part of the digital Product purchased, which includes watching a course lesson, attending an event, or downloading files, as this would be clearly detrimental to Hotmart and the Creator and/or Co-creator.

3.3. Request method: Hotmart has a specific form for refund or return requests, in addition to the Help Center. Buyers must be aware that these are the only valid means for requests via Platform, and they must not respond to automatic emails or those that may be sent during the process of purchasing a Product. Such emails are not valid means of receiving requests, nor are they monitored by Hotmart.

3.4. Method of processing and deadline for completion: The refund or return will be processed through the same payment method used at the time of purchase. The deadline for its completion is (a) up to 30 (thirty) days in the case of bank transfer; and (b) up to 90 (ninety) days in the case of purchases made by credit card. Refunds and returns of purchases made via credit card will depend exclusively on the card operators, without any interference by Hotmart. If the refund does not take place within the deadlines above, the Buyer must contact Hotmart. In cases involving credit cards, the Buyer undertakes to send copies of their invoices so that Hotmart can address this matter with the operator and finalize the refund process. Refusing to send invoices prevents Hotmart from proceeding with the investigation and resolution of the case.

3.5. Chargeback: The Buyer is aware that chargebacks prevent Hotmart from processing any refunds or returns while the purchase dispute is ongoing. The refund or return is made only after this process is finalized and depending on its outcome.

4. Access blocking and denial of purchase 

4.1. By placing an order, the Buyer understands and accepts that Hotmart may carry out, at its sole discretion, the preventive blocking of the Buyer's access to the Platform whenever it becomes aware of any indication of fact or conduct that may characterize a violation of Hotmart's Terms of Use or Policies. The preventive blocking shall be maintained until (a) Hotmart finds out that the suspected fact or conduct does not characterize a violation, or (b) Hotmart is regularly notified of a court order or determination by administrative authorities to reverse the blocking. If Hotmart confirms the occurrence of any violation by the Buyer, the preventive block may be converted into definitive, in accordance with the Terms of Use, without the Buyer being entitled to any indemnification or chargeback.

4.2. Among other hypotheses foreseen in the Terms of Use, Hotmart may refuse to approve a purchase order if (a) it is made by a Buyer who has made a refund or return request to Hotmart for the same Product; (b) it is made by a Buyer who has their name or identity linked to public or private lists intended to identify persons involved in illicit or irregular activities; or (c) if Hotmart finds that the Buyer has adopted atypical or suspicious behaviors, which may put the Platform, its Users or third parties at risk.

5. Purchases with Trial Period

5.1. Trial Feature: Creators and/or Co-creators can make their Product available through the trial feature, which is a non-binding period of use, on a trial basis by the Buyer, which may vary from one to 30 days, according to the Creator and/or Co-creators’ choice. The trial period allows new Buyers to try the Product. The trial period, its use and duration shall be determined by the Creator and/or Co-creator at their own discretion. Creators and/or Co-creators may limit qualification to prevent abuse of the trial period, provided he/she does so in accordance with these Terms. Creators and/or Co-creators shall charge Buyer for the Product’s amount at the end of the established trial periodunless the Buyer cancels its use before the end of such period. 

5.1.1. For subscription Products, Creators and/or Co-creators can opt for the Trial feature in the free or test-drive model, at their sole discretion. The difference between these modes is that the Buyer, when deciding to continue with the Product purchased during the test-drive mode, must pay for the period used, which does not occur in the free model.

6. Purchases completed through the automated sales recovery tool 

6.1. Refused Purchases: Creators and/or Co-creators can enable the automatic sales retriever for their Products. This tool allows refused transactions due to insufficient balance on the Buyer's card to be automatically transformed into monthly recurring transactions. It is a service offered to Creators and/or Co-creators and directly related to their Product.

6.2. Updated information: Buyers must keep their information provided at the time of purchase, including information about the credit card being used, always valid and updated, so that recurring transactions are performed on the due dates until the full payment of the amount due.

6.3. Blocked Access: In the event of lack of authorization or approval of any transaction for any subsequent month, for any reason whatsoever, the Buyer's access to the Product will be blocked until all overdue charges are duly paid. 

7. Purchase of Event Tickets

7.1. In case of purchase of tickets for events registered by the Creator and/or Co-creator, which must occur under the full responsibility of the Creator and/or Co-creator, without any subsidiary or joint responsibility of Hotmart, the following rules and conditions shall apply:

7.1.1. The rules for reimbursement of the amount paid in case of repentance of the purchase are defined by the Creator and/or Co-creator. Thus, in order to confirm the specific rules for the ticket to be purchased, check this information on the ticket sales page or contact the Creator and/or Co-creator responsible. 

7.1.2. We remind you that in some cases, Creators and/or Co-creators only accept the refund request if it is made by the Buyer within up to seven days from the date of purchase, and provided that the refund request is made at least 48 hours before the start of the event. Therefore, take notice and carefully read the policies and rules of the event made available by the Creator and/or Co-creator.

7.1.3. Buyer requests for the refund of ticket purchases for events made on the day of the event or after check-in will not be authorized.

7.1.4. If the Buyer chooses to upgrade the ticket initially purchased (i.e., its exchange for a ticket with different conditions than the original ticket), the refund period will continue linked to the date of purchase of the ticket initially purchased, and the period will not be changed due to the upgrade.

7.1.5. The Creator and/or Co-creator organizing the event shall be solely liable for the costs and responsibilities of reimbursing all Buyers if, for any reason, the event is not held or does not take place in the manner offered. Hotmart shall have the right of recovery against the Creator and/or Co-creator for any amounts that the Platform is obliged to pay to Buyers by virtue of action, claim, or administrative, judicial or extrajudicial process.

7.2. It should be noted that, in the case of tickets for events, the taxes will apply according to the rules and regulations of the country where the event is held.

8. Subscription Products 

8.1. Automatic renewal: As a rule, the renewal of a subscription occurs automatically, for an equal period of time, and always at the end of the period previously set by the Creator and/or Co-creator. In order to avoid renewal and new charges, the Buyer must cancel it before the renewal deadline, which can be done at any time, without any interference from Hotmart. By not canceling a recurring charge, the Buyer agrees and authorizes its renewal.

8.2. Upgrade and Downgrade: In the event of an upgrade to the plan purchased by the Buyer, the change to the subscription period will take place automatically and immediately. In the event of a downgrade, the subscription period will only be changed at the end of the period defined previously.

8.3. Cancellation: Buyers may cancel a subscription in the following manner: (a) through the Platform, by filling out this form; (b) through the Creator and/or Co-creator, by contacting them directly; and (c) through his PayPal account, provided it was the payment method.

8.3.1. The cancellation of a subscription will only prevent its renewal at the end of the period set by the Creator and/or Co-creator, and does not suspend the charges for the period prior to the cancellation. Canceling a subscription and requesting a refund are separate procedures.

8.3.2. Default: Delays in recurring payments for Subscription Products may result, to the Buyer, in addition to blocking access to the Product purchased, the canceling of the respective subscription, at Hotmart's sole discretion.

9. Purchases made in European Union countries

9.1. If the purchase is made by someone located in the European Union, a valid VAT (Value Added Tax) identification number can be provided by the Buyer so that they can identify themselves as a legal entity customer and thus, as a person subject to the VAT. However, if the Buyer does not provide a valid VAT identification number within a reasonable time, Hotmart B.V. will assume that he is a non-taxable subject. In this regard, you, the Buyer, agree that the 15-day period after the purchase order shall be considered a reasonable period for a valid VAT identification number to be provided for tax purposes, if applicable to your case. To check the validity of a VAT identification number, please visit this link.

9.2. Use of the SeQura installment payment method: In cases where Buyers located in Spain choose to finance their purchases through the installment payment method offered by SeQura, they acknowledge and agree that the Product purchased, together with the associated complementary services, shall be deemed to have been fully delivered and provided 30 (thirty) days after the Product is made available. It should be noted that this clause does not imply the removal of the Buyer's access to the content in the case of digital Products, which may still be maintained.